APP - Budget Neutral Healthcare


Junior Member
For all the idiots to accused me of lying when I claimed that the healthcare package will be deficit neutral, try explaining to me how Obama's going to go about getting a package that ISNT deficit neutral passed please. PayGo rules prevent it.

You can thank Democrats for paygo, by the way.
For all the idiots to accused me of lying when I claimed that the healthcare package will be deficit neutral, try explaining to me how Obama's going to go about getting a package that ISNT deficit neutral passed please. PayGo rules prevent it.

You can thank Democrats for paygo, by the way.
I love the idea of paygo.....I hate the idea of lip service.....unfortunately the Dems have given us both.....
I love the idea of paygo.....I hate the idea of lip service.....unfortunately the Dems have given us both.....

Did you enjoy a declaration of war almost simultaneous with a tax cut for the wealthy, or doesnt' that count because it had an 'R' on it? How about an annual off-budget supplemental budget of only $160 billion? Need I go on? The lip service is coming from your boys who brought us to where we are today and would like us to forget it.
Did you enjoy a declaration of war almost simultaneous with a tax cut for the wealthy, or doesnt' that count because it had an 'R' on it? How about an annual off-budget supplemental budget of only $160 billion? Need I go on? The lip service is coming from your boys who brought us to where we are today and would like us to forget it.

are we getting confused?......I thought the Democrats were the ones who invented Paygo......
PAYGO is stupid anyway. Anything can be "budget neutral" if you raise taxes enough to cover it. That doesn't mean that it truly is.
You know, for all our fiscal discipline in the 90's, the Republicans thanked us in the '00's by transferring a trillion dollars from the bank accounts of our children to the bank accounts of the rich. I don't even see the point in balancing the budget with those guys sitting right behind us all the time ready to sop up our hard work with tax cuts.
the Republicans thanked us in the '00's by transferring a trillion dollars from the bank accounts of our children to the bank accounts of the rich.

/shrugs.....and the Democrats did the same in January and March and April and are promising to do it again before September....
Where's our trillion dollar tax cut to the rich? We did it to stimulate the economy. You guys did it because you just want to give money to the rich.

really?....I benefited from the Bush tax cuts and I don't fall into the top 20% category....I got a $1k credit for each of my kids and was allowed to deduct the premiums for my health insurance from my income for the first time....I kinda liked that.....I felt almost.....stimulated!.......
really?....I benefited from the Bush tax cuts and I don't fall into the top 20% category....I got a $1k credit for each of my kids and was allowed to deduct the premiums for my health insurance from my income for the first time....I kinda liked that.....I felt almost.....stimulated!.......

You did? That's nice. My children give you their regards. But it doesn't matter how you felt, because that's not what happened to the economy.
You did? That's nice. My children give you their regards. But it doesn't matter how you felt, because that's not what happened to the economy.

you talk about children, yet obama is spending far more....

bush's first tax cut worked...the dems were screaming recession/depression and it never happened and it was proven factually that bush's tax cuts gave a boost to the economy
Easy to pay for just put a 10% tax on unhealthy foods. Ie fast food burgers, fries, drinks, twinkies, etc.
the fast food industry alone without taxing twinkies and such has close to 200 billion in sales.
And the soft drink industry has around 75 billion in sales.