APP - Budget Neutral Healthcare

Your question is fucking stupid. The premise is entirely dishonest. I'm sure you have a quote from one Democrat saying something obscurely like "the housing market is okay" which you'll twist to mean "ZOMG THE HOUSING MARKET IS AWESOME." Then you've got one quote from a Republican saying something obscurely similar to "The housing market might be in trouble" which you'll pass off as some kind of conservative premonition.

Unless you can point to an actual filibuster that the Democrats made to prevent reform or some reform proposed by Republicans that the democrats even threatened to filibuster, you are totally full of shit.

One thing to mention before you go quote mining: up until the economy crashed in November 2008, John McCain was running around saying the fundamentals of the economy were hunky dory!

you only think it is stupid because you will have to admit the dems fucked you attack...typical for you, when cornered you come out attacking

and i gave you multiple quotes...and i could give videos after videos of dems saying it is sound...but you're so partisan you can't admit the truth so you attack....and then deflect....who gives a rip about mccain you dishonest partisan hack who obviously knows my question is great and will show you how bad your dems really are....take off the shades dude
you only think it is stupid because you will have to admit the dems fucked you attack...typical for you, when cornered you come out attacking

and i gave you multiple quotes...and i could give videos after videos of dems saying it is sound...but you're so partisan you can't admit the truth so you attack....and then deflect....who gives a rip about mccain you dishonest partisan hack who obviously knows my question is great and will show you how bad your dems really are....take off the shades dude

The Dems didn't fuck up because they weren't in power and they didn't block any fixes proposed by the Republicans. Only in your peabrain did they do such a thing.
The Dems didn't fuck up because they weren't in power and they didn't block any fixes proposed by the Republicans. Only in your peabrain did they do such a thing.

they sat up there and told the republicans they were liars and fear mongers

i given you the quotes, do you want the videos too? why are you so dishonest? here is one.....

[ame=""]YouTube - Democrats Caught Defending Freddie, Fannie[/ame]
Argh, I hate these quote dumps of heavily edited, out of context stuff because it takes way too long to refute.

you're such a liar....nothing was taken out of just got caught with your pants down and so you come out making false accusations...


just like the with your bogus study...i used their words to show you that you are wrong and all you have is meadowmuffins
you're such a liar....nothing was taken out of just got caught with your pants down and so you come out making false accusations...


just like the with your bogus study...i used their words to show you that you are wrong and all you have is meadowmuffins

Oh please. You want to make the case that the Democrats are responsible for the housing market collapse despite being in the minority and not even attempting to block any fixes from the Republicans. That is utterly retarded.
Oh please. You want to make the case that the Democrats are responsible for the housing market collapse despite being in the minority and not even attempting to block any fixes from the Republicans. That is utterly retarded.

i gave you the evidence that they stopped it before the repubs could do anything....and not all repubs tried to fix it....but the facts are clear that it was your precious dems that didn't think anything was wrong when presented with evidence that there was a major problem

you're so dishonest its pathetic
i gave you the evidence that they stopped it before the repubs could do anything....and not all repubs tried to fix it....but the facts are clear that it was your precious dems that didn't think anything was wrong when presented with evidence that there was a major problem

you're so dishonest its pathetic

You are projecting in a huge, huge way. Making the Democrats out to be the people preventing regulation of a financial institution then calling me dishonest for pointing out how utterly retarded that is is classic psychological projection.
i gave you the evidence that they stopped it before the repubs could do anything....and not all repubs tried to fix it....but the facts are clear that it was your precious dems that didn't think anything was wrong when presented with evidence that there was a major problem

you're so dishonest its pathetic

you are wasting your will never convince him the Dems have ever done anything wrong..

the friggen Democrats blocked Bush at every thing he put out there, from health savings accounts for health care, to fixing social security...he tried to warn them about Fannie May, they called him a idiot.. so all this BS that Bush and the Republicans didn't do anything to try and fix things is just a lie they can fall on to not have to accept any blame now...
Factually why did the stock market take off in the late '90's after Clinton cut the capital gains tax?

Corporate profits? Low inflation? Booming economy WITH job growth? Deficits heading South? It's pretty tough to credit a single influence. Supply Siders sing a one note song. Check economic history, there is little to credit ol' Trickle Down for beside enriching those who received the largest tax cuts and creating huge deficits. Little progress has come the way of the Middle Class when under Supply Side influence.
you are wasting your will never convince him the Dems have ever done anything wrong..

the friggen Democrats blocked Bush at every thing he put out there, from health savings accounts for health care, to fixing social security...he tried to warn them about Fannie May, they called him a idiot.. so all this BS that Bush and the Republicans didn't do anything to try and fix things is just a lie they can fall on to not have to accept any blame now...

Yeah, if Bush had succeeded in putting your social security and health savings into the stock market, how well would that have worked out right around last November?
Corporate profits? Low inflation? Booming economy WITH job growth? Deficits heading South? It's pretty tough to credit a single influence. Supply Siders sing a one note song. Check economic history, there is little to credit ol' Trickle Down for beside enriching those who received the largest tax cuts and creating huge deficits. Little progress has come the way of the Middle Class when under Supply Side influence.

Hey, I was in the center of what created that mid to late '90's boom and its called the Silicon Valley (my California bias is not showing through here is it?). Man, there was no better place to work at any time then what was going for those few years. There are still amazing entrepreneurs doing amazing things in the Silcon Valley now but that four to five year period will probably not be repeated in a long long time.
Yeah, if Bush had succeeded in putting your social security and health savings into the stock market, how well would that have worked out right around last November?

The options being floated for personal accounts were not just letting people throw their money in the stock market. In the plan had passed and been implemented within the last couple of years it would have been done mostly by people not about to retire in two or three years. And even if someone who was about to retire and decided they wanted a personal account (or anyone) the option was to only put a small (5% - 7% maybe?) amount into it.
you're such a liar....nothing was taken out of just got caught with your pants down and so you come out making false accusations...


just like the with your bogus study...i used their words to show you that you are wrong and all you have is meadowmuffins

gwb promoted the "Ownership Society" frequently, including in 2 State of the Union addresses and in the 2004 campaign. Perhaps you can explain what he meant by his "Ownership Society" policy.
Also, maybe you can explain the influence of the Ranking Member, aside from talk, in the running of a Congressional Committee. Your guys are complaining bitterly about their lack of power now when in the Minority. How does that jibe with claiming the might of Frank when he was in the Minority? Words in Congress mean nothing, it is votes that count. Republicans rarely break ranks from their party, with Yellow Dog votes, they could have accomplished everything you blame Frank for preventing. You can blame Frank all you want for his political positions, but the failure to put bills onto the floor for votes belongs with the party in power, maybe under the influence of White House policy.
^^^wow, I didn't understand anything you just said...^^^

we just pointed out a few of the bills above that Bush and the Republicans tried to bring forward, it was the Democrats who blocked almost ALL OF THEM...
now just because the Democrats have a majority doesn't give them the right to just step over the Republicans and act like dictators...

where are those CHECKS AND BALANCES that you all screamed about during the Bush administration...

what about this thing you all called....RUBBER STAMPING...

where is that BI-PARTINSHIP you all screamed about during the Bush years..

all that just flew right out the window now that the Democrats have full control????
Hey, I was in the center of what created that mid to late '90's boom and its called the Silicon Valley (my California bias is not showing through here is it?). Man, there was no better place to work at any time then what was going for those few years. There are still amazing entrepreneurs doing amazing things in the Silcon Valley now but that four to five year period will probably not be repeated in a long long time.

Ah yes, the good old days! If it doesn't happen again soon, I may not be able to enjoy them. Said with envy.
(Good to talk to ya. I hope all is well.)
yes they did...the repubs did not have a filibuster proof majority...nice try

i notice you failed to answer the question.....scared? you never vilify your precious dems, you're too partisan

Are you saying the GOP didn't bring bills to the floor because of fear they would be defeated? Stupid politics, why not bring bills they believe in to the floor to demonstrate where the parties differ? The act of bringing a bill to the floor is totally in the hands of the Speaker and Committee Chairmen, all in the majority party. A simple majority within a comittee is all that's required to pass a bill to the floor for consideration.
only someone who hasn't checked the numbers would believe them.
Please check the 10 fold increase in other medical plans vs original budgets.