APP - Budget Neutral Healthcare

Does Yurt know that Bush ended his first term with a net loss of jobs? And he ended his second with the worst recession in 80 years.

How's that fit in to "factual proof" that Bush gave the economy a boost?

it did and you know was called a moderate economic with it
shucks, now why would I think that people not paying their mortgages contributed to the foreclosure ignorant could I be....dadumdedumdum....

Again, if you READ, you'd find out that a small percentage of defaulted mortgages were due to the CRA. Many, many, many more of them were due to predatory lending practices developed entirely by private industry - like adjustable rate mortgages.

Again, just fucking read about it. Try wikipedia. Everything you're saying has been discredited.
Again, if you READ, you'd find out that a small percentage of defaulted mortgages were due to the CRA. Many, many, many more of them were due to predatory lending practices developed entirely by private industry - like adjustable rate mortgages.

Again, just fucking read about it. Try wikipedia. Everything you're saying has been discredited.

the dems should have listened to republicans as far back as 2003....but oh no, you dems said we were fear mongering....everything is fine you said....

the dems should have listened to republicans as far back as 2003....but oh no, you dems said we were fear mongering....everything is fine you said....


Yeah, the Democrats just stopped all sorts of legislation the Republicans were trying to force past the Democrat held majorities in the house, senate, and executive branch in 2003.

Oh wait... No. You're just retarded.
your problem is correlation :pke:

you just can't handle the gave an economic with it

I'm sure it's just a coincidence that Bush ended his first time with a net loss of jobs and ended his second with the worst recession in living memory. It couldn't be his fault, or have anything to do with the fact that Republicans had enjoyed a majority in the house and senate for the prior 14 years.
Yeah, the Democrats just stopped all sorts of legislation the Republicans were trying to force past the Democrat held majorities in the house, senate, and executive branch in 2003.

Oh wait... No. You're just retarded.

are you denying that republicans warned people about the problems and are you denying that it was dems who said there is no problem and that republicans are fear mongering....

yes or no
I'm sure it's just a coincidence that Bush ended his first time with a net loss of jobs and ended his second with the worst recession in living memory. It couldn't be his fault, or have anything to do with the fact that Republicans had enjoyed a majority in the house and senate for the prior 14 years. is all SOLELY bush's fault

his tax rebates didn't help the economy at all

:rolleyes: is all SOLELY bush's fault

his tax rebates didn't help the economy at all


Not just Bush. The Republicans in congress who spent 14 years deregulating as much as they could sure contributed.

Fact is, you guys do a hell of a lot more harm than good.
are you denying that republicans warned people about the problems and are you denying that it was dems who said there is no problem and that republicans are fear mongering....

yes or no

If Republicans wanted to do anything about it at all, they easily could have. Blaming the Democrats for preventing any of that is totally retarded since they didn't have any power to stop anything.
Not just Bush. The Republicans in congress who spent 14 years deregulating as much as they could sure contributed.

Fact is, you guys do a hell of a lot more harm than good.


yeah....the dems are frickin angels dude and were completely was all the repubs....

House Financial Services Committee hearing, Sept. 10, 2003:

Rep. Barney Frank (D., Mass.): I worry, frankly, that there's a tension here. The more people, in my judgment, exaggerate a threat of safety and soundness, the more people conjure up the possibility of serious financial losses to the Treasury, which I do not see. I think we see entities that are fundamentally sound financially and withstand some of the disaster scenarios. . .
Rep. Maxine Waters (D., Calif.), speaking to Housing and Urban Development Secretary Mel Martinez:

Secretary Martinez, if it ain't broke, why do you want to fix it? Have the GSEs [government-sponsored enterprises] ever missed their housing goals?

* * *
House Financial Services Committee hearing, Sept. 25, 2003:

Rep. Frank: I do think I do not want the same kind of focus on safety and soundness that we have in OCC [Office of the Comptroller of the Currency] and OTS [Office of Thrift Supervision]. I want to roll the dice a little bit more in this situation towards subsidized housing. . . .

* * *
House Financial Services Committee hearing, Sept. 25, 2003:

Rep. Gregory Meeks, (D., N.Y.): . . . I am just pissed off at Ofheo [Office of Federal Housing Enterprise Oversight] because if it wasn't for you I don't think that we would be here in the first place.
If Republicans wanted to do anything about it at all, they easily could have. Blaming the Democrats for preventing any of that is totally retarded since they didn't have any power to stop anything.

yes they did...the repubs did not have a filibuster proof majority...nice try

i notice you failed to answer the question.....scared? you never vilify your precious dems, you're too partisan
Again, if you READ, you'd find out that a small percentage of defaulted mortgages were due to the CRA. Many, many, many more of them were due to predatory lending practices developed entirely by private industry - like adjustable rate mortgages.

Again, just fucking read about it. Try wikipedia. Everything you're saying has been discredited.
I'm sorry....that simply isn't true....besides, the only reason there were ANY predator lenders was that Freddy and Fanny were selling junk bonds guaranteed by AIG and buying up the mortgages......if they had been stopped, as they should have been, the predatory lenders wouldn't have had any money to lend......
Yeah, the Democrats just stopped all sorts of legislation the Republicans were trying to force past the Democrat held majorities in the house, senate, and executive branch in 2003.

Oh wait... No. You're just retarded.

I thought the party line was that they were racist, not retarded.....I swear that's what Barney and Maxine said at the time.....
yes they did...the repubs did not have a filibuster proof majority...nice try

i notice you failed to answer the question.....scared? you never vilify your precious dems, you're too partisan

Your question is fucking stupid. The premise is entirely dishonest. I'm sure you have a quote from one Democrat saying something obscurely like "the housing market is okay" which you'll twist to mean "ZOMG THE HOUSING MARKET IS AWESOME." Then you've got one quote from a Republican saying something obscurely similar to "The housing market might be in trouble" which you'll pass off as some kind of conservative premonition.

Unless you can point to an actual filibuster that the Democrats made to prevent reform or some reform proposed by Republicans that the democrats even threatened to filibuster, you are totally full of shit.

One thing to mention before you go quote mining: up until the economy crashed in November 2008, John McCain was running around saying the fundamentals of the economy were hunky dory!
I'm sorry....that simply isn't true....besides, the only reason there were ANY predator lenders was that Freddy and Fanny were selling junk bonds guaranteed by AIG and buying up the mortgages......if they had been stopped, as they should have been, the predatory lenders wouldn't have had any money to lend......

Total crap. I've discredited everything you said merely by posting a plethora of articles that do it for me. The CRA was totally not even close to the primary cause of the housing collapse. I've cited experts that say this is the case, I've cited sources that say the same thing and explain why. You're putting your partisan blinders on and doing your best to ignore it.
Your question is fucking stupid. The premise is entirely dishonest. I'm sure you have a quote from one Democrat saying something obscurely like "the housing market is okay" which you'll twist to mean "ZOMG THE HOUSING MARKET IS AWESOME." Then you've got one quote from a Republican saying something obscurely similar to "The housing market might be in trouble" which you'll pass off as some kind of conservative premonition.

Unless you can point to an actual filibuster that the Democrats made to prevent reform or some reform proposed by Republicans that the democrats even threatened to filibuster, you are totally full of shit.

One thing to mention before you go quote mining: up until the economy crashed in November 2008, John McCain was running around saying the fundamentals of the economy were hunky dory!

Actually Obama and a few of his top team members came out after the election, after the crash, stating the economy is sound. What do you expect a future President or President to say? That our fundamentals are weak and attempt to scare off overseas investors (as well as everyone at home)?
Actually Obama and a few of his top team members came out after the election, after the crash, stating the economy is sound. What do you expect a future President or President to say? That our fundamentals are weak and attempt to scare off overseas investors (as well as everyone at home)?

I'd love to see that quote. My money is on the fact that it's totally not true and taken completely out of context. After the election, the market was PLUMMETING. The economy certainly wasn't sound, and I'd be very surprised if Obama said anything of the sort specially considering McCain changed his tune after the banking crisis and even he stopped saying it.
I'd love to see that quote. My money is on the fact that it's totally not true and taken completely out of context. After the election, the market was PLUMMETING. The economy certainly wasn't sound, and I'd be very surprised if Obama said anything of the sort specially considering McCain changed his tune after the banking crisis and even he stopped saying it.

He and his advisors are saying it because it was true. They attacked McCain because it was a Presidential campaign. If you believe the fundamentals of our economy are unsound then you believe we will not get out of this recession for years ala the Soviet Union post Communism.

""But on Sunday, that optimistic message came from economic adviser Christina Romer. When asked during an appearance on NBC's "Meet the Press" if the fundamentals of the economy were sound, she replied: "Of course they are sound."

"The fundamentals are sound in the sense that the American workers are sound, we have a good capital stock, we have good technology," she said. "We know that -- that temporarily we're in a mess, right? We've seen huge job loss, we've seen very large falls in GDP. So certainly in the short run we're in a -- in a bad situation."

Obama aides shift their rhetoric on economy
Take up theme of sound fundamentals despite bashing idea in campaign