APP - Budget Neutral Healthcare

USC, be honest. You have no idea how much such a tax would collect. have been on of the most forthright posters on this board.....and making good points....don't worry, i am not complimenting you....last time i did that....well

yet i am sure, soon we are all to share..your HEAD ON PIKE posts....
you talk about children, yet obama is spending far more....

bush's first tax cut worked...the dems were screaming recession/depression and it never happened and it was proven factually that bush's tax cuts gave a boost to the economy

Yeah, sure worked out well in the long run huh. It only took 8 years before it nearly destroyed the country's economy.
you talk about children, yet obama is spending far more....

bush's first tax cut worked...the dems were screaming recession/depression and it never happened and it was proven factually that bush's tax cuts gave a boost to the economy

One of the slowest recoveries ever. Stagnant wages, less job growth than needed to maintain jobs needed for population growth, far less than the previous 8 "Reagan" years, even with a war, though war stimulous never happened because the money to contractors/mercenaries was stashed in offshore banks. Then came the deficit which, for those years, the GOP was on a "deficit, budget and trade, aren't important" kick. Is that the tune they're singing now? Of course, during the magnificent, tax cut driven, bush Supply Side years came the mother of all recessions, with us now.
How easily we forget.
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Does Yurt know that Bush ended his first term with a net loss of jobs? And he ended his second with the worst recession in 80 years.

How's that fit in to "factual proof" that Bush gave the economy a boost?
Factually why did the stock market take off in the late '90's after Clinton cut the capital gains tax?
Does Yurt know that Bush ended his first term with a net loss of jobs? And he ended his second with the worst recession in 80 years.

How's that fit in to "factual proof" that Bush gave the economy a boost?

Do you know that:
[FONT=Arial, Helvetica]US manufacturing employment was in decline for nearly three years before Bush became President. It actually declined by 544,000 between the peak reached in March, 1998 and when Clinton left office, even as the economy added nearly 7.8 million jobs in all categories during the climax of a roaring economic boom that ended a few weeks after Bush was sworn in. In fact, 238,000 of those manufacturing jobs were lost in Clinton's last six month alone, showing that the decline was well-established even before Bush had spent a day in office.[/FONT]
A recession that started one year after Bush entered office: the Clinton recession
A recession that started one year before Obama entered office: the Obama recession
A recession that started one year after Bush entered office: the Clinton recession
A recession that started one year before Obama entered office: the Obama recession

This recession began in the 4th quarter, 2007 and it was caused by the Subprime Mortgage Crisis (you know, the crisis that Barney Frank said was not a problem and people were exaggerating?)
Factually why did the stock market take off in the late '90's after Clinton cut the capital gains tax?

the stock market is just one facet of the economy. In a consumer spending driven economy it is mostly about jobs, wages, etc.
This recession began in the 4th quarter, 2007 and it was caused by the Subprime Mortgage Crisis (you know, the crisis that Barney Frank said was not a problem and people were exaggerating?)

Do you know what caused the subprime mortgage crisis?
Yes, I do, do you?

Apparently you dont if you want to absolve your party of any part in it. My guess is you blame it on Democrats for making some kind of law forcing banks to give money to people who shouldn't have been borrowing. Does that about sum it up?
Apparently you dont if you want to absolve your party of any part in it. My guess is you blame it on Democrats for making some kind of law forcing banks to give money to people who shouldn't have been borrowing. Does that about sum it up?

glad to see you finally admit it....
Beyond just listening to Rush for your information, you should read up on what the experts think about the contribution of the CRA to the housing crisis. If there was ANY contribution at all, it wasn't the main one. You'll find that most experts agree that there are PLENTY of other factors, not the least of which were poor outdated regulations and deregulations -- both things you and your party are responsible for.

By the way, the FDIC and Federal Reserve both concluded that no research done supports the postulation that the CRA contributed to the housing crisis.