APP - Economy: who is to blame?

Cancel 2018. 3

<-- sched 2, MJ sched 1
Obama as of yesterday is still blaming bush for the economy. A few questions come to mind....

1. What exactly did bush do that "ruined" the ecomony?

2. What exactly is obama doing differently that is helping the economy?

3. What exactly has or is obama doing that has or could ruin the economy?

4. How long can obama blame bush?

it would be nice to see specific examples, as we all know, the dems held majority in the legislature for the first two years and the last two years of bush's term.
QUOTE=Yurt;487812 Obama as of yesterday is still blaming bush for the economy. A few questions come to mind....

1. What exactly did bush do that "ruined" the ecomony? TARP

2. What exactly is obama doing differently that is helping the economy? lol

3. What exactly has or is obama doing that has or could ruin the economy?
TARP2, TARP3, TARP4, etc.
4. How long can obama blame bush? at least through November 2012....

it would be nice to see specific examples, as we all know, the dems held majority in the legislature for the first two years and the last two years of bush's term.
QUOTE=Yurt;487812 Obama as of yesterday is still blaming bush for the economy. A few questions come to mind....

1. What exactly did bush do that "ruined" the ecomony? TARP

2. What exactly is obama doing differently that is helping the economy? lol

3. What exactly has or is obama doing that has or could ruin the economy?
TARP2, TARP3, TARP4, etc.
4. How long can obama blame bush? at least through November 2012....

it would be nice to see specific examples, as we all know, the dems held majority in the legislature for the first two years and the last two years of bush's term.

thanks for the answers...

wasn't the economy already doing poorly when bush implemented TARP? isn't that why bush wanted TARP?

and yes....i do believe obama will blame bush forever
If we could convince politicians (and others) to expend as much energy fixing a problem as they expend trying to lay blame for a problem, the world would be a much better place.
wasn't the economy already doing poorly when bush implemented TARP? isn't that why bush wanted TARP?
yes, but you asked what Bush did.....he didn't do what caused the economy to "do poorly" prior to TARP.....that was Barney Frank and the "friends of Obama"..... you know....guys like Geitner and others who had their fingers in Fannie and Freddie and AIG?.....the people turning high risk mortgages into junk bonds.....
If we could convince politicians (and others) to expend as much energy fixing a problem as they expend trying to lay blame for a problem, the world would be a much better place.

and if you could keep politicians from taking action that will make the situation worse, it would also be a better place.....
It was not Bush per sie that ruined the economy. It was like minded republicans in govt and some Dems that went along, that coupled with greed and stuipdity of the shortsighted general and corporate population was what put us where we are.

Bailing out the ones that contributed to our downfall was not the way to go either.

Bush's biggest contribution to the downfall was the Iraq war. The resulting energy cost rises due to the war was a factor.

Of course I am just talking of finiancial downfall, not of moral downfall.
That is a linked but seperate subject.
Yurt;487812 Obama as of yesterday is [B said:
still[/B] blaming bush for the economy. A few questions come to mind....

1. What exactly did bush do that "ruined" the ecomony? TARP

2. What exactly is obama doing differently that is helping the economy? lol

3. What exactly has or is obama doing that has or could ruin the economy?
TARP2, TARP3, TARP4, etc.
4. How long can obama blame bush? at least through November 2012....

it would be nice to see specific examples, as we all know, the dems held majority in the legislature for the first two years and the last two years of bush's term.

LOL. True though. Just like the Rs constantly brought up Clinton, Bush will bring years of happy thoughts for Ds.
yes, but you asked what Bush did.....he didn't do what caused the economy to "do poorly" prior to TARP.....that was Barney Frank and the "friends of Obama"..... you know....guys like Geitner and others who had their fingers in Fannie and Freddie and AIG?.....the people turning high risk mortgages into junk bonds.....

i the economy doing poorly before TARP and then bush added to its demise because of tarp...right?
It was not Bush per sie that ruined the economy. It was like minded republicans in govt and some Dems that went along, that coupled with greed and stuipdity of the shortsighted general and corporate population was what put us where we are.

Bailing out the ones that contributed to our downfall was not the way to go either.

Bush's biggest contribution to the downfall was the Iraq war. The resulting energy cost rises due to the war was a factor.

Of course I am just talking of finiancial downfall, not of moral downfall.
That is a linked but seperate subject.

how is that oil prices didn't rise until much later? are you blaming iraq for the 2008 prices? i don't see iraq as having any real impact on oil prices at all...or any other energy factors

as to bailout...i wholeheartedly agree....obama then bails out gm/chrysler only to have chrysler now be owned by a NON AMERICAN corporation and gm filing BANKRUPTCY

Obama as of yesterday is still blaming bush for the economy. A few questions come to mind....

1. What exactly did bush do that "ruined" the ecomony?

2. What exactly is obama doing differently that is helping the economy?

3. What exactly has or is obama doing that has or could ruin the economy?

4. How long can obama blame bush?

it would be nice to see specific examples, as we all know, the dems held majority in the legislature for the first two years and the last two years of bush's term.
I think the economy went sour when business owners started to realize that McCain had won the primary, and got worse when they realized that Obama was likely to win the general. Bush with the Tarp thing put quite a few nails in the coffin, so to speak. *shrug*
The worst thing Bush did to hurt the exonomy was nothing.
All I hear during the 1st 3/4 of the Bush presidency was how great the economy was.
Anyone who saw what was ultimately coming was dissed off as a doomer.
Actually, history has proven that the less government interferes with a market slowdown the quicker the recovery. That being said, however, there was the incident prior to the election where foreign entities engineered a "run" on US banks and took out a half trillion in a matter of hours, which panicked the Fed and Bush was forced to do something. These two things in combination really fucked things up.
History has proven twice that the less govt regulation the more severe the recession or depression as the case may be.
well...apparently no one can defend obama's comments, thus i am led to believe that obama's comments are nothing more than meadowmuffins and deflections....
i would think dems would jump at the chance to answer this thread

Considering we've hashed this out about 88,888 times and you still refuse to believe Bush could have done anything to lead to a recession -- even going so far as to claim that Bush ending his first term with a net loss of jobs and his second with the largest recession in 80 years was an inconvenient coincidence of poor timing that had nothing to do with Bush or the Republicans having been in power for 14 years.

The fact that people are ignoring this thread says a hell of a lot more about the fact that nobody wants to waste their time with you then it does about anything else.
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Considering we've hashed this out about 88,888 times and you still refuse to believe Bush could have done anything to lead to a recession -- even going so far as to claim that Bush ending his first term with a net loss of jobs and his second with the largest recession in 80 years was an inconvenient coincidence of poor timing that had nothing to do with Bush or the Republicans having been in power for 14 years.

The fact that people are ignoring this thread says a hell of a lot more about the fact that nobody wants to waste their time with you then it does about anything else. means that when presented with ONE thread to fully one dares...

saying stuff over numerous threads doesn't is incoherent and becomes lost in the jungle of posts. i sought to honestly break down the arguments into one thread. apparently that is to much for you.

you already posted falsehoods....being in "power" 14 years....indicating a continuous 14 year period....obama is still blaming bush, so the issue is still relevent....notice one of the questions long and until....your weak deflection at the end only serves to show that when confronted with an actual chance to make your point, not're a retard point....but a real point in the chicken out