APP - Economy: who is to blame?

What did Bush deregulate during his term? I know he signed the Sarbanes/Oxley bill which added massive new regulations. I'm sure he passed some deregulation I just can't think of anything big at least off the top of my head.
What did Bush deregulate during his term? I know he signed the Sarbanes/Oxley bill which added massive new regulations. I'm sure he passed some deregulation I just can't think of anything big at least off the top of my head.

bush's deregulation came in the form of Cabinet Secretaries whose departments looked the other way rather than regulate. Actions in almost all departments from FDA to Justice to EPA diminished due to both inaction and failure to budget for adequate investigative staff. Oversight by the GOP Congress was almost non-existent. Is there any doubt the GOP is adverse to any regulation of business? I didn't say it began with bush.

Florida #1 (Who told you about Tebow, our hometown boy, first?)
USC #4
Wait! Let me say it first, it's the last vote that counts and I know it.
bush's deregulation came in the form of Cabinet Secretaries whose departments looked the other way rather than regulate. Actions in almost all departments from FDA to Justice to EPA diminished due to both inaction and failure to budget for adequate investigative staff. Oversight by the GOP Congress was almost non-existent. Is there any doubt the GOP is adverse to any regulation of business? I didn't say it began with bush.

Florida #1 (Who told you about Tebow, our hometown boy, first?)
USC #4
Wait! Let me say it first, it's the last vote that counts and I know it.

If they were adverse to any regulation they sure as hell wouldn't have passed that Sarbanes/Oxley. I saw those results first hand in our office as we hired many new accountants to comply with the new laws.

Florida is good. They are the defending champs and #1 so until someone beats them I can't say much. I will say thought their schedule is VERY soft this year. No Alabama and no Ole Miss in conference and their non-conference schedule is a joke. 3 cup cakes and Florida State. I so fired up for the season to start!
excellent....thank you

borrowed is that different than what obama is doing now? when borrowing money caused the problem as you say.....then how is it that borrowing more money is better?

supply side.....what exactly is this? i see it plastered all over the net as some evil.....why exactly.

deregulation/no oversight....problem was the repubs that called attn to the problem in 2003 and it was the dems who called them fear mongers....and how specifically would regulation solve the problem?

You and I will never know what was on the plate when Paulson made his famous plea before Obama was elected, but apparently the problem was grave. Which budget was it that had to include the Paulson $3/4 trillion bailout money? I would rather throw money at a crumbling job situation and banks threatened by failure than a trumped up, mismanaged war, the first in the history of the US accompanied by tax cuts and financed with debt, asking nothing of the people. Let's step back to 1/19/09. What would you have to say today about the condition of the economy if Obama had handed it to a GOP President? What would you be saying about a GOP President who took over on 1/20/2009 if conditions were as they are today?

I suggest you look up Supply Side Economics, whose policy it represents and the long term minimal to negative effect it has had on the US worker especially when contrasted to the wealthy and large corporations, and its effect on the US economy since its inception. I suspect you are being somewhat disengenuous when you claim not to know it is what ghw bush called "Voodoo" economics. Track recessions and Supply Side, it is the reason I believe the recessions to be intentional.

Again, maybe the Dems were wrong also re: the Macs, but it was the GOP that held the power yet sat on their hands. I merely question "why?".
What was the bush "Ownership Society" policy? Before I hear it once again, the Super-Majority rule does not exist in the House or any Congressional committees.
If you claim Obama is making the same mistakes as bush, how can you absolve bush from responsibility?
Wouldn't the Mac bill you think the GOP wanted have been regulation?
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You and I will never know what was on the plate when Paulson made his famous plea before Obama was elected, but apparently the problem was grave. Which budget was it that had to include the Paulson $3/4 trillion bailout money? I would rather throw money at a crumbling job situation and banks threatened by failure than a trumped up, mismanaged war, the first in the history of the US accompanied by tax cuts and financed with debt, asking nothing of the people. Let's step back to 1/19/09. What would you have to say today about the condition of the economy if Obama had handed it to a GOP President? What would you be saying about a GOP President who took over on 1/20/2009 if conditions were as they are today?

I suggest you look up Supply Side Economics, whose policy it represents and the long term minimal to negative effect it has had on the US worker especially when contrasted to the wealthy and large corporations, and its effect on the US econommy since its inception. I suspect you are being somewhat disengenuous when you claim not to know it is what ghw bush called "Voodoo" economics. Track recessions and Supply Side, it is the reason I believe the recessions to be intentional.

Again, maybe the Dems were wrong also re: the Macs, but it was the GOP that held the power yet sat on their hands. I merely question "why?".
What was the bush "Ownership Society" policy. Before I hear it once again, the Super Majority rule does not exist in the House or any Congressional committees.
If you claim Obama is making the same mistakes as bush, how can you absolve bush from responsibility?
Wouldn't the Mac bill you think the GOP wanted have been regulation?

Well said. But they still will not understand.

It was the party of Bush that led the deregulation charge. Only an idiot can claim that deregulation of finiancial services played no part in theis economic mess.
If they were adverse to any regulation they sure as hell wouldn't have passed that Sarbanes/Oxley. I saw those results first hand in our office as we hired many new accountants to comply with the new laws.

Florida is good. They are the defending champs and #1 so until someone beats them I can't say much. I will say thought their schedule is VERY soft this year. No Alabama and no Ole Miss in conference and their non-conference schedule is a joke. 3 cup cakes and Florida State. I so fired up for the season to start!

Correct on S/O, but laws and enforcement are separate issues.

Also correct on the schedules, usually with Fla, the first 2 games are with Slippery Rock State Teachers and Colorado School for the Blind. Joking of course but it's been that way since Spurrier days when they dropped Miami and any other tough non-conference team except Fla. State. By the way the Canes are off the list altogether. There are 3 large FL schools now recruiting in competition with the Big 3, including the smallest that hired H. Schnellenburger, one of the best of all recruiters.
Well said. But they still will not understand.

It was the party of Bush that led the deregulation charge. Only an idiot can claim that deregulation of finiancial services played no part in theis economic mess.

Phil Gramm, McCain's chief economic advisor and a major bank lobbyist is but a myth. Chris Cox, bush's Chairman of the SEC is only a rumor. Deregulation? "Who me?"
my understanding is that obama has borrowed near 2 trillion....that is less than one year....additionally, how does more borrowing help the problem?

i agree with the latter. he screwed up on his war planning and got us into two wars that we could not afford. i think it is probable if we had stayed in afghan we wouldn't have the is possible, just maybe, that the end results (realized years down the road) will justify the loss of lives and debt. that is something only history will prove.

and btw....thank you for your points, this is exactly what i was looking for when i made this thread....

But it woiuld only be near 1 trillion, 500 billion if Bush hadn't spent that other 500 billion.

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You and I will never know what was on the plate when Paulson made his famous plea before Obama was elected, but apparently the problem was grave. Which budget was it that had to include the Paulson $3/4 trillion bailout money? I would rather throw money at a crumbling job situation and banks threatened by failure than a trumped up, mismanaged war, the first in the history of the US accompanied by tax cuts and financed with debt, asking nothing of the people. Let's step back to 1/19/09. What would you have to say today about the condition of the economy if Obama had handed it to a GOP President? What would you be saying about a GOP President who took over on 1/20/2009 if conditions were as they are today?

I suggest you look up Supply Side Economics, whose policy it represents, and the long term minimal to negative effect it has had on the US worker especially when contrasted to the wealthy and large corporations, and its effect on the US economy since its inception. I suspect you are being somewhat disengenuous when you claim not to know it is what ghw bush called "Voodoo" economics. Track recessions and Supply Side, it is the reason I believe the recessions to be intentional.

Again, maybe the Dems were wrong also re: the Macs, but it was the GOP that held the power yet sat on their hands. I merely question "why?".
What was the bush "Ownership Society" policy? Before I hear it once again, the Super-Majority rule does not exist in the House or any Congressional committees.
If you claim Obama is making the same mistakes as bush, how can you absolve bush from responsibility?
Wouldn't the Mac bill you think the GOP wanted have been regulation?

Hello, Helloooooo, anybody out there? Isn't it amazing how you hear the sound of little GOP feet running away at the mention of Supply Side Economics or the Ownership Society? Yurt, you asked the question, it's your thread.
because you had lax enforecement doens't disprove supply side or ownership at all. They are the reasons we are so vastly richer than Europe and Asia.