APP - Economy: who is to blame?

I'm sorry Mott, but when you can go on you tube and listen to the House hearings on whether or not Freddy and Fanny should be reined in and you hear the Dems shouting about racism and arguing that there was NOTHING going on at the Macs, when you can hear it with your own ears you simply cannot honestly say the problem here was a lack of regulation on Republican's part.....
OH good god. Another Limbaughnian/Fox News fan. It's a good thing I do listen to them on occassion just to see what stupid talking points their spinning.

If you do some honest research you'll find that Fanny/Freddie MAC had a minimal impact on the subprime fiasco. It was the bundled derivatives and other undefinable derivative based financial products the major investment banks were selling that were the cause. But I guess doing some objective research is to hard to do when it's easier to listen to Fox news, right?
2,000,000 jobs list on obama's watch.

Show me how much of an economic guru you are.

Do you think any President could have come in with ANY policy, and made a significant difference in that?

Now, since you're a captain of industry, I assume that you know that most companies chart layoffs 3-4 months in advance, so I'm asking the question with that in mind.
I thought the pressing question was why the Dems refuse to acknowledge responsibility?......have you heard a Dem say anything except "inherited Bush's problems" since January?......

Whose problems did they inherit? "Have you heard" a Republican say the last 6 months were ENTIRELY Obama's fault? If you want to discuss responsibility, start now. Did you read my second paragraph?
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2,000,000 jobs list on obama's watch.

And none as a result of policies already in place 1/20/09?
What an amazing bunch you belong to. Clinton's Boom was a result of Reagan's policies decades earlier, but Obama is responsible for the problems that existed from his first day in office and onward. That leaves bush the unspoken blip in history. Would you like to discuss reality and if not, how about hypocrisy?
OH good god. Another Limbaughnian/Fox News fan. It's a good thing I do listen to them on occassion just to see what stupid talking points their spinning.

If you do some honest research you'll find that Fanny/Freddie MAC had a minimal impact on the subprime fiasco. It was the bundled derivatives and other undefinable derivative based financial products the major investment banks were selling that were the cause. But I guess doing some objective research is to hard to do when it's easier to listen to Fox news, right?

you obviously ought to stick to biology, since you know nothing about real you understand the relationship between AIG and the MACS? you understand the concept of federal guarantees? you realize who was buying and reselling these bundled products?.....I didn't think so.....
And none as a result of policies already in place 1/20/09?
What an amazing bunch you belong to. Clinton's Boom was a result of Reagan's policies decades earlier, but Obama is responsible for the problems that existed from his first day in office and onward. That leaves bush the unspoken blip in history. Would you like to discuss reality and if not, how about hypocrisy?

what specific policies are responsible?
Actually as I said before. Bush's biggest blame was in ignoring the indicators and doing nothing but brag on how great his economy was.
Of course his 5 trillion in overspending did not help either.
Devaluing the dollar raised oil prices.
Actually as I said before. Bush's biggest blame was in ignoring the indicators and doing nothing but brag on how great his economy was.
Of course his 5 trillion in overspending did not help either.
Devaluing the dollar raised oil prices.

interestingly, when obama kept talking about how bad the economy was....the market kept declining....bill clinton comes out and basically tells O to stfu and be more immediately starts going up...i don't think bush ignored it, rather tried to keep things on a positive keel as long as possible

absolutely on the overspending, stupid....with that did that politicy effect the economy?

how did bush devalue the dollar?
interestingly, when obama kept talking about how bad the economy was....the market kept declining....bill clinton comes out and basically tells O to stfu and be more immediately starts going up...i don't think bush ignored it, rather tried to keep things on a positive keel as long as possible

absolutely on the overspending, stupid....with that did that politicy effect the economy?

how did bush devalue the dollar?

Umm borrowing 5 trillion dollars.
so is obama's borrowing also devaluing the dollar?

how does borrowing in and of itself devalue the dollar? or is it the amount?

yes it is, but it is worse because bush had already borrowed 5 trillion in 8 years.

If bush had done as he promised and kept the defecit down the impact of current borrowing would be greatly reduced.
yes it is, but it is worse because bush had already borrowed 5 trillion in 8 years.

If bush had done as he promised and kept the defecit down the impact of current borrowing would be greatly reduced.

my understanding is that obama has borrowed near 2 trillion....that is less than one year....additionally, how does more borrowing help the problem?

i agree with the latter. he screwed up on his war planning and got us into two wars that we could not afford. i think it is probable if we had stayed in afghan we wouldn't have the is possible, just maybe, that the end results (realized years down the road) will justify the loss of lives and debt. that is something only history will prove.

and btw....thank you for your points, this is exactly what i was looking for when i made this thread....
Yeah Obama borrowed more, but wasn't the TARP money authorized by Bush? .8 trillion or so?

In any case we are in the worst recession since the great depression and spening is necessary to keep from going totally belly up. But I do disagree with TARP.
They were getting the big bucks for taking the risks so they can pay the price.
Yeah Obama borrowed more, but wasn't the TARP money authorized by Bush? .8 trillion or so?

In any case we are in the worst recession since the great depression and spening is necessary to keep from going totally belly up. But I do disagree with TARP.
They were getting the big bucks for taking the risks so they can pay the price.

yes bush borrowed, i never said otherwise

i don't agree that spending is necessary....when people are losing money and facing b/k....spending more rarely works....and so called experts and historians are mixed on whether fdr's spending shortened or lengthened the great depression. unfortunately, the results are always tied to political beliefs. i don't believe and truly independent study has ever been done on the fdr's massive spending....

further, IMO....comparing then with now is apples/oranges...the country was relatively new....we were still heading west if you will....quite different than now
so do I....but I'm not the one changing my tune now that it's a Democrat doing it.....

Check back thru the posts. I was against TARP from Day one!

Ask the other righties that have been here a while.

you are wrong and your assumption just made an ass out of you , not me.