APP - Economy: who is to blame?

The point is I pretty sure we're all fucking tired of your stupid shit. You will accept no level of evidence that Bush or the Republican fucked anything up. We've been over Bush's economic pitfalls a million times. Yes, pwning you for months now does count for something. You coming on and making a thread demanding that people pwn you by restating shit you already ignored is retarded and a huge waste of effort.

Simple facts are these: Bush ended both terms with a fucked up economy, one of which was the worst in 80 years. You want to blame it on happenstance.

That's about all anyone needs to know about the Bush years and your credibility.
LOL. True though. Just like the Rs constantly brought up Clinton, Bush will bring years of happy thoughts for Ds.
I wouldn't say that. I enjoyed being a Republican. The fact that it has been taken over by an extremist faction is a huge dissapointment to me. As for Bush being a failure as a President....well DUH! BIG RED TRUCK!

It didn't take Nostradamus to predict that one.
Actually, history has proven that the less government interferes with a market slowdown the quicker the recovery. That being said, however, there was the incident prior to the election where foreign entities engineered a "run" on US banks and took out a half trillion in a matter of hours, which panicked the Fed and Bush was forced to do something. These two things in combination really fucked things up.
I'd suggest that #1. You study up on Keynesian economics and #2. Study the great depression as you're just factually wrong.
Prove it.

After the great depression regulations were put in place to prevent it from ahppening again. Those regulations were stripped away in the 80's and 90's mostly. And now we are once again in the worst recession since the depression.

The proof is in the results.
Considering we've hashed this out about 88,888 times and you still refuse to believe Bush could have done anything to lead to a recession -- even going so far as to claim that Bush ending his first term with a net loss of jobs and his second with the largest recession in 80 years was an inconvenient coincidence of poor timing that had nothing to do with Bush or the Republicans having been in power for 14 years.

The fact that people are ignoring this thread says a hell of a lot more about the fact that nobody wants to waste their time with you then it does about anything else.
A great deal of truth there. The old addage "An age isn't dark because there is no light but because people refuse to see the light." applies here.

Though Democrats are by no means blameless it was Republican deregulatory policies, combined with an endemic lack of support for regulatory agencies enforcement and a certain level of being asleep at the wheel that allowed the housing bubble and it's derivative related banking fiasco that were the cause of the present recession. God knows there was plenty of signs of the impending disaster. warning bells had been going off for nearly 2 years before the whole house of card collapsed.

Rationally the blame for this really belongs to the anti-government/libertarian wing of the Republican party. The RR's are to fucking stupid to get into this kind of mess by themselves.
I wonder if Bush had not spent like a drunken sailor keeping the economy propped up.

Well would we have had a smaller recession sooner and been better off?

Another question I would like to see answered is now many of the jobs created during the bush presidency were funded by bush spending?
After the great depression regulations were put in place to prevent it from ahppening again. Those regulations were stripped away in the 80's and 90's mostly. And now we are once again in the worst recession since the depression.

The proof is in the results.
The current situation is due to Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac forcing private banks to change loan policies that were in place for decades and based on tried and true formulas of good lending practice. In this case, government involvement screwed the pooch, and government largess is extending the length and depth of the current depression.
I wonder if Bush had not spent like a drunken sailor keeping the economy propped up.

Well would we have had a smaller recession sooner and been better off?

Another question I would like to see answered is now many of the jobs created during the bush presidency were funded by bush spending?

Wow you're right about Bush spending like a drunk sailor but Obama's got him beat by a factor of three or more.

Yet you bash Bush. LOL.
The current situation is due to Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac forcing private banks to change loan policies that were in place for decades and based on tried and true formulas of good lending practice. In this case, government involvement screwed the pooch, and government largess is extending the length and depth of the current depression.

How about the ratings companies giving those junk mortgages top ratings for investors to buy the packaged securities?
They had zero historical data to go on and just pulled the ratings out of their butts.
How about the ratings companies giving those junk mortgages top ratings for investors to buy the packaged securities?
They had zero historical data to go on and just pulled the ratings out of their butts.
"Let the buyer beware." How about Fannie and Freddie doing their own ratings? They bought up all that junk as fast as they could write checks.
UOTE=ib1yysguy;488255]The point is I pretty sure we're all fucking tired of your stupid shit. You will accept no level of evidence that Bush or the Republican fucked anything up.

yeah.....that is why i started this thread....because i will accept nothing you say....yeah....once're proving you're nothing but a wuss....instead insulting, why not debate the actual questions/pointsraised? afterall....this is the APP forum......

We've been over Bush's economic pitfalls a million times. Yes, pwning you for months now does count for something. You coming on and making a thread demanding that people pwn you by restating shit you already ignored is retarded and a huge waste of effort.

(yawn)....repeat and smacks of...i can't actually explain how....but i will claim i've done so a million times and that will excuse me from actual debate.

Simple facts are these: Bush ended both terms with a fucked up economy, one of which was the worst in 80 years. You want to blame it on happenstance.

i want to know why YOU blame it on the OP again....

That's about all anyone needs to know about the Bush years and your credibility.

yes....another no debate conclusory statement....with a spice of ad hom

care to actually elaborate or are you just going to start the:

you're a retard...session

i'm honestly interested in your thoughts
Most dems don't know Jack shit about the economy or business. Bushs Nazi wars drained the economy but Obama is far far worse. Obama is attacking any industry making a profit as though it's evil. All the while Pelosi is ordering jets. Anybody who thinks Obama can't fuck this up more is retarded.
Most dems don't know Jack shit about the economy or business. Bushs Nazi wars drained the economy but Obama is far far worse. Obama is attacking any industry making a profit as though it's evil. All the while Pelosi is ordering jets. Anybody who thinks Obama can't fuck this up more is retarded.

LMAO Look who is talking. Mr the parkiings lots are full.
The current situation is due to Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac forcing private banks to change loan policies that were in place for decades and based on tried and true formulas of good lending practice. In this case, government involvement screwed the pooch, and government largess is extending the length and depth of the current depression.

No. Everything you find if you want to actually research the community investment act will tell you that it had only a MINOR contribution to the whole subprime issue. Just read the wiki article about it.
yeah.....that is why i started this thread....because i will accept nothing you say....yeah....once're proving you're nothing but a wuss....instead insulting, why not debate the actual questions/pointsraised? afterall....this is the APP forum......

(yawn)....repeat and smacks of...i can't actually explain how....but i will claim i've done so a million times and that will excuse me from actual debate.

i want to know why YOU blame it on the OP again....

yes....another no debate conclusory statement....with a spice of ad hom

care to actually elaborate or are you just going to start the:

you're a retard...session

i'm honestly interested in your thoughts

No level of evidence would constitute a convincing argument to you. It doesn't matter what the heck we present to you. You will disregard it. That is why everyone ignored this thread until I made it interesting. Nobody's willing to waste time on you anymore.
No level of evidence would constitute a convincing argument to you. It doesn't matter what the heck we present to you. You will disregard it. That is why everyone ignored this thread until I made it interesting. Nobody's willing to waste time on you anymore.

i see......

well, my bad....

i thought people had something to say, and i want to listen to what they have to say. apparently you want to shut my questions down based upon your predisposition as to what YOU THINK i would accept as evidence....

i make a thread...i ask for evidence....

you insult and offer ZERO evidence and claim yourself a winner

well.....if that is all you have, have at it smart guy
Mr Obama inherited at cluster fuck!

