APP - Economy: who is to blame?

I am for helping the out of work and huruting people. I am not nor have ever been for helping business who made their big bucks on what is essentially gambling.

and the "people" didn't gamble on the housing market, stock market etc? i answered another of your posts about 4 posts up
I am for helping the out of work and huruting people. I am not nor have ever been for helping business who made their big bucks on what is essentially gambling.

So the money is going into the hands of the out of work and huruting people, rather than the hands of the powerful, such as the lending institutions?
So the money is going into the hands of the out of work and huruting people, rather than the hands of the powerful, such as the lending institutions?

Some of it is. excepting TARP money of course.
Of course most of it trickles up to the hands of the powerful.
But I do like tricke up a lot better than trickle down economics.

Trickle up works, trickle down not so well.
Some of it is. excepting TARP money of course.
Of course most of it trickles up to the hands of the powerful.
But I do like tricke up a lot better than trickle down economics.

Trickle up works, trickle down not so well.

you're kitting me....obama hasn't given money to banks or large corporations?
Some of it is. excepting TARP money of course.
Of course most of it trickles up to the hands of the powerful.
But I do like tricke up a lot better than trickle down economics.

Trickle up works, trickle down not so well.

No, it is neither trickling up or going into the hands of the poor. Perhaps it will trickle down, though...
Yeah Obama borrowed more, but wasn't the TARP money authorized by Bush? .8 trillion or so?

In any case we are in the worst recession since the great depression and spening is necessary to keep from going totally belly up. But I do disagree with TARP.
They were getting the big bucks for taking the risks so they can pay the price.

yes bush borrowed, i never said otherwise

i don't agree that spending is necessary....when people are losing money and facing b/k....spending more rarely works....and so called experts and historians are mixed on whether fdr's spending shortened or lengthened the great depression. unfortunately, the results are always tied to political beliefs. i don't believe and truly independent study has ever been done on the fdr's massive spending....

further, IMO....comparing then with now is apples/oranges...the country was relatively new....we were still heading west if you will....quite different than now

lost in postlations....
yea....says nothing about giving to a government so they can spread the wealth...and if you really want to be technical....10%

The bible does not limit charity to 10% Actually the 10% is for the church and gawd. Charity is above and beyond that.

does the bible make distinctions in charity by proxy?
The bible does not limit charity to 10% Actually the 10% is for the church and gawd. Charity is above and beyond that.

does the bible make distinctions in charity by proxy?

did i say the bible limits it......

do you need some straw?

i don't believe the bible makes that distinction....but do feel free to limit yourself by continually voting dem'

post 91.....
We elected our govt so it is just a charity by proxy thing.
One of the side effects of a psuedo democracy.

Did some rich dudes bring the fishes and loaves?
We elected our govt so it is just a charity by proxy thing.
One of the side effects of a psuedo democracy.

Did some rich dudes bring the fishes and loaves? don't even have a clue as to why the founding fathers created our constitution and our country....and they specifically made this country a republic.........................not.....................a democracy

this country is not jesus.....and to compare a miracle (viola there is fish) to taking care of our problems today is...........well.........outhouse mentality....
Iraq War on borrowed money
Supply Side Economics
Deregulation/ no oversight

How's that for starters?

excellent....thank you

borrowed is that different than what obama is doing now? when borrowing money caused the problem as you say.....then how is it that borrowing more money is better?

supply side.....what exactly is this? i see it plastered all over the net as some evil.....why exactly.

deregulation/no oversight....problem was the repubs that called attn to the problem in 2003 and it was the dems who called them fear mongers....and how specifically would regulation solve the problem?
read my post.....

I did and I gave you the courtesy of replies more than once. You say you want to discuss responsibility, but, it seems, not if it belongs partially or wholly to those who were central to the mess we're in now.
I pointed out twice that if those you say wanted a bill to regulate the Macs and maybe others in the industry needing it, they could, would have brought it to the floor of either of the 2 houses of Congress. They did not .You refused to acknowledge and show what you have to offer to prove me wrong.
I can tell you if you want to find the answer, all you need do is read the rules of the 2 houses of Congress to see if their hands were tied or if they, as the Majority, just didn't do it, whatever the reason.