APP - Emergency Rooms as Healthcare


Junior Member
I keep hearing this bullshit. People keep saying that you can go and get healthcare whenever you want even if you're poor as dirt! Just go to an emergency room.

Has anyone else been hearing this line of reasoning? And has anyone figured out what the fuck is wrong with the people who say it?
I keep hearing this bullshit. People keep saying that you can go and get healthcare whenever you want even if you're poor as dirt! Just go to an emergency room.

Has anyone else been hearing this line of reasoning? And has anyone figured out what the fuck is wrong with the people who say it?

having had to take my wife in for heart issues many times late nights, i've seen the multitudes of people up there with kids who have the flu, adults with migraines, twisted ankles, and even general colds. it happens. alot.
having had to take my wife in for heart issues many times late nights, i've seen the multitudes of people up there with kids who have the flu, adults with migraines, twisted ankles, and even general colds. it happens. alot.

Is that a sign that the healthcare industry isn't broken?
Aren't they charged for it just the same? So it basically means their "out" is going bankrupt?

This stresses vital resources that should go to emergencies, and puts lives at risk. Obviously, a system in which people who needed medical care could just get it at the appropriate place would be preferable.
If you don't give a shit about your credit and carry an old driver's license the emergency room is the way to go. Not being facetious, I really get all my health care from the ER.
Is that a sign that the healthcare industry isn't broken?

for some issues, yes, others....not so much.

it would cost less to take a child to a regular doctor for the flu than it does going to the emergency room. The difference being that the emergency room bill is a bill one can practically ignore and not pay.

I have to wonder what it is with the die hard Obama supporters for this single payer healthcare that they must attempt to paint the healthcare industry as it's either broke, or it isn't.

yes, there are issues with the healthcare industry but the answer isn't to replace or eliminate health insurance companies with a government option. Having had an ex mother in law that was a doctor, I can tell you that her issue was that the health insurance companies had way too much power in how doctors handled their patients. They should never be allowed to set rates for care, types of care, and especially shouldn't restrict the doctor to seeing only patients that are insured by their own company.

you want to fix the healtcare industry, deregulate the entrenchment that insurance companies have within the legislatures. but that's probably asking too much from the major parties.
yes, there are issues with the healthcare industry but the answer isn't to replace or eliminate health insurance companies with a government option.

That is not the purpose of the public option. The public option holds down costs by operating on a non-profit basis and using an ethical method of giving out benefits. It's not government subsidized.
you want to fix the healtcare industry, deregulate the entrenchment that insurance companies have within the legislatures. but that's probably asking too much from the major parties

The health insurance industry pays lots of money for lobbying. Like hundreds of thousands per a senator. If it weren't for their heavy lobbying, there would be no question as to whether or not this bill would get sixty votes.
No, Walmart just has a ton of medicine on a $4/month prescription program. All three of my meds happen to be on the list. I can't believe you haven't heard of this.

Also, if you're near a Publix supermarket: Publix will fill your antibiotic prescription for free (socialism).
No, Walmart just has a ton of medicine on a $4/month prescription program. All three of my meds happen to be on the list. I can't believe you haven't heard of this.

Also, if you're near a Publix supermarket: Publix will fill your antibiotic prescription for free (socialism).

HOLY CRAP.....don't tell me that the private market is helping

i've told watermark this before about walmart and he ignored it....but i guess he can't ignore first hand experience
No, Walmart just has a ton of medicine on a $4/month prescription program. All three of my meds happen to be on the list. I can't believe you haven't heard of this.

Also, if you're near a Publix supermarket: Publix will fill your antibiotic prescription for free (socialism).

are they owned by the government?
No, Walmart just has a ton of medicine on a $4/month prescription program. All three of my meds happen to be on the list. I can't believe you haven't heard of this.

Also, if you're near a Publix supermarket: Publix will fill your antibiotic prescription for free (socialism).

WalGreens also has a program.
I believe it's $20.00 per year, for one person coverage.