APP - Emergency Rooms as Healthcare have not shown me in error on anything i've said,

the two questions I have asked demonstrate your've been so busy trying to play "gotcha" over the words minimum and acupuncture that you've been ignoring the fact that the plan basically cuts private companies off from offering consumers anything better.....stating that all companies must at least do "this", and requiring them to stay on the unprofitable side of "this" eliminates competition......
the two questions I have asked demonstrate your've been so busy trying to play "gotcha" over the words minimum and acupuncture that you've been ignoring the fact that the plan basically cuts private companies off from offering consumers anything better.....stating that all companies must at least do "this", and requiring them to stay on the unprofitable side of "this" eliminates competition...... made a claim, i debunked you're claiming your questions actually show me wrong....when in fact i already showed your claim to be false....thus

absolutely untrue and you're now changing your tune as to what you said and claimed...nice try, you fool no one except yourself
eighth fail.....

here's a thought...let's assume for sake of argument that I AM raising a different issue......respond to it......
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Yurt.....Judas Neoliberal Iscariot.....sold out the free market system for thirty acupuncture needles of silver......

awesome....the fake profit calling me judas, the person who betrayed Jesus Christ....because i call him out on his stuff....can't even take a wee bit o' criticism

you're nothing but a snake oil salesman.....go peddle your shit to someone who cares asshole