APP - Emergency Rooms as Healthcare

so what, we've already talked about the fact that nobody wants one lower.....look at the examples I just gave Yurt and respond....

Who the hell doesn't want a lower one? Just in another thread you were talking about how awful liberals were for forcing poor families to have huge, onerous deductibles like these ones because obviously people would prefer a smaller one.

You are a lost cause.
Who the hell doesn't want a lower one? Just in another thread you were talking about how awful liberals were for forcing poor families to have huge, onerous deductibles like these ones because obviously people would prefer a smaller one.

you don't get it do you.....the plan we are discussing is the liberal's are the ones who say the reason we need this plan is that there are poor people without health care....yet YOUR plan doesn't provide what they the mean time, YOUR plan does something it doesn't need to prevents private companies from offering a higher deductible to people who want it.....I gave you two examples of people who might want a higher deductible and you didn't even respond to basically, you ignore the needs of those who DO need a lower deductible, and you ignore the desires of those who want a higher deductible, so YOU can get the deductible YOU want......and THAT is the liberal's plan in a nutshell......
you don't get it do you.....the plan we are discussing is the liberal's are the ones who say the reason we need this plan is that there are poor people without health care....yet YOUR plan doesn't provide what they the mean time, YOUR plan does something it doesn't need to prevents private companies from offering a higher deductible to people who want it.....I gave you two examples of people who might want a higher deductible and you didn't even respond to basically, you ignore the needs of those who DO need a lower deductible, and you ignore the desires of those who want a higher deductible, so YOU can get the deductible YOU want......and THAT is the liberal's plan in a nutshell......

It's all about consumer protections. If I'm a guy who had a heart attack, and I have that on my record, and I lose my job and go out looking for health insurance right now, my deductibles are going to be sky high AND the premiums are going to be huge. Capping the deductibles is a measure put in place to prevent insurance companies from preventing people from getting coverage by making it prohibitively expensive. And frankly, there are a lot more people in that situation then there are 20 year olds with $10k lying around just itching to spend it on medical bills. They'll live if they can only get a $5000 deductible instead of a $10000 one, however the guy with a $15000 deductible from some private company wont be able to afford his cancer treatment and he probably will die.
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It's all about consumer protections. If I'm a guy who had a heart attack, and I have that on my record, and I lose my job and go out looking for health insurance right now, my deductibles are going to be sky high AND the premiums are going to be huge. Capping the deductibles is a measure put in place to prevent insurance companies from preventing people from getting coverage by making it prohibitively expensive. And frankly, there are a lot more people in that situation then there are 20 year olds with $10k lying around just itching to spend it on medical bills.

so create a plan that has a capped deductible.....if my company changes my policy I can switch to don't have to mess with the deductibles on every policy in the any event, since the poor don't have the $5k either, you haven't solved their problem, have you.....

and the 20 year old doesn't have to have the $10k lying around....but with his life expectancy, he can probably live long enough to pay the $10k if the need arises, and if it doesn't arise, he can put his savings on premiums in the bank until he gets $10k......
don't waste my time with bullshit.....chiro and acupuncture for gorsh sakes.....yeah, I'm turning it around on you.....because you have your head up your butt and can't realize something as fundamental as free enterprise is at stake here.....for some reason, even though your parents have warned you about strangers offering you candy, you're busy climbing into the back of a rusty van filled with chocolate bars.......

let's try this experiment.....let's say I was a 55 married man....I have some investments in the bank and I feel comfortable covering the first $15k of my medical expenses.....I want to buy insurance with a $15k deductible, 0% copay thereafter, with no coverage for maternity or pediatric care.....I am doing all these things because I expect the premiums will be cheaper than the government's exchange I allowed to buy this insurance?.......

another....I am 20 years old...I'm worried about huge medical bills for something like cancer or kidney failure, but I can handle the bumps and scrapes I get playing tag football on spring break....I figure to save up the money I save in premiums until I have $10k set aside for medical emergencies, I want a $10k deductible and I don't want to have coverage for maternity or geriatric care......can anyone sell that to me?.....

look at you....all pissy because i was right that they can offer additional healthcare....and i only mentioned two...face it, you are wrong that the plan encompasses everything under the sun for healthcare....

you can call it bullshit or whatever lame words you want, but it doesn't change the fact that you whined (said there were NONE and that because i gave none that i proved you right) for examples, i gave you two and you still claim you're right, that is dishonest. your stupid diddy about chocolates bars is nothing but a lame attempt to deflect from the fact that you once again have been proven utterly wrong in this thread and instead of being honest, you dishonestly spin the matter as if i am the one who is wrong.....

and then you stupidly call me a is wrong with're basically saying conservatives do not ask questions and use the bill itself to prove anything and if by george anyone disagrees with you, they're a liberal...i've used the bill to defeat your false claims, you want to call that a liberal then you're nothing but a two penny hack who thinks that if you rub the pennies together you get a dollar
look at you....all pissy because i was right that they can offer additional healthcare....and i only mentioned two...face it, you are wrong that the plan encompasses everything under the sun for healthcare....

you can call it bullshit or whatever lame words you want, but it doesn't change the fact that you whined (said there were NONE and that because i gave none that i proved you right) for examples, i gave you two and you still claim you're right, that is dishonest. your stupid diddy about chocolates bars is nothing but a lame attempt to deflect from the fact that you once again have been proven utterly wrong in this thread and instead of being honest, you dishonestly spin the matter as if i am the one who is wrong.....

and then you stupidly call me a is wrong with're basically saying conservatives do not ask questions and use the bill itself to prove anything and if by george anyone disagrees with you, they're a liberal...i've used the bill to defeat your false claims, you want to call that a liberal then you're nothing but a two penny hack who thinks that if you rub the pennies together you get a dollar

you've turned liberal, all didn't answer either question....
you've turned liberal, all didn't answer either question....

you're changing the subject as per your usual lately....when are you going to be honest as admit you are wrong that the bill encompasses everything? you have so far not admitted that, all you've done is tap dance and change your story...hmmmm reminds of someone....

maybe it is because i never actually debated you one on one at the old forum, but you're nothing like i thought....your dishonesty, i admit, has surprised me
second fail at answering the isn't a subject's an example to help you figure out your error.....

it absolutely said:

really?....then why have you missed yet another opportunity to identify something not included in the essential benefits?....if it's so easy, why can't you do it....every time you post and don't do it, you prove I'm least I came up with Pyrex baking dishes....

and i comes the dishonest part where you simply call it bullshit and still claim you're right....

until you admit that and own up to the fact i presented more than one thing, pound sand
third fail.....look, fool....why is the left afraid to let private companies offer whatever policies that somebody is willing to buy?......
it absolutely said:

and i comes the dishonest part where you simply call it bullshit and still claim you're right....

until you admit that and own up to the fact i presented more than one thing, pound sand

fine, you've pwned doesn't cover acupuncture.....or pedicures, or the 5000 mile lube job on your car, and it doesn't buy your kid a dog.....

now answer my questions....
fine, you've pwned doesn't cover acupuncture.....or pedicures, or the 5000 mile lube job on your car, and it doesn't buy your kid a dog.....

now answer my questions....

chiro as well as i said but of course you keep "forgetting"....and i am sure many other particular medical treatments....

your questions have zero to do with proving you wrong on the bill covering everything.....and i honestly doubt your sincerity in admitting you were wrong....given you fucking dumbass comments that you think are witty and that you think show that you're right....

chiro as well as i said but of course you keep "forgetting"....and i am sure many other particular medical treatments....

your questions have zero to do with proving you wrong on the bill covering everything.....and i honestly doubt your sincerity in admitting you were wrong....given you fucking dumbass comments that you think are witty and that you think show that you're right....


you only get one PWNED per argument.....fifth fail at answering the questions....and of course I'm right....
you only get one PWNED per argument.....fifth fail at answering the questions....and of course I'm right....

you said everything is covered....i showed you there is more than one thing not covered and somehow you're right....even after your stupid ranting that when i didn't name one thing you claimed that proved you right

i told, i am not answering your stupid questions as they have absolutely nothing to do with whether the bill includes everything under the sun, which i thoroughly wiped the floor with your rag top head....

you really are a fucking moron....this was a simple issue and you've turned into a fucking piss match, seriously wtf is wrong with you
seriously wtf is wrong with you
basically, I find your ignorance about this bill I am trying to educate you....sixth fail.....we are past whether this bill includes "everything under the sun"'ve pwned me on we are discussing why liberals are afraid to let private policies to participate in the free marketplace.....oh wait....that's what we've always been discussing....
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basically, I find your ignorance about this bill I am trying to educate you....sixth fail.....we are past whether this bill includes "everything under the sun"'ve pwned me on we are discussing why liberals are afraid to let private policies to participate in the free marketplace.....oh wait....that's what we've always been discussing....

of course the problem with your post are the ignorant have not shown me in error on anything i've said, whereas i have shown you the error of your statements on this bill....

further, at this point, i am still in agreement with you on the marketplace....i have never said otherwise, in fact, it is why i earlier suggested that why doesn't the governmetn simply expand medicare instead of forcing certain regulations on both government and private insurance co's.....if the government wants to offer people that, then let the government offer the people that....

all i've tried to do is find the truth about this bill, but you let your ego get in the way and blind you to the truth and that caused you to commit errors. to me, this bill should have nothign to do with dems or repubs, it should be a decision based solely on the merits, not politics.