APP - Emergency Rooms as Healthcare

i cannot believe you think everything relating to healthcare is included in the have lost it on this issue...i don't know if it is pride or claim people are lying, yet you keep getting shown direct language from the bill that clearly shows that you are wrong

really?....then why have you missed yet another opportunity to identify something not included in the essential benefits?....if it's so easy, why can't you do it....every time you post and don't do it, you prove I'm least I came up with Pyrex baking dishes....
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Even if everything in medicine was covered to some degree in the minimums, it doesn't say to what degree other than by limiting the amount they can charge you as a deductible. That's at least one area where companies can choose to differentiate themselves. That an copays.
You must be kidding. No reserves, no administration, no exec bonuses, no profit, etc.?

that's why I said "at least" the average payout in benefits.....if they go into it knowing they are going to have to give you, on average say, $3k a year in benefits PLUS "administration, bonuses and profit" how much are they going to charge you for the first $3k in coverage?......$3k plus......why would you pay $3k plus to get $3k worth of benefits?.....

that's why, for example, someone who's 18, who's average expenditure for health care might be $200 a year, ought to be able to buy insurance a lot cheaper than someone who's 60, who's average expenditure for health care might be closer to $8k........
really?....then why have you missed yet another opportunity to identify something not included in the essential benefits?....if it's so easy, why can't you do it....every time you post and don't do it, you prove I'm least I came up with Pyrex baking dishes....

you're either stupid or obtuse on purpose....

chiro, accupuncture....just to name a couple....

not answering is not an admission of i can say that YOUR failure to answer affirmatively that everything under the sun related to healthcare is in fact included
dang, I forgot all about acupuncture insurance.../lol......I'll tack that up there next to the receipt for my Pyrex bake set....

you're an current insurance covers it....see when you get shown once gain you're make stupid smart ass quips as if to say i'm stupid for even mentioning it...chiro is also a big deal and if you followed the issues with medicare you would wanted something mentioned and i give it you and you belittle're dishonest in this matter

further, if as you claim, this bill covers everything under the sun, this section would not be needed:

13 (1) IN GENERAL.—There is established a pri14
vate-public advisory committee which shall be a
15 panel of medical and other experts to be known as
16 the Health Benefits Advisory Committee to rec17
ommend covered benefits and essential, enhanced,
18 and premium plans.
you're an current insurance covers it....see when you get shown once gain you're make stupid smart ass quips as if to say i'm stupid for even mentioning it...chiro is also a big deal and if you followed the issues with medicare you would wanted something mentioned and i give it you and you belittle're dishonest in this matter

further, if as you claim, this bill covers everything under the sun, this section would not be needed:

13 (1) IN GENERAL.—There is established a pri14
vate-public advisory committee which shall be a
15 panel of medical and other experts to be known as
16 the Health Benefits Advisory Committee to rec17
ommend covered benefits and essential, enhanced,
18 and premium plans.

you're an current insurance covers it....see when you get shown once gain you're make stupid smart ass quips as if to say i'm stupid for even mentioning it...chiro is also a big deal and if you followed the issues with medicare you would wanted something mentioned and i give it you and you belittle're dishonest in this matter

further, if as you claim, this bill covers everything under the sun, this section would not be needed:

13 (1) IN GENERAL.—There is established a pri14
vate-public advisory committee which shall be a
15 panel of medical and other experts to be known as
16 the Health Benefits Advisory Committee to rec17
ommend covered benefits and essential, enhanced,
18 and premium plans.

I'm sorry, Yurt....I just don't consider the issues of acupuncture and chiropractic as big deals in the health care debate...if you think it's okay to surrender free enterprise to the government just because private companies can still write chiro and acupuncture policies so be it....but don't pretend you're not a liberal from here on've sold out for free aspirin.....
It's expensive. Some people will buy expensive, premium plans. I didn't say it was the cheapest on the market, retard.

yeah we still have free enterprise because private companies can still offer expensive policies that nobody wants to buy......sweet......
yeah we still have free enterprise because private companies can still offer expensive policies that nobody wants to buy......sweet......

They can compete by offing basic policies that cover the exact same crap as the government one, which has a 5000 deductible which doesn't appeal to a lot of people.

Do you have any idea how pwnd you are in this thread? It's going in my bookmarks trophy folder.
They can compete by offing basic policies that cover the exact same crap as the government one, which has a 5000 deductible which doesn't appeal to a lot of people.

Do you have any idea how pwnd you are in this thread? It's going in my bookmarks trophy folder.
??...their plan would also have to have the $5k deductable...and if you want to pretend your loss is a win it doesn't bother me...I would laugh at you either way.....
I'm sorry, Yurt....I just don't consider the issues of acupuncture and chiropractic as big deals in the health care debate...if you think it's okay to surrender free enterprise to the government just because private companies can still write chiro and acupuncture policies so be it....but don't pretend you're not a liberal from here on've sold out for free aspirin.....

you are being dishonest about this issue....all you wanted was for me to give you something not covered, i you are turning it around on me....

i've not given this my full support....i've done nothing but try to determine the truths about this claim victory because i didn't give you anything, and then i when i do you still claim victory....i noticed you also ignored the section i cited....

your dishonesty regarding this bill is appalling. and calling me a just proved you're nothing but a hack...
you are being dishonest about this issue....all you wanted was for me to give you something not covered, i you are turning it around on me....
don't waste my time with bullshit.....chiro and acupuncture for gorsh sakes.....yeah, I'm turning it around on you.....because you have your head up your butt and can't realize something as fundamental as free enterprise is at stake here.....for some reason, even though your parents have warned you about strangers offering you candy, you're busy climbing into the back of a rusty van filled with chocolate bars.......

let's try this experiment.....let's say I was a 55 married man....I have some investments in the bank and I feel comfortable covering the first $15k of my medical expenses.....I want to buy insurance with a $15k deductible, 0% copay thereafter, with no coverage for maternity or pediatric care.....I am doing all these things because I expect the premiums will be cheaper than the government's exchange I allowed to buy this insurance?.......

another....I am 20 years old...I'm worried about huge medical bills for something like cancer or kidney failure, but I can handle the bumps and scrapes I get playing tag football on spring break....I figure to save up the money I save in premiums until I have $10k set aside for medical emergencies, I want a $10k deductible and I don't want to have coverage for maternity or geriatric care......can anyone sell that to me?.....
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