APP - Emergency Rooms as Healthcare

Stupid. A public health insurance OPTION isn't making you depend on government. It lets you leave and buy the more poorly run, more expensive public options whenever you want just like you have now.

will subsidizing the public option with taxes make it cheaper than the private options?.....will that bankrupt the private options?......will that leave us no options?.......

Again, it's not that difficult. HMOs have HUGE profit margins. They have to.
insurance company profits are regulated by state law, for example, in Michigan, insurance companies may not make a profit larger than 7% of benefits paid out.....
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E) Anyone who tells you it'll outlaw private insurance is lying to your face and you deserve to be spoken to more honestly than that.
is it a lie to state that the current House proposal, while saying you may keep your current insurance, says that if you leave that insurance to go to another you MUST go to the public plan?......
That's pretty much the bottom line. If you think the ER is a good source of heatlhcare or that you can blow off the bill, you are totally fucking retarded. The ER is the last place people go because it's fucking expensive and by the time you go there the problem you could have fixed cheaply with preventative care winds up being many thousands of dollars more. The only way out if you can't afford to pay it is to go bankrupt.

This is not a solution, this is one of the major problems with our current system.

STY is a fucking retard.

Who exactly is he smarter than apart from USFreeDumb and Meme?

He's talking about the fact that it mandates everyone be covered, which means if you leave your private coverage you need to be on the public option because you have to have coverage of some kind. It's dishonest to say that they're forcing you to buy the public option. You can buy the private options too. But the government will give you some help if you are in an income bracket that qualifies for financial hardship and you can't afford the private or public plans.
He's talking about the fact that it mandates everyone be covered, which means if you leave your private coverage you need to be on the public option because you have to have coverage of some kind. It's dishonest to say that they're forcing you to buy the public option. You can buy the private options too. But the government will give you some help if you are in an income bracket that qualifies for financial hardship and you can't afford the private or public plans.

If you leave your private coverage you can just go onto other private coverage. What a misleading statement the right is making.
Is that a sign that the healthcare industry isn't broken?

They do get care, regardless of ability to pay. Doesn't mean the rest aren't paying for, but what is your point?

Is it that they should be able to see the doc of their choice? Funny, seems the new plan is to take that away from all of us...
He's talking about the fact that it mandates everyone be covered, which means if you leave your private coverage you need to be on the public option because you have to have coverage of some kind. It's dishonest to say that they're forcing you to buy the public option. You can buy the private options too. But the government will give you some help if you are in an income bracket that qualifies for financial hardship and you can't afford the private or public plans.

All I know is that he was, not surprisingly, leaving something out. Probably having been fed it by one of his "reliable sources", it isn't his fault.
Even Medicare recipients can opt for private care, there must be a reason so few do. That is exactly what the RW hacks fear, that most people will discover how well a public system works. My choices with Medicare seem to be better than with BCBS who covers my wife. (Paid by us.) Mayo will no longer take HSAs, they have no problem with Medicare. In the meantime since moving back to Fla. 6 years ago, her BCBS premiums have doubled even after raising the deductible.
They do get care, regardless of ability to pay. Doesn't mean the rest aren't paying for, but what is your point?

Is it that they should be able to see the doc of their choice? Funny, seems the new plan is to take that away from all of us...


You can keep the same coverage you have now.
They do get care, regardless of ability to pay. Doesn't mean the rest aren't paying for, but what is your point?

Is it that they should be able to see the doc of their choice? Funny, seems the new plan is to take that away from all of us...

Orly. How's the new plan going to take away your choice of doctor?