APP - Emergency Rooms as Healthcare

page 16, starting at line 3
ERAGE DEFINED.—Subject to the succeeding provisions of
5 this section, for purposes of establishing acceptable cov6
erage under this division, the term ‘‘grandfathered health
7 insurance coverage’’ means individual health insurance
8 coverage that is offered and in force and effect before the
9 first day of Y1 if the following conditions are met:
11 (A) IN GENERAL.—Except as provided in
12 this paragraph, the individual health insurance
13 issuer offering such coverage does not enroll
14 any individual in such coverage if the first ef15
fective date of coverage is on or after the first
16 day of Y1.

you can keep your private insurance as it is grandfathered in, but private insurers are not permitted to add new, if you drop your private carrier, no new private carrier is permitted to sign you up....your only option is the public option.....
I'd like to know what decision conservatives would make when faced with a situations such as mine.

Working poor, uninsured, do not qualify for medicaid (because I make too much money..?), no disposable income whatsoever.

It's likely that I'll die or have my lifespan seriously affected if I can't garner regular treatment within the next five years. If you were in my shoes would you not support socialized medicine?
I'd like to know what decision conservatives would make when faced with a situations such as mine.

Working poor, uninsured, do not qualify for medicaid (because I make too much money..?), no disposable income whatsoever.

It's likely that I'll die or have my lifespan seriously affected if I can't garner regular treatment within the next five years. If you were in my shoes would you not support socialized medicine?
so many variables.....working poor?....are you underemployed? need reeducation?.....second job?....physically disabled?....earning minimum wage?....what is the restriction preventing you from getting a better job?......the question isn't whether I would support socialized medicine, but whether I deserve it......
so many variables.....working poor?....are you underemployed? need reeducation?.....second job?....physically disabled?....earning minimum wage?....what is the restriction preventing you from getting a better job?......the question isn't whether I would support socialized medicine, but whether I deserve it......

I work two jobs, both of which are minimum wage. I'm also attending college full time (on your dime, thanks).

What is the restriction preventing me from getting a better job? Are you serious? Christ, I had to look for months just to find my second shitty job.
you show first. How is it that the system is broken, other than as a cliche?


Okay, since you can't be bothered to read post #39, I'll grant you that healthcare isn't broken. Now explain how Obama's bill is going to remove your choice of doctor. Or maybe you would find it easier to just admit you were lying.
I work two jobs, both of which are minimum wage. I'm also attending college full time (on your dime, thanks).

What is the restriction preventing me from getting a better job? Are you serious? Christ, I had to look for months just to find my second shitty job.

Hell, woman, you're not working hard enough! You should have three jobs instead of two and forget about working to improve your future with a college education.

If you were on welfare they'd be criticizing you for sucking at the government teat.

Just know that with RW's, you're damned if you do and damned if you don't. :(
I work two jobs, both of which are minimum wage. I'm also attending college full time (on your dime, thanks).

What is the restriction preventing me from getting a better job? Are you serious? Christ, I had to look for months just to find my second shitty job.
You are welcome. I support that kind of thing. I hope your education is well-used and gains you a job that will improve you life.
Until it collapses because it must compete with a program that can run in the red in perpetuity.

Which is the 300 pound gorilla that everyone seems to be ignoring.

The Government offers a lower cost insurance plan.
Lower; because it's SUBSIDIZED by the Government.
When the Private Health Care Providers go under, then all that's left is the Government's plan. Which can now immplement new taxes to cover their plan.
I work two jobs, both of which are minimum wage. I'm also attending college full time (on your dime, thanks).

What is the restriction preventing me from getting a better job? Are you serious? Christ, I had to look for months just to find my second shitty job.

then you aren't "working poor"'re a student....the restriction preventing you from getting a better job is graduation.....
hey, I had at least four people making comments about me providing proof that the plan requires you to sign up for the public option if you leave your private that I did so, everyone has gone silent.....shouldn't you at least thank me for educating you?
Cept it cant run into the red because paygo rules prevent it.
Yeah, as evinced by the 1 Trillion Dollar deficit. Paygo doesn't fund crap when the US runs record deficits. The program can run in the red "rules" at Congress notwithstanding.
For a Christian you don't seem to possess much compassion.
Compassion (while misunderstood in this particular post) is a Buddhist thing, "love" is a Christian thing. What he said may be said by any parent, sibling or friend to any student anywhere. Do they not "love" their children, brother, etc.?