APP - Emergency Rooms as Healthcare

Wrong. If you choose to take a policy under the new law, you may. You may also keep the old policy if you so choose. Nobody can sign up for grandfathered policies after the law goes ito effect because they are "grandfathered", that's the meaning of the term. I sold a house in the Keys that was worth more because it fell under a grandfathered 1972 law. A new home may not be built under the old law my house fell under. A new policy may not be written under the old law, that is the limitation. Any policy begun after day 1 of 1st year must fall under the rules of the new law. It makes no reference whatsoever to public or private because there is no relevence to Section 102 and the grandfathering explanation. It is a red herring fished out of context to misinform the uninformed.

sorry, but you are, let's say I currently have an XYZ policy from company A....I am grandfathered in....the new law goes into effect and from that day forward every insurance plan must be an ABC, I like the XYZ policy better, because I can afford it and it meets my I stick with company A.....

now, if my company goes out of business, my only choice is an ABC policy, because all the companies that sell XYZ policies are not allowed to sell to me....

or, if I find out my buddy gets his XYZ policy from company B for a hundred a month less than I pay company A, I am not allowed to switch to company B....all I can do is stay with company A or get an ABC policy....

is that free market?.....
Totally wrong, you ******* liar. "Grandfathered" means that the policies you have now are EXEMPT from the rules regarding who they may and may not drop from their rolls to prevent covering due to preexisting conditions. That was a huge gift to the pharma industry. You will still be able to go buy a private plan if you want, but it'll be subject to the new rules that prevent them from refusing treatment due to preexisting conditions. If you leave your private insurance plan, you have the option to buy another private plan or buy the public plan.

This isn't that difficult. Do you know how dishonest you are? Or are you just profoundly ignorant?

first of all, I would assume the fact this is in APP means it was awfully naughty of you to call me a ******* liar....especially, since I just got done posting an explanation of why what I said was stick it in your ear and stir it.....
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Are you retarded? It's not in trouble. It was HUGELY successful. They made the program and limited it to $1 billion spent or November as the drop dead date for the program. It was so hugely successful in getting people out to buy new cars that the $1 billion got used up in just a single week. It's so fucking successful in getting people to buy new cars, which means American jobs by the way, that they just gave it another $2 billion to get even more people to buy cars.

How the fuck is it a failure you idiot?
I would say it's a failure because you and I as taxpayers (wait, I mean me) just gave hundreds of thousands of people checks for $4500 for no other reason than that it's supposed to be beneficial to get old cars off the road.....even though it was perfectly okay to bring in cars that were in too bad of shape to even get on the road, and even though there is absolutely no evidence that removing an operable vehicle from the road is going to generate $4500 worth of value to the environment.....

are you going to pretend that this program was well planned?.....are you going to pretend it was even thought about?......
This is news to me. Link me up. I'd like to read about it. That seems excessive. My guess is they're including the stimulus spending and the wars (which Bush conveniently never included in his budgets to hide the deficits).

In fact, that may be all Obama did. It's possible he just put the wars into the budget. Bush always tried to fund them with supplementary spending bills to hide the costs. If that's all he did, I think you should be ashamed of yourself for misrepresenting it. Bush should have done that from the beginning, and attacking Obama for doing what everyone with a brain would say is the right thing is retarded.
This is news to you? Where the heck have you been? 200 days into this administration and you don't even know what they're spending? Now you are wasting our time.
first of all, I would assume the fact this is in APP means it was awfully naughty of you to call me a ******* liar....especially, since I just got done posting an explanation of why what I said was stick it in your ear and stir it.....

I assume since you complained about being called a name and ignored the fact that you got pwned means you rescind your lie.

Unless you really love the fact that your policy means you can be dropped and denied coverage for a preexisting condition, you'll be better under the new plan. Nobody's going to force you to buy the public option. That's just a fact.
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I would say it's a failure because you and I as taxpayers (wait, I mean me) just gave hundreds of thousands of people checks for $4500 for no other reason than that it's supposed to be beneficial to get old cars off the road.....even though it was perfectly okay to bring in cars that were in too bad of shape to even get on the road, and even though there is absolutely no evidence that removing an operable vehicle from the road is going to generate $4500 worth of value to the environment.....

are you going to pretend that this program was well planned?.....are you going to pretend it was even thought about?......

Yeah, it was well planned and well thought out. It's not just about more efficient cars, it's about jump starting the dying auto industry in this country. And it's fucking working. Just go read the news. Lots of bustling again, cars are getting moved off the lots, and that means jobs are being created in the factories that make them and dealerships dont have to close down or lay people off. On top of all that, it's good for the environment.

You are a toooooool.
And what do you know, I was 100 percent right

Obama included all the red ink that Bush left out to fool idiots like you who now look at the budget as it really is and claim its Obama's fault.
But you weren't. The fricking spendulous added over 700 Billion on top of TARP, far more than they are spending in both theatres in this year. Jeebus, this dude has spent more than ever before and his bots just lap up the "bushfault" flavored kool ade.
But you weren't. The fricking spendulous added over 700 Billion on top of TARP, far more than they are spending in both theatres in this year. Jeebus, this dude has spent more than ever before and his bots just lap up the "bushfault" flavored kool ade.

The economy that necessitated the stimulus and the wars themselves are both Bush's fault. It's not like he's going out and spending $1 trillion on new fancy government programs to control you.
I assume since you complained about being called a name and ignored the fact that you got pwned means you rescind your lie.

Unless you really love the fact that your policy means you can be dropped and denied coverage for a preexisting condition, you'll be better under the new plan. Nobody's going to force you to buy the public option. That's just a fact.
ah, so now your response isn't that I can join any plan I want, it's just "you'll be better off with the new plan"....your right....nobody's going to force me to buy the public option....unless my company goes out of business.....then they're going to put me on the public option, charge me for it and fine me.....sure, nobody's going to "force me"......and you had the balls to call me a liar....
Yeah, it was well planned and well thought out. It's not just about more efficient cars, it's about jump starting the dying auto industry in this country. And it's fucking working. Just go read the news. Lots of bustling again, cars are getting moved off the lots, and that means jobs are being created in the factories that make them and dealerships dont have to close down or lay people off. On top of all that, it's good for the environment.

You are a toooooool.

sure it's working....shucks if we still had a Chrysler dealer I would buy one....they have this matching program so I could get $9000 in total credits for my son's winterbeater jeep that has to be replaced by next winter.....just because the US taxpayers are stupid enough to give me that much money for something worth a hundred bucks tops.....oh wait, it wasn't the taxpayer's was the governments.....
You're fighting what will be a budget neutral government program, and one that will likely save you hundreds of dollars personally and save thousands of others from bankruptcy.
Yes, because we believe that there is a better way to meet the same goal without bankrupting the nation.

I will also note that a Budget is only a Budget and it takes actually following it and actual accurate estimations to do something with actual Net Neutral rather than just neutral to a budget.

I can make a budget that says whatever you want it to say, even projecting surpluses, but it won't make it reality when it comes to the end of year statements if you outspend it.

If we do not first find and fix the cost issues we are setting ourselves up for failure.
sorry, but you are, let's say I currently have an XYZ policy from company A....I am grandfathered in....the new law goes into effect and from that day forward every insurance plan must be an ABC, I like the XYZ policy better, because I can afford it and it meets my I stick with company A.....

now, if my company goes out of business, my only choice is an ABC policy, because all the companies that sell XYZ policies are not allowed to sell to me....

or, if I find out my buddy gets his XYZ policy from company B for a hundred a month less than I pay company A, I am not allowed to switch to company B....all I can do is stay with company A or get an ABC policy....

is that free market?.....

Your choice is any policy out there that comes under the new law private or public. You are a poor dupe or fostering lies for political reasons and someone you probably are unaware of, which is it? One thing is for sure, you aren't worth the time of day, peddle your lies elsewhere. Please let me know the source that planted your opinion, I want to report them to the Obama Gestapo.
ah, so now your response isn't that I can join any plan I want, it's just "you'll be better off with the new plan"....your right....nobody's going to force me to buy the public option....unless my company goes out of business.....then they're going to put me on the public option, charge me for it and fine me.....sure, nobody's going to "force me"......and you had the balls to call me a liar....

No, you can always buy a private plan even when you're not employed. If you really want to keep a plan with a provision that lets them drop you for a preexisting condition, you'll have to pay COBRA and keep it if you lose your job. Otherwise you can buy a new plan which is exactly the same minus that provision. Or you can buy the government plan, if you choose.
Your choice is any policy out there that comes under the new law private or public. You are a poor dupe or fostering lies for political reasons and someone you probably are unaware of, which is it? One thing is for sure, you aren't worth the time of day, peddle your lies elsewhere. Please let me know the source that planted your opinion, I want to report them to the Obama Gestapo.
I have provided you with the text of the proposed bill that says exactly what I stated....the fact that you deny what everyone can read means you have no intent of engaging in an honest discussion of the bill but simply intend that it get passed without anyone looking at it.....I intend to report YOU to Obama for making fraudulent claims about the health care bill....
What a fucking waste of time.

Postmodern, just say it. Is the government forcing you to buy a government plan? Yes or no.
No, you can always buy a private plan even when you're not employed. If you really want to keep a plan with a provision that lets them drop you for a preexisting condition, you'll have to pay COBRA and keep it if you lose your job. Otherwise you can buy a new plan which is exactly the same minus that provision. Or you can buy the government plan, if you choose.

.not everyone gets their insurance free from their employer.....I am self employed....I already pay for my own plan....I like my plan....if my insurance company goes broke, I cannot buy a plan like the one I have now from anyone....if another company has the same plan but cheaper, I will not be allowed to buy insurance from them......I will have to buy the government approved plan.....get it?.....
What a fucking waste of time.

Postmodern, just say it. Is the government forcing you to buy a government plan? Yes or no.

yes....once my plan is no longer available from my current insurer I have no choice but to get the government many times do I have to say it before it sinks in.....