APP - Emergency Rooms as Healthcare

(A) IN GENERAL- Except as provided in this paragraph (grandfathered cases), the individual health insurance issuer offering such coverage does not enroll any individual in such coverage if the first effective date of coverage is on or after the first day of Y1.
No, the language says "such coverage" not "new policies" or "insurance policies." It says "such coverage" in the context of a subsection dealing with grandfathered in plans. A subsection explaining that grandfathered plans are exempt from the essential benefits minimums, but new policies may not be exempt.
People who keep coverage can keep it, new policies are sold from the exchange. We were talking about off-exchange policies such policies cannot be offered to new customers.
People who keep coverage can keep it, new policies are sold from the exchange. We were talking about off-exchange policies such policies cannot be offered to new customers.

That's not what it says. It doesn't say anything about the exchange in that section you posted. It says insurers cannot offer "such coverage" in reference to grandfathered policies. The section I posted says they can sell plans off the exchange. I've posted it about a dozen times now.
That's not what it says. It doesn't say anything about the exchange in that section you posted. It says insurers cannot offer "such coverage" in reference to grandfathered policies. The section I posted says they can sell plans off the exchange. I've posted it about a dozen times now.
It was speaking of exemptions from the exchange it speaks to grandfathered policies and says that such policies cannot be offered to new individuals.
It says they cannot offer any new policies outside the exchange you dolt.

Looks like the White House is paying attention to the people. Of course how the libs spin this reversal should be amusing.

DISCLAIMER: I do not know how to post a link, so if anyone wants to yuck it up and laugh at it, I give you my full permission.

White House appears ready to drop 'public option' (AP)
AP - Bowing to Republican pressure and an uneasy public, President Barack Obama's administration signaled Sunday it is ready to abandon the idea of giving Americans the option of government-run insurance as part of a new health care system.

Sidebar: Damo. The crap you've allowed to go on in this thread flies in the face of what you've moved to other areas of this board. Guess when it involves you, you make certain concessions, eh?
Looks like the White House is paying attention to the people. Of course how the libs spin this reversal should be amusing.

DISCLAIMER: I do not know how to post a link, so if anyone wants to yuck it up and laugh at it, I give you my full permission.

White House appears ready to drop 'public option' (AP)
AP - Bowing to Republican pressure and an uneasy public, President Barack Obama's administration signaled Sunday it is ready to abandon the idea of giving Americans the option of government-run insurance as part of a new health care system.

Sidebar: Damo. The crap you've allowed to go on in this thread flies in the face of what you've moved to other areas of this board. Guess when it involves you, you make certain concessions, eh?
I've told you before I never get offended and I need help in that area. However I will remind you the rules of the area say that one can insult people at a certain level, unless the receiver complains.

This is good news, BTW.
I've told you before I never get offended and I need help in that area. However I will remind you the rules of the area say that one can insult people at a certain level.

Doesn't have a damn thing to do with you being offended. It has to do with you being even-handed.

You're not.
Doesn't have a damn thing to do with you being offended. It has to do with you being even-handed.

You're not.
In which way? I don't delete posts meant to offend me?

I ask people to report posts that are offenses because I don't often see offense. And that comes with me as well.
It was speaking of exemptions from the exchange it speaks to grandfathered policies and says that such policies cannot be offered to new individuals.

Such policies may not be offered to new individuals because such policies don't conform to the new essential benefits minimums. It's got a whole section explaining what one needs to do to have a policy qualify to sell off the exchange. You keep trying to ignore that like it'll go away if you ignore it every time I post it. They cannot sell the old policies because they don't include the consumer protections they're mandating in the bill. They may not sell SUCH COVERAGE, but it doesn't say they may not sell policies at all. The section of the bill I post says what policies they can sell off exchange.

THEY HAVE A SECTION OF THE BILL THAT TELLS YOU WHAT POLICIES CAN BE SOLD OFF EXCHANGE, and we're here arguing about whether or not policies will be abel to be sold outside of the exchange. This is fucking retarded.
I am anxious to see how this coop deal works out. It sounds like a severe neutering of what would have been a strong national option. I hope to read how they plan to make the coops accomplish the competition role that was meant for the federal public option. My guess is if Republicans are supporting it, it aint worth nuthin by way of competing with HMOs.
I am anxious to see how this coop deal works out. It sounds like a severe neutering of what would have been a strong national option. I hope to read how they plan to make the coops accomplish the competition role that was meant for the federal public option. My guess is if Republicans are supporting it, it aint worth nuthin by way of competing with HMOs.
Are republicans supporting it? I thought they'd be working far more on the Blue Dogs than republicans.
Are republicans supporting it? I thought they'd be working far more on the Blue Dogs than republicans.

It's clear the Republicans aren't going to support anything Obama puts forth. You can expect exactly 0 Republican votes no matter what compromises they make. The coop thing will give the blue dogs enough cover to defeat a filibuster then vote against the actual legislation, which will still pass with a small majority.

I'll wait until I see some numbers on the coop thing. It sounds like a terrible compromise, considering we get absolutely 0 in return for it.
Oh, and ib...

(1) NON-EXCHANGE-PARTICIPATING HEALTH BENEFITS PLANS- In the case of a qualified health benefits plan that is not an Exchange-participating health benefits plan, such plan may offer such coverage in addition to the essential benefits package as the QHBP offering entity may specify.

I'm sure I read this the first time I went through the bill, but it didn't stick. You're right, I was wrong. So long as they meet the QHBP requirements, they can offer insurance off-exchange.
It's clear the Republicans aren't going to support anything Obama puts forth. You can expect exactly 0 Republican votes no matter what compromises they make. The coop thing will give the blue dogs enough cover to defeat a filibuster then vote against the actual legislation, which will still pass with a small majority.

I'll wait until I see some numbers on the coop thing. It sounds like a terrible compromise, considering we get absolutely 0 in return for it.
I think there will be some Rs that will vote for it, probably the three on the panel creating the Senate offering. I'm also sure that this won't get all of the Blue Dogs in line.
Oh, and ib...

I'm sure I read this the first time I went through the bill, but it didn't stick. You're right, I was wrong. So long as they meet the QHBP requirements, they can offer insurance off-exchange.

Thanks. I thought I quoted that about 12 or 24 times. I figured you were being obtuse and ignoring it because it was inconvenient.