April 18, no more masks at airports and planes

You do realize the main reason we have underemployment and rampant inflation is because of the hyperventilated COVID response.
On second thought you probably don’t.

We have very low unemployment rates. Our problem has been catering to rightys who are anti-science and think they know more than the medical profession by following right-wing gnus. Most advanced countries have followed the guidelines better than we.
Correct. Due to underemployment. Sweden is the only country I know of that got it right.

Define underemployment. There are lots of jobs and wages are going up. Japan got it right. They wear masks during flu season and when they do not feel well. That is a consideration for others, something rightys think is weakness.
I was just told this by a TSA guy when going thru security at the Kona airport.
I don’t think polysquawker or concart will ever travel by airlines again.
I put this in politics because that’s all masks, shutdowns and mandates have ever been about

About fucking time.
Just like Reagan fucked up the response to AIDS,
He didn't.
Trump fucked up the response to COVID.
He didn't.
Reagan did it because he was trying to cut costs and didn't give a shit about gays.
He didn't.
Trump fucked it up because a pandemic would have an harsh effect on the Hotel and Resort business and he was more worried about saving his assets instead of the nation.
He didn't.

DEMOCRATS caused the fear mongering. DEMOCRATS shut down the economy. DEMOCRATS destroyed businesses and imprisoned people in their homes. DEMOCRATS caused the insanity with the mask and vaccine mandates.