Archive of Dixie Myths

dixie has made his name by telling people who are smarter than he in on a variety of subjects that they don't know what they are talking about.

He argues the geneva convention with career military officers...he argues basic math with matemeticians.... it's what he does. He sees himself as the world's greatest authority.

The subject matter is unimportant and does not in any way change his own self perception of greatness.
You really don't get it do you? We do have base twelve. We simply use a decimal system. Now fractional values are also used. But you can't remember your fourth grade math.

I am well aware we have base 12, but in base 12, 1=1.2 and this is why it is divisible by 3. In Base 10, Base 12, Base 28, Base 97, Base 356, Base 5,492... 1 is not divisible by 3 without a remainder. The equivalent in that base system might be, but the value 1 is not. And this IS part of 4th grade math, probably 2nd or 3rd grade by now!

You know, it's funny... all these mathematicians, and not one of you can give me three equal values which equal 1, unless you use a fractional representation, which has an unresolved remainder. Seems that if you were correct, it would be very simple to prove, but you can't... you just keep telling me 'you can, it just can't be expressed' ...that makes no sense to me. Unless perhaps this is some evidence that proves God... who also can't be expressed... Maybe that is what you are saying, we should just have faith that 1 can be divided by 3 without a remainder?

I don't care if you are a math major or a nuclear physicist, or a rocket scientist, or you fucking invented the decimal system! ONE can't be divided into THREE parts, without a remainder! Period! Now, stop patting each other on the back for your genius and PROVE your argument, or shut the fuck up and admit that I have made a valid point.
I am well aware we have base 12, but in base 12, 1=1.2

Ah now I see the problem you don't know how different base number systems work.

In every base number system 1 remains 1.

In base 10 1 = 1
In base 12 1 = 1
In base 8 1 =1

When you count in base 12 it looks like this
The numbers are not represented differently until one reaches 10. In decimal 10 is represented 10 in DuoDecimal it is represented T. But every number before T is the same as it is in decimal.

1 is definitely not equal to 1.2
1 divided by 3 is 0.4 multiply 0.4 by 3 and you have 1. In base 12 that is. When you divide 1 by 3 in that system you are NOT dividing 1.2 by 3. If you did divide 1.2 by 3 in base 12 it would be 0.48 not 0.4
I don't care if you are a math major or a nuclear physicist, or a rocket scientist, or you fucking invented the decimal system! ONE can't be divided into THREE parts, without a remainder! Period! Now, stop patting each other on the back for your genius and PROVE your argument, or shut the fuck up and admit that I have made a valid point.

Damo's calculator already proved it. Do you want him to post the video or something? There is no remainder.
1 divided by 3 is 0.4 multiply 0.4 by 3 and you have 1.

Gee... when I divide 1 by 3, I get .33333333333333333 ...When I multiply .4 by 3, I get 1.2! Is my calculator wrong too or are you and Damo just 'smarter' than the calculator?
using base 10 is just an arbitrary choice. If you can divide a quantity using base 12 and have each have a value of 0.4 you can decide to switch over to base 10. The quantity of the equal thirds when they were 0.4 do not shrink when you switch to base 10 even though they are represented as 0.33333E. Nothing has truly changed just our perspective.

We can get deep into philosophy but I don't believe our thought changes the properties of the physical world. Yet that is what you are saying is happening.
What number do you want the calculator to show you? .3333333E is 1/3. Are you going to let the RAM limitations of your calculator determine the rules for mathematics?
I just want to know what three exact values I can add together to get exactly one, and so far, no one has presented it. You've given me a fractional representation, but a representation is not a direct value. You've taken the argument outside the parameters of the math we commonly use, and found another base system to perform the calculation, but that is not what I asked for either. IF 1 in 'Base Pinhead' still equals 1, then it can't be divided into three equal parts with nothing remaining, it's impossible. You can get close, as close as humanly needed or required to be, there is no argument from me on that, we use 1/3 everyday and assume equal thirds, but it is unresolved, we do assume the parts equal, they are not defined as absolute equals, and can't be.
I'm really clear on what 1 divided by 3 is, are you? It is .33333e The little (e) at the end, means it goes on for infinity. Now, unless you have found a way to resolve infinity, you can't define the value of it, and we don't have an absolute value until you define it. You can assume it is defined, which is how we interpret the fractional expression 1/3.

I will ask you again, for the 90,000th time in over 1500 posts and countless threads on the subject, what is the defined numeric value to multiply by 3 and obtain exactly 1? IF there isn't such a value, I rest my case. The fractional representation expressed by "1/3" in not valid here, because when you divide 1 into 3, you get .333e 1/3=.3333e and multiplied by 3, this doesn't equal 1, it equals .999e. Just give me the damn number Damo, or shut up and admit that I made a valid point... I don't care which one you do, I am finding it pretty amazing you've joined in with the nit-wits to insist that I am wrong about something I am not fucking wrong about. And you apparently don't comprehend, I am not going to suddenly say that this basic math fundamental is wrong, but even if I did, you still couldn't divide 1 by 3 and not have a remainder, it's impossible!
1 divided by 3 is 0.4 multiply 0.4 by 3 and you have 1.

Gee... when I divide 1 by 3, I get .33333333333333333 ...When I multiply .4 by 3, I get 1.2! Is my calculator wrong too or are you and Damo just 'smarter' than the calculator?
Your calculator is much simpler than the ones we used while I was taking math in college.
I'm really clear on what 1 divided by 3 is, are you? It is .33333e The little (e) at the end, means it goes on for infinity. Now, unless you have found a way to resolve infinity, you can't define the value of it, and we don't have an absolute value until you define it. You can assume it is defined, which is how we interpret the fractional expression 1/3.

I will ask you again, for the 90,000th time in over 1500 posts and countless threads on the subject, what is the defined numeric value to multiply by 3 and obtain exactly 1? IF there isn't such a value, I rest my case. The fractional representation expressed by "1/3" in not valid here, because when you divide 1 into 3, you get .333e 1/3=.3333e and multiplied by 3, this doesn't equal 1, it equals .999e. Just give me the damn number Damo, or shut up and admit that I made a valid point... I don't care which one you do, I am finding it pretty amazing you've joined in with the nit-wits to insist that I am wrong about something I am not fucking wrong about. And you apparently don't comprehend, I am not going to suddenly say that this basic math fundamental is wrong, but even if I did, you still couldn't divide 1 by 3 and not have a remainder, it's impossible!
And I will tell you one more time.

It depends on which "language" you are speaking in mathematics. If you are using Hexidecimal the values would be different. If you are using base 12 rather than base 10 expression the values would be different, and in this case very clearly NOT an infinite value.

That you cannot understand, that like language, math can be expressed differently just as a different word can mean the same thing in another language then it is your limitation, not math's limitation.

If you made the statement that maineman made, that you cannot express a value if expressing it only decimally then you would be correct. However you made a blanket statement that was incorrect. You can express that value without a remainder, if you use a different "language" of math.
to dixie...math is only valid in a base ten world.... his problem is that his reach in mathematics does not exceed his grasp and he has very short arms. If it doesn't work on his calculator, it is invalid.

Think of this: if we are incapable of getting the simple notion of one divided by three into his moronic brain.... imagine trying to talk string theory!

Like I said, Dixie is a moronic gadfly buffoon who fancies himself the world's greatest authority - on anything and everything. No one has ever been able to get him to admit he fucked up about anything of any substance in all the years I have known him.... we really should not expect that to miraculously change.
This is amazing. Dixie doesn't even know what different bases are, or that base 10 is as arbitrary as base 6 or base 15, and that the number of fingers that ID ended up putting on man's hands has nothing to do with having equal thirds of 1.

The most bizarre part is that he's flamboyantly arrogant about being this stupid and completely wrong. It would be funnier if it were an act, but sadly, I don't think it is so.
It doesn't matter what bases are, we are not talking about bases. We are talking about dividing one by three! Get your goddamned calculators out... push "1" ...push the little "divide" symbol... push "3" ...push "=" and see what you get! If it isn't .3333333333, I am wrong, and you can give us the number! If it gives you .333333333, I am right, and 1 can't be divided by three equally without producing a remainder. It's really that simple.

This is like fucking Bizzaro Land or something! You fucking morons have argued with me about this for pretty much three goddamn years now, and you still haven't made your case to refute what I have correctly stated, and you can argue another three years and STILL not make your case! I'm done with this, it's down right stupid to keep going through this over and over and over and over! Just stay here and jerk each other off and talk about how stupid I am, I really don't care anymore, I made an accurate and true statement, that 1 can't be divided by 3 without producing a remainder, and nothing you've presented has yet to refute that! Try to get it through your thick obtuse heads, this is not something you are going to WIN! EVER!
dixie...of course it matters what base we are talking about. are you aware that your calculator only operates in base ten? are you aware that that is only one of several base systems that can be used in math? are you aware that what you can do and what you can represent with digits are two different things altogether?
It depends on which "language" you are speaking in mathematics.

It doesn't matter what language you speak, as long as 1=1 and 3=3, you can't divide 1 by 3 and not have a remainder. I'm really sorry that you spent all that money to get edummacated in math, and didn't learn this simple 3rd grade thing, but really... I am not lying, when you divide 1 by 3, you get a floating infinitive remainder that is not resolved, meaning you never have a true value, meaning it is undefined and unresolved, and assumed equal. You all continue to try and twist this argument into the untrue argument that nothing can be divided into equal thirds, and that is not what I have EVER said!

The whole "1/3 Argument" demonstrates how dishonest liberal pinheads are, and I'll throw Damo and Beefy in that mix as well... you are ALL dishonest as hell, you want to construct the argument that you can refute, rather than admit the argument I presented is valid. I understand you hate my fucking guts and can't stand to admit I have bested you! I really do get that! I am not upset about it, I can deal with it, but seriously, you people need fucking help! I've never seen people go to such extremes to "prove someone wrong" on something they are not wrong about! NEVER!
dixie...of course it matters what base we are talking about. are you aware that your calculator only operates in base ten? are you aware that that is only one of several base systems that can be used in math? are you aware that what you can do and what you can represent with digits are two different things altogether?

Okay, so I can use "Base Z42" Math and say that 1+1=800! Wow! I just gained a bunch of money in my checking account, I just need to call the fucking bank and tell them to calculate in MY language, and I'll be fucking RICH! YAY!
