Archive of Dixie Myths

dixie...of course it matters what base we are talking about. are you aware that your calculator only operates in base ten? are you aware that that is only one of several base systems that can be used in math? are you aware that what you can do and what you can represent with digits are two different things altogether?

Okay, so I can use "Base Z42" Math and say that 1+1=800! Wow! I just gained a bunch of money in my checking account, I just need to call the fucking bank and tell them to calculate in MY language, and I'll be fucking RICH! YAY!


I take it, by your answer, that you really do not understand the entire concept of "base" in mathematics all that well. Your assumption that base ten is the preeminent base and that it somehow takes priority over every other way of counting is incorrect and really quite funny.
It doesn't matter what bases are, we are not talking about bases. We are talking about dividing one by three! Get your goddamned calculators out... push "1" ...push the little "divide" symbol... push "3" ...push "=" and see what you get! If it isn't .3333333333, I am wrong, and you can give us the number! If it gives you .333333333, I am right, and 1 can't be divided by three equally without producing a remainder. It's really that simple.

This is like fucking Bizzaro Land or something! You fucking morons have argued with me about this for pretty much three goddamn years now, and you still haven't made your case to refute what I have correctly stated, and you can argue another three years and STILL not make your case! I'm done with this, it's down right stupid to keep going through this over and over and over and over! Just stay here and jerk each other off and talk about how stupid I am, I really don't care anymore, I made an accurate and true statement, that 1 can't be divided by 3 without producing a remainder, and nothing you've presented has yet to refute that! Try to get it through your thick obtuse heads, this is not something you are going to WIN! EVER!

First of all. Calm down. Being this confused shouldn't put you into a tizzy. Everything's going to be okay.

Get your goddamned calculators out... push "1" ...push the little "divide" symbol... push "3" ...push "=" and see what you get! If it isn't .3333333333, I am wrong, and you can give us the number! If it gives you .333333333, I am right, and 1 can't be divided by three equally without producing a remainder. It's really that simple.

Let's do something even simpler. Let's put on our thinking caps! Switch it on Dix! Click! Very good.

Now Let's get our "gosh darn" pencils out, and write "1". Then we'll draw a line that looks like a "Z" but without the top and bottom. It looks like this "/".

Are you still with me? I'm going to risk getting far, far ahead of myself here, and proceed with our lesson.

After the "/", place a "3".

If it looks like this: .33333333e, then you need to learn how to use a pencil better, and maybe get on Ritalin. If it looks like this: 1/3, then congratulations!! You're done with lesson 1! Prenatal math!!!

We'll move on to step two once this one has sunk in, but be proud when it finally does!
1/3 is a division problem. Any fractional representation is a division problem... let's test it... 1/100=.01 ...4/20=.2 ...1/2=.5 ....300/3000=.1 See how that works? It's UNIVERSAL, it works with any fractional representation you can present. The little slanted line between the two values simply means "divided by". We can also use multiplication (another math function) to test our division... .01x100=1 ... 0.2x20=4 ... 0.5x2=1 ... 0.1x3000=300

Are you getting any of this? Now, when we do this exercise with 1/3, we get .3333333333333333333333333333333333333(....forever and ever) That is also called "infinity". What it means is, the number 1 can't be equally divided by 3, there will always be one left over, carried to the next place and multiplied to produce another one, carried to the next place and multiplied to produce another one, carried to the next place and multiplied to produce another one... and so on... SORT OF LIKE THIS STUPID ARGUMENT!
Your assumption that base ten is the preeminent base and that it somehow takes priority over every other way of counting is incorrect and really quite funny.

It seems to be the standard my bank uses, they didn't like my Base Z42 Math, where 1=800. Are the banks up in Maineland different? If so, maybe that explains how such utter morons can make so much money to pay in taxes up there in LiberalLand?
1/3 is a division problem. Any fractional representation is a division problem... let's test it... 1/100=.01 ...4/20=.2 ...1/2=.5 ....300/3000=.1 See how that works? It's UNIVERSAL, it works with any fractional representation you can present. The little slanted line between the two values simply means "divided by". We can also use multiplication (another math function) to test our division... .01x100=1 ... 0.2x20=4 ... 0.5x2=1 ... 0.1x3000=300

Are you getting any of this? Now, when we do this exercise with 1/3, we get .3333333333333333333333333333333333333(....forever and ever) That is also called "infinity". What it means is, the number 1 can't be equally divided by 3, there will always be one left over, carried to the next place and multiplied to produce another one, carried to the next place and multiplied to produce another one, carried to the next place and multiplied to produce another one... and so on... SORT OF LIKE THIS STUPID ARGUMENT!

Again, try to remain calm.

Try to refocus and think about step one, just relax, think....

Once step one comes to you, let me know. Step two is just as hard, but by golly, I think you may be able to get it!

You're good enough Dix! Don't give up already now!
Hey Beefy, I know that you are trying really hard, but let me tell you something, son... It doesn't matter how much hatred you have for me, it doesn't change mathematics, and it never will. Sorry!
Hey Beefy, I know that you are trying really hard, but let me tell you something, son... It doesn't matter how much hatred you have for me, it doesn't change mathematics, and it never will. Sorry!
Nor will an insistence that math can only be expressed in base 10. Your fundamental lack of understanding of mathematical concepts beyond the digits 0 through 9 has been made abundantly clear to everybody on the board.
Nor will an insistence that math can only be expressed in base 10. Your fundamental lack of understanding of mathematical concepts beyond the digits 0 through 9 has been made abundantly clear to everybody on the board.

Damo, please read through this thread and show me where I ever said that math can only be expressed in base 10?

You know, generally, you are the one who has the level head around here and keeps the bozos reeled in, but you seem to have jumped on the bozo bandwagon here. I have never argued that math can only be expressed in base 10, or that we don't use other base systems to determine various things. This debate is over a simplistic 3rd grade mathematics factoid... 1 divided by 3 produces a remainder. That's all. It is ALL that I have ever argued or said. Yet, pinheads who simply can't bear the thought of me being right and them being wrong, have twisted and distorted the argument into all kinds of other arguments to refute, and I have gladly played along with them, while maintaining the original argument I presented, which is absolutely correct, is in every elementary textbook in America, and is demonstrable with any pocket calculator.

You've gotten all wound up and 'high and mighty' on me, and have become completely unreasonable to talk to. I don't know what I did to you, I thought we had a fairly good relationship, but apparently something has happened to piss you off like it did with Beefy, and you've decided to take your personal animosity out on me in this debate. I feel sorry for you, Damo. You are turning into another SR, too stubborn and hard headed to see anything from a perspective different from your own, and outright disrespectful and arrogantly rude to your guests.

Take a look around, dumbass. Who is responding on this thread? You and a host of people who literally hate me to the point of lying and slandering me on a daily basis, people so disconnected with reality, they lack the intellectual honesty to have an intelligent debate. People so intimidated by me, they can't possibly bring themselves to admit they don't have an argument. They are the ones who introduced "base 10" here, not me. I made a simple and elementary point that most everyone learned in the 3rd grade, and they twisted it into some unreasonable debate they could win, and you joined in with them. I am disappointed in you, I once had some respect for your integrity, I no longer have any, as far as I am concerned, you are as full of shit as the rest of them.

1 divided by 3 produces a remainder. Plain and simple, end of argument. If you want to continue believing otherwise, you go right ahead, the pinheads will all pat you on the back like they did SR, and you can feel like a big shit among them! That's what the fuck you are all about, and always have been about anyway.

Good day.
Your assumption that base ten is the preeminent base and that it somehow takes priority over every other way of counting is incorrect and really quite funny.

It seems to be the standard my bank uses, they didn't like my Base Z42 Math, where 1=800. Are the banks up in Maineland different? If so, maybe that explains how such utter morons can make so much money to pay in taxes up there in LiberalLand?

and all the really great theoretical mathematicians in Alabama are bank tellers.

Dixie do me a favor go have this talk with some Math professors since RString, AOI, Maineman, Damo, AC and myself can't convince you.

BTW this has to be the biggest example of a person acting like a crybaby I have yet to see on a message board.
Dixie this is why you got into trouble

This reminded me of the Great Math Riddle. It relies on the mathematic fact that there is no such thing as 1/3....

You can'd divide something into 3 equal parts, it is a mathematical impossibility.

It IS impossible to divide 1 into 3 equal parts, try as you might, it can't be done. It can be done to a close enough degree that it is inconsequential, but 3x0.33333e=0.99999e, not 1.

but it's not possible to have absolute equal thirds of 1.

ONE can't be equally divided by THREE.

TEN can't be equally divided by THREE.

ONE-HUNDRED can't be equally divided by THREE.

ONE THOUSAND can't be equally divided by THREE.

There is NO WAY to do it so that ALL THREE parts are EQUAL!!!

It defies Mathematics! Do you not understand this???
Hey Beefy, I know that you are trying really hard, but let me tell you something, son... It doesn't matter how much hatred you have for me, it doesn't change mathematics, and it never will. Sorry!

I don't hate you Dix. But that red herring doesn't change mathematics either.

Its you who is trying to redefine simple, rudimentary math. And it is really bizarre that a grown man would go to these lenghts to defend a tho9usand times proven fallacious argument.

But carry on. Remember, when you hit rock bottom, you can always pick up your shovel.