Are Biblical Laws About Homosexuality Eternal? Op-Ed by R.E.Friedman and S. Dolansky

I read that from you previously- I just don't agree with it. God wouldn't have instructed the Hebrews to destroy 7 nations because Noah was embarrassed.

The event happened just after God has supposedly drowned every man, woman and child except Noah's family. Do you think all the children in the world were supremely wicked?
Actually, according to the Bible, unless due to infidelity a woman who was divorced by her husband and remarried was committing adultery. The verses I read said nothing at all about the man. I can't see how it would be possible because in Christ's time there was still plural marriage.

Woman had very few rights, but it seems it would only make sense for the man to be committing adultery too. I will have to do more research, this isn't a topic I am informed about, being that I have never divorced and always thought Biblical rules about such were folly, but they were implemented to keep the peace, otherwise those Hebrews would have been stealing each others wives because the wives would want to marry someone they loved, instead of someone arranged for them!
Wrong. It was God's instruction to Moses in Deuteronomy 7:1, 2.

Indeed it was God's instruction to Moses. I was addressing your attempted strawman comment "God wouldn't have instructed the Hebrews to destroy 7 nations because Noah was embarrassed".
I read that from you previously- I just don't agree with it. God wouldn't have instructed the Hebrews to destroy 7 nations because Noah was embarrassed.

The curse was not due to Noah's embarrassment. The curse was due to Ham's wicked intention of usurping Noah's authority-mocking Noah's nakedness and taking his robe was equal to mocking his authority and taking it for himself. Therefore Canaans' curse was to be subservient to authority-enslaved.
You may believe this is truth, but how many people truly accept Jesus? There is a lot of false pageantry, but those that truly walk the walk, well, I could count them on my right hand.

Christianity believes that is the to the rest, I believe the parable about throwing stones was written for your benefit.......
?????......I would love to see you document that......


The whole book of Leviticus is about unclean, and clean and the mixing of kinds, like you sin, because you mix fabrics, it was a law at the time! You were not allowed to put old wine in new wine skins, etc. The book of Leviticus was rules that applied to the Jews and what differentiated them from the pagans.

I trust the words of men and women who have not only studied the text, but the times in which they were written and have stated that those verses used to condemn homosexuality don't mean what the homophobes think they mean.
lol, theology according to Bruce! the future try referring to sources that aren't a guy with a a BS in engineering posting crap on a computer in his basement......

The books I have read on the subjects are written by those with ph.d's. there are many people who write into religioustolerance, it is a very respected site.
Of course there are some "scholars" who don't believe the Bible condemns homosexuality, just as there are some physicians who don't believe cigarette smoking can lead to cancer. The fact remains that the vast majority of Biblical scholars do believe the Bible condemns homosexuality.

One thing that puzzles me, though, is why you are so concerned about the issue, given your past disapproval of Christianity, the Bible, and even the concept of a knowable/personal deity.
The whole book of Leviticus is about unclean, and clean and the mixing of kinds

I have bad news, Rana......there are several different things going on in the book of Leviticus.....I suggest you actually read it before you post something like pointed out before, there are ceremonial laws, there is a civil code and there is a moral code.....they are all treated differently......
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there are many people who write into religioustolerance, it is a very respected site.

no, you stupid is is a joke and will NOT be tolerated as a reliable is only "respected" by people who don't know what the fuck they are talking about......
Almost all of the over 4,475 essays and menus on this web site (as of 2008-NOV) were written by our main author, and coordinator Bruce A. Robinson. He is a graduate of the University of Toronto, class of 1959, with a BaSc (Bachelor of Applied Science) degree in Engineering Physics.

Bruce is on record as believing that the fact he has never studied theology makes him superbly qualified to teach it.......
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I have bad news, Rana......there are several different things going on in the book of Leviticus.....I suggest you actually read it before you post something like this......

Ohhhhhhhhh. was that a dig, I have read Leviticus and several scholars on the subject and they don't agree with your take on the subject matter! so, because I live and let live, I don't follow the homophobic translations!
Of course there are some "scholars" who don't believe the Bible condemns homosexuality, just as there are some physicians who don't believe cigarette smoking can lead to cancer. The fact remains that the vast majority of Biblical scholars do believe the Bible condemns homosexuality.

One thing that puzzles me, though, is why you are so concerned about the issue, given your past disapproval of Christianity, the Bible, and even the concept of a knowable/personal deity.

I don't believe that the majority believe the Bible condemns homosexuality, I would have to see your proof.

It wouldn't concern me if Christians kept their beliefs to themselves. It was in study that I came to have all my doubts about Christianity, the Bible and a personal deity. If I had remained ignorant of my faith I would not have these doubts.
Ohhhhhhhhh. was that a dig, I have read Leviticus and several scholars on the subject and they don't agree with your take on the subject matter! so, because I live and let live, I don't follow the homophobic translations!

let's be honest, haven't made any attempt to translate've relied on Bruce, a well respected authority with two years training in Engineering Physics......if you've read Leviticus, why is it you cannot distinguish between the ceremonial laws regarding cleanliness and the other laws found it Leviticus?.......for example,
22 “‘If anyone dedicates to the LORD a field they have bought, which is not part of their family land, 23 the priest will determine its value up to the Year of Jubilee, and the owner must pay its value on that day as something holy to the LORD. 24 In the Year of Jubilee the field will revert to the person from whom it was bought, the one whose land it was. 25 Every value is to be set according to the sanctuary shekel, twenty gerahs to the shekel.

please explain what this passage has to do with the mixing of "clean" and "unclean"?
no, you stupid is is a joke and will NOT be tolerated as a reliable is only "respected" by people who don't know what the fuck they are talking about......

Bruce is on record as believing that the fact he has never studied theology makes him superbly qualified to teach it.......

Ah, when you lost control, how sad, well good night...