let's be honest, Rana.......you haven't made any attempt to translate it.....you've relied on Bruce, a well respected authority with two years training in Engineering Physics......if you've read Leviticus, why is it you cannot distinguish between the ceremonial laws regarding cleanliness and the other laws found it Leviticus?.......for example,
22 “‘If anyone dedicates to the LORD a field they have bought, which is not part of their family land, 23 the priest will determine its value up to the Year of Jubilee, and the owner must pay its value on that day as something holy to the LORD. 24 In the Year of Jubilee the field will revert to the person from whom it was bought, the one whose land it was. 25 Every value is to be set according to the sanctuary shekel, twenty gerahs to the shekel.
please explain what this passage has to do with the mixing of "clean" and "unclean"?