Are Blacks Are Too Stupid to Obtain Voter ID?

Way above you, like an eagle.

Doubtful, son. You are too wrapped up in yourself to ever fly. Add to that your Dark Soul is too heavy to fly except off of a building like a bowling ball.....but you are free to give it a try. :laugh:

if the onion reports a true quote that even the most feeble minded among you can see for yourself as true, then yes, take it seriously, let me know when they do that.

Why do you believe that voter id is racist?
Since there isn't even the slightest reason for it and it really is nothing then to take away the vote of any block of Americans that are mostly made up of Democrats , your question is nonsense.
Since there isn't even the slightest reason for it and it really is nothing then to take away the vote of any block of Americans that are mostly made up of Democrats , your question is nonsense.

no reason for it? you need it to collect welfare. I guess you think blacks are too stupid to get id.
you don't need a voter ID to collect welfare , you liars are so full of crap. Right wingers are nothing but very dumb clowns.

It varies by State and municipality, but you are essentially correct. Disagreed that all RWers are dumb clowns. Mostly just Trump's Qless. Otherwise it follows the normal range.
1. Welfare Benefits:

While there is no constitutional right to welfare benefits, the Supreme Court held in the case of Goldberg v. Kelly that welfare recipients are entitled to due process with a hearing before benefits can be terminated.

Nevertheless, several states require some type of proof of identity to collect welfare. The states of Massachusetts and Missouri require a photo ID on the electronic benefit cards used for purchases under food stamps or Temporary Assistance for Needy Families expenditures. The EBT cards in Kansas include a photo if a participant agrees, but isn’t required, according to the National Conference of State Legislatures.

New York City has a municipal ID program. The city’s website says residents will need an ID to “get a job,” “cash a check,” “open a bank account,” “enter a government building,” and, further, says, “To be eligible for some public benefits you need to prove your identity, age and residence.”

Never trust known liars and bullshitters. :thup:
It varies by State and municipality, but you are essentially correct. Disagreed that all RWers are dumb clowns. Mostly just Trump's Qless. Otherwise it follows the normal range.
1. Welfare Benefits:

While there is no constitutional right to welfare benefits, the Supreme Court held in the case of Goldberg v. Kelly that welfare recipients are entitled to due process with a hearing before benefits can be terminated.

Nevertheless, several states require some type of proof of identity to collect welfare. The states of Massachusetts and Missouri require a photo ID on the electronic benefit cards used for purchases under food stamps or Temporary Assistance for Needy Families expenditures. The EBT cards in Kansas include a photo if a participant agrees, but isn’t required, according to the National Conference of State Legislatures.

New York City has a municipal ID program. The city’s website says residents will need an ID to “get a job,” “cash a check,” “open a bank account,” “enter a government building,” and, further, says, “To be eligible for some public benefits you need to prove your identity, age and residence.”

Never trust known liars and bullshitters. :thup:

All you know how to do is insult people.
All you know how to do is insult people.

Proof you are so far gone you quote my post, with link, then claim it's an insult.

It's no surprise you don't understand the link and my other comments.

Who do you think I'm insulting? Do you trust known liars and bullshitters?
I had never had a problem getting ID.
So what's the point , is it that you are so stupid you can get one so everyone else can also. Nothing dumber then proving how simple something is because you can do it. That is so stupid and means absolutely nothing. All you are doing is stepping up to tell the world how dumb and lame you are
It varies by State and municipality, but you are essentially correct. Disagreed that all RWers are dumb clowns. Mostly just Trump's Qless. Otherwise it follows the normal range.
1. Welfare Benefits:

While there is no constitutional right to welfare benefits, the Supreme Court held in the case of Goldberg v. Kelly that welfare recipients are entitled to due process with a hearing before benefits can be terminated.

Nevertheless, several states require some type of proof of identity to collect welfare. The states of Massachusetts and Missouri require a photo ID on the electronic benefit cards used for purchases under food stamps or Temporary Assistance for Needy Families expenditures. The EBT cards in Kansas include a photo if a participant agrees, but isn’t required, according to the National Conference of State Legislatures.

New York City has a municipal ID program. The city’s website says residents will need an ID to “get a job,” “cash a check,” “open a bank account,” “enter a government building,” and, further, says, “To be eligible for some public benefits you need to prove your identity, age and residence.”

Never trust known liars and bullshitters. :thup:
One more time , you don't need a voter ID to get welfare. Here's the problem ,the majority of the right supported the over throw of this democracy and country to force in a piece of shit , called Trump for a dictator. That makes them traitors to this country, if you continue to support that group, your are just another ass hole that needs to be gotten rid of. There are no good Republicans . It exactly the same as German joining to Nazi party to get Jobs or benefits , there never was nor will there ever be a good Nazi. The Republican party doesn't exist , if you join now , you are joining a hate party.