Are Conservatives Second Amendment Extremists?

Well you could learn a thing or two about our left wing BS. First off you're President ran a 1.47 Trillion deficit between July 2016 and July 2017. Canada's current deficit is 21 billion. So when you adjust for inflation, Donald Trump is increasing the debt per person, 12 times higher Than Justin Trudeau. You say you want to Make America Great Again, yet you elect somebody who's outspending Obama by 25%. Wake up. You're sitting at 23 Trillion in debt.

When things collapse, you don't want a bung of drugged out thugs causing a civil war with Military style assault riffles.

American conservatism isn't working.

And as far as home security, we should learn how to use non lethal weapons... Once you kill someone, it will sit on your conscience for the rest of your life. It doesn't matter if the person was trying to Rob you, you will feel terrible.

Guns don't make you stronger. They make you culturally pathetic.

fuck off globalist shill. you will not disarm america. forget all bout it, beaverface.
Americans have 100 times greater chance of being shot than Canadians... Until you can lower that number at least 10 to 1, Your guns laws are unacceptable.

Simple. Legalize drugs and give them away. It willremove the life blood from gangs who are responsible for the vast majority of them.
Let me introduce myself... I'm a conservative from Canada. There are many things I like about conservatives. I appreciate their sense of shrinking government to keep our taxes low. I'm completely against deficit-financing unless there is a bad recession, war or national emergency. I'm against political correctness. I don't support the climate cult... The list goes on and on. What I can't understand about American conservatives is their obsessions with guns.

I live outside Toronto, and I've only seen one hand gun in my life. If I had to guess, I think less than 1% of my suburban neighbors has a hand gun in their house. Some people have rifles for hunting.

If you draw a picture of a gun in a high school, you will get an automatic suspension.

To be honest, I'm glad no one has guns... There are a lot of stressed out people, and my first concern with people owning a firearm is suicide.

In this day and age, anyone can lose their mind... and if you happen to have a gun in proximity to someone who offends you, some people might use it.

So America has a serious problem with mass shootings. I don't get why conservatives want to support the NRA? Are you really worried about the government going tyrannical, and kicking your door down to send you to concentration camps?

I don't see the government breaking into anyone s homes.... but I hear about some school shooting on the news at least once a week.

I doubt any of these are false flags.... They're just pissed off bullied kids, who decide they want to kill a few people, before they take their own lives.

So the promotion of the second amendment is having real world consequences.... Why don't conservatives feel any shame about their extremist second amendment rhetoric?

With mental illness on a steap time, isn't it time we stop selling semi-automatic weapons?

My wife is from Barrie. ;)

That said, she has been indoctrinated to not like guns either so it is interesting that I am a lifetime member of the NRA and own a gun, yet we still love each other dearly.

Canada has a LOT of gun lovers as well. Hunting is a BIG deal unless, you are from the city. But here in the US, we have this thing called the Constitution and it contains a second amendment which protects the rights of our citizens to have weapons.

The second amendment exists for a single purpose; to ensure that the government draws its military power from the citizens themselves. That is the meaning of the much misinterpreted preamble to the Second Amendment: “A well regulated militia, being necessary to the security of a free state.” The idea was to rely for our defense primarily on an armed citizenry that can be called up as a militia. If the people themselves are the military power of the state, then that power cannot be used against the people. That’s what they meant when they called this system “necessary to the security of a free state.” Look at what is happening in Hong Kong. The first thing tyrants do is disarm the citizens.

The primary conservative stance is that we should not rely on Government for anything except administering our laws, making treaties and defending our borders. Liberty cannot be maintained if the citizenry become dependent wards of the State....which is where the left wishes to take all nations. The end result of course, being a shit hole like Cuba or Venezuela.
Well you could learn a thing or two about our left wing BS. First off you're President ran a 1.47 Trillion deficit between July 2016 and July 2017. Canada's current deficit is 21 billion. So when you adjust for inflation, Donald Trump is increasing the debt per person, 12 times higher Than Justin Trudeau. You say you want to Make America Great Again, yet you elect somebody who's outspending Obama by 25%. Wake up. You're sitting at 23 Trillion in debt.

The deficits that our current President is dealing with have NOTHING to do with his policies. I see that perhaps instead of being Conservative, you have been brain washed by the media.

Presidents do cannot spend tax payer money; that is the legislature. So a better question to ask is, why are they doing NOTHING but having public Clown Show Impeachment hearings?

Obama has the record for deficit spending. I doubt anyone will ever match his record.

By the way, you can fit the entire population of Canada into one of our larger more populous states. Your tax rates to pay for all your social largess is far greater than our tax burden, yet Justin still runs a deficit?

When things collapse, you don't want a bung of drugged out thugs causing a civil war with Military style assault riffles.

Strawman. :rolleyes:

American conservatism isn't working.

How so? Be specific.

And as far as home security, we should learn how to use non lethal weapons... Once you kill someone, it will sit on your conscience for the rest of your life. It doesn't matter if the person was trying to Rob you, you will feel terrible.

What a fuzzy warm feeling idea that is. Unfortunately, the thugs who wish to murder you or steal from you don't feel the same way. Perhaps you can invent something that prevents humans from being human?

Guns don't make you stronger.

Strawman. :rolleyes:

They make you culturally pathetic.

Do us a favor then, don't try to immigrate and stay in Toronto. ;)
How does Trillion dollar deficits Make America Great Again. Do you ever wonder if Donald Trump is controlled opposition? As for guns, the only thing Trump has done... is a bump stock ban.... You have a long way to go!
In Canada were told to feel shame towards the Gun... I really like the fact.... I can go to anyones house... and not worry about some durnk idiot snapping and shooting someone. Come to Canada... It's really relaxing.

Really? So if someone has a gun, they just get drunk and start shooting people? You must have some really stupid people up there in Canada.

Strawman and a painfully weak, fact challenged and stupid argument.
Really? So if someone has a gun, they just get drunk and start shooting people? You must have some really stupid people up there in Canada.

Strawman and a painfully weak, fact challenged and stupid argument.

Well, the beer up there is a bit stronger than ours and it seems he's had a few...if that's any consolation.
So it will be interesting to see who has common sense gun proposals, vs the far-right sheep who refuse to accept the fact, that America has a serious gun problem. I would consider myself a True conservative, because unlike Trump, I want to see America return to surplus budgets. If that means slashing the funding for the military, health care, and social security, i'm all for it.

I do believe in protecting life, liberty, and the pursuit of happyness... So maybe we can have a debate about how to significantly reduce the number of mass shootings. True conservatives want to see life protected.
Well you could learn a thing or two about our left wing BS. First off you're President ran a 1.47 Trillion deficit between July 2016 and July 2017. Canada's current deficit is 21 billion. So when you adjust for inflation, Donald Trump is increasing the debt per person, 12 times higher Than Justin Trudeau. You say you want to Make America Great Again, yet you elect somebody who's outspending Obama by 25%. Wake up. You're sitting at 23 Trillion in debt.

When things collapse, you don't want a bung of drugged out thugs causing a civil war with Military style assault riffles.

American conservatism isn't working.

And as far as home security, we should learn how to use non lethal weapons... Once you kill someone, it will sit on your conscience for the rest of your life. It doesn't matter if the person was trying to Rob you, you will feel terrible.

Guns don't make you stronger. They make you culturally pathetic.

Guns don't make you stronger

My guns may not make me stronger but the sure do equalize the power one welds.

Tell us oh great one just what does the economy/deficient spending have to do with the second amendment?

Typical liberal can't debate one subject then switch to something else.

Here are some facts on economics between Canada and the US.
1. Population density per square mile Canada 4.0 USA 35.0
2. Top ten economies #1 USA at 20+ trillions #10 Canada at i.8 trillion

Maybe if your country was a little more conservative you would have a stronger economy.
Piers Morgan is an excellent Journalist. "There are on average in the last 5 6 years in Britian, 32 people per year killed by guns. In America it's 85 a day."
In Canada were told to feel shame towards the Gun... I really like the fact.... I can go to anyones house... and not worry about some durnk idiot snapping and shooting someone. Come to Canada... It's really relaxing.

Apparently, there are a lot of lemmings in Canada who are led by the nose by their Government. Good for you! ;)
Piers Morgan is an excellent Journalist. "There are on average in the last 5 6 years in Britian, 32 people per year killed by guns. In America it's 85 a day."

You might find this interesting.
"anada’s rate of gun-related homicides rose last year to the highest since 1992, boosting the overall rate of deadly incidents to almost a decade high.
There were 266 firearm homicides in 2017, an increase of 43 from the prior year, Statistics Canada said Wednesday from Ottawa. The ratio of 0.72 events per 100,000 people climbed 18 percent last year."

Seems like your gun laws could use some work. :laugh:
After all the school shootings. This is what a patriotic American should be doing. There is no need for semi automatic weapons.

What gun laws would have prevented these tragedies? Be specific.

What gun laws would have prevented the mass shootings and grenades launched in Paris France? Remember Hedbo? Remember when eight radical Islamists men of ISIL perform coordinated attacks upon the French public at various locations in Paris using assault rifles and explosives?

I am amused by the argument that says removing guns from law abiding citizens will stop criminals from murdering and mayhem.
If you own a semi automatic weapon, you voting with your dollars... Your buying weapons from gun manufactures who don't give a rats ass about school shootings. If they did, they would be speaking up loudly, in favour of background checks, and serious gun reforms.

What gun laws would have prevented the mass shootings here? Be specific.

By purchasing those weapons, your financially supporting industries that are responsible for the death of thousands of school students.

Guns aren't the problem; humans are. :rolleyes:
I don't have a problem with peoples rights. I have a problem with gun culture. Americans make guns apart of their ego... That's the problem.

Based on your lie filled strawman claim above, you have a problem with the FACTS. :rolleyes:

Canadians also have the right to own a gun...but we treat it like Sex in the bedroom. We don't brag about it... We embrace modesty.

Again, nothing here but lie filled strawmen. Can you make a post without them?

Braging about owning guns if froned upon, and it keeps us safe.

Now you have moved from lie filled strawmen to pure unadulterated stupid. :rolleyes:

I think you are a sock for LV426?
I am amused by the argument that says removing guns from law abiding citizens will stop criminals from murdering and mayhem.

Piers Morgan said it best. There're an average of 32 people killed by guns per year in Britian. There're an average of 85 People killed per day in the United States....

That just proves that the less guns there are, the less people who die due to gun deaths.

It's a simple trade-off. For everyone shot by an Isis Teorrist, you have thousands of people shot by ordinary gun deaths.

If you ban the guns, you will save thousands of lives.... unless the idiots want to start a civil war.