Mason Melchizedek
Verified User
Americans have 100 times greater chance of being shot than Canadians... Until you can lower that number at least 10 to 1, Your guns laws are unacceptable.
Americans have 100 times greater chance of being shot than Canadians... Until you can lower that number at least 10 to 1, Your guns laws are unacceptable.
Well you could learn a thing or two about our left wing BS. First off you're President ran a 1.47 Trillion deficit between July 2016 and July 2017. Canada's current deficit is 21 billion. So when you adjust for inflation, Donald Trump is increasing the debt per person, 12 times higher Than Justin Trudeau. You say you want to Make America Great Again, yet you elect somebody who's outspending Obama by 25%. Wake up. You're sitting at 23 Trillion in debt.
When things collapse, you don't want a bung of drugged out thugs causing a civil war with Military style assault riffles.
American conservatism isn't working.
And as far as home security, we should learn how to use non lethal weapons... Once you kill someone, it will sit on your conscience for the rest of your life. It doesn't matter if the person was trying to Rob you, you will feel terrible.
Guns don't make you stronger. They make you culturally pathetic.
Americans have 100 times greater chance of being shot than Canadians... Until you can lower that number at least 10 to 1, Your guns laws are unacceptable.
Let me introduce myself... I'm a conservative from Canada. There are many things I like about conservatives. I appreciate their sense of shrinking government to keep our taxes low. I'm completely against deficit-financing unless there is a bad recession, war or national emergency. I'm against political correctness. I don't support the climate cult... The list goes on and on. What I can't understand about American conservatives is their obsessions with guns.
I live outside Toronto, and I've only seen one hand gun in my life. If I had to guess, I think less than 1% of my suburban neighbors has a hand gun in their house. Some people have rifles for hunting.
If you draw a picture of a gun in a high school, you will get an automatic suspension.
To be honest, I'm glad no one has guns... There are a lot of stressed out people, and my first concern with people owning a firearm is suicide.
In this day and age, anyone can lose their mind... and if you happen to have a gun in proximity to someone who offends you, some people might use it.
So America has a serious problem with mass shootings. I don't get why conservatives want to support the NRA? Are you really worried about the government going tyrannical, and kicking your door down to send you to concentration camps?
I don't see the government breaking into anyone s homes.... but I hear about some school shooting on the news at least once a week.
I doubt any of these are false flags.... They're just pissed off bullied kids, who decide they want to kill a few people, before they take their own lives.
So the promotion of the second amendment is having real world consequences.... Why don't conservatives feel any shame about their extremist second amendment rhetoric?
With mental illness on a steap time, isn't it time we stop selling semi-automatic weapons?
Well you could learn a thing or two about our left wing BS. First off you're President ran a 1.47 Trillion deficit between July 2016 and July 2017. Canada's current deficit is 21 billion. So when you adjust for inflation, Donald Trump is increasing the debt per person, 12 times higher Than Justin Trudeau. You say you want to Make America Great Again, yet you elect somebody who's outspending Obama by 25%. Wake up. You're sitting at 23 Trillion in debt.
When things collapse, you don't want a bung of drugged out thugs causing a civil war with Military style assault riffles.
American conservatism isn't working.
And as far as home security, we should learn how to use non lethal weapons... Once you kill someone, it will sit on your conscience for the rest of your life. It doesn't matter if the person was trying to Rob you, you will feel terrible.
Guns don't make you stronger.
They make you culturally pathetic.
In Canada were told to feel shame towards the Gun... I really like the fact.... I can go to anyones house... and not worry about some durnk idiot snapping and shooting someone. Come to Canada... It's really relaxing.
Really? So if someone has a gun, they just get drunk and start shooting people? You must have some really stupid people up there in Canada.
Strawman and a painfully weak, fact challenged and stupid argument.
Well you could learn a thing or two about our left wing BS. First off you're President ran a 1.47 Trillion deficit between July 2016 and July 2017. Canada's current deficit is 21 billion. So when you adjust for inflation, Donald Trump is increasing the debt per person, 12 times higher Than Justin Trudeau. You say you want to Make America Great Again, yet you elect somebody who's outspending Obama by 25%. Wake up. You're sitting at 23 Trillion in debt.
When things collapse, you don't want a bung of drugged out thugs causing a civil war with Military style assault riffles.
American conservatism isn't working.
And as far as home security, we should learn how to use non lethal weapons... Once you kill someone, it will sit on your conscience for the rest of your life. It doesn't matter if the person was trying to Rob you, you will feel terrible.
Guns don't make you stronger. They make you culturally pathetic.
Guns don't make you stronger
Typical liberal can't debate one subject then switch to something else.
In Canada were told to feel shame towards the Gun... I really like the fact.... I can go to anyones house... and not worry about some durnk idiot snapping and shooting someone. Come to Canada... It's really relaxing.
Piers Morgan is an excellent Journalist. "There are on average in the last 5 6 years in Britian, 32 people per year killed by guns. In America it's 85 a day."
After all the school shootings. This is what a patriotic American should be doing. There is no need for semi automatic weapons.[/video]
If you own a semi automatic weapon, you voting with your dollars... Your buying weapons from gun manufactures who don't give a rats ass about school shootings. If they did, they would be speaking up loudly, in favour of background checks, and serious gun reforms.
By purchasing those weapons, your financially supporting industries that are responsible for the death of thousands of school students.
I don't have a problem with peoples rights. I have a problem with gun culture. Americans make guns apart of their ego... That's the problem.
Canadians also have the right to own a gun...but we treat it like Sex in the bedroom. We don't brag about it... We embrace modesty.
Braging about owning guns if froned upon, and it keeps us safe.
I am amused by the argument that says removing guns from law abiding citizens will stop criminals from murdering and mayhem.