Are Conservatives Second Amendment Extremists?

Hate to tell you dick weed gun deaths are the same no matter where they occur. If someone is killed in Brazil does that make it less painful for the family? Sorry AH but you worry about gun deaths I'm just showing you that we aren't the only country with the problem.

Hilarious and pathetic that you have to use third world countries as your examples


Only a fucking moron would try compate iz to El Salvadors.

Fucking clown.


I don't see the government breaking into anyone s homes.... but I hear about some school shooting on the news at least once a week.

It happens all the time in no-knock drug bust cases. There is currently a case in Houston that police entered a home for selling drugs with a fraudulent search warrant and killed the couple inside who were not involved in any crime.
El Salvadore = US

Just fucking priceless!


Fucking clown

I gave you a chance to redeem yourself but you chose to continue to be an ignorant cock sucker. Here is th chart I posted. You will notice ElSalvador isn't on it. So eat shit and die you lying cock sucker.
That's a ridiculous argument.
Nah, his argument was fine. The ridiculous arguments (which are yours) are soon to come...

There is no need for anyone to own a semi-automatic weapon...
Says who? You? YOU are not a dictator. YOU are not a king. YOU don't get to determine what my needs are.

If you want to hunt use a lever or bolt action rifle...
I will use whatever gun I damn well please.

If you need home defense, most gun shops will tell, you that a shotgun is the way to go?
I will use whatever gun I damn well please.

What do we need rapid-fire weapons for?
YOU don't get to determine what my needs are. Define "rapid-fire".

It's tell you what for.... Killing as many people, as quickly as possible.
Bigotry. Not all people who own semi-autos are criminals as you describe. In fact, most of them are actually law abiding citizens.

Most people need to drive, and there is no need for a semi-automatic weapon... So you're argument falls flat on the face.
YOU don't get to determine the needs of others. YOU are not a dictator. YOU are not a king.
And they are responsible,
No they aren't.

because if they ceased to manufacture all semi-automatic weapons, they would stop thousands of lives from being destroyed.
Argument From randU Fallacy. You are just making up numbers. That wouldn't stop anything anyway. You do know that people can make their own guns, right? You do know that you can't kill the free market, right? You do know that there are other ways to "destroy life", right? You. can't. control. what. other. people. do.

Enabling the criminals, makes you a criminally liable yourself.
That's not what the manufacturing of semi-autos is doing... That's what gun free zones are doing. Notice just how many of these shootings occur in gun free zones?
First off you're President ran a 1.47 Trillion deficit between July 2016 and July 2017.........yet you elect somebody who's outspending Obama by 25%. .

sorry that you are unfamiliar with the actual numbers........Trump's deficit for his first year in office was about one fourth of Obama's deficit for his first year in office, not 25% deficit for the first three years in office is about half that of Obama's first three years in office.......check back with us in 2025 to compare his eight year numbers.......
You sound like a perfectly reasonable gun owner.... If there were more like you, maybe liberals could back off a bit... unfortunetly there is a serious problem with mental illness, and something needs to be done... To make sure only responsible citizens can own firearms.

we cannot deal with gun issues here the same way you do in Canada......we have a constitution that protects us from over-zealous government.......
I gave you a chance to redeem yourself but you chose to continue to be an ignorant cock sucker. Here is th chart I posted. You will notice ElSalvador isn't on it. So eat shit and die you lying cock sucker.
View attachment 12904

Your post #109 listed El Salvadore, dumbfuck. But, it doesn’t matter.

Brazil, Venezuela, Mexico, Columbia, Guatemala.


What a fucking moron.

If you draw a picture of a gun in a high school, you will get an automatic suspension.

I find it hilarious that you chose "RestoreCommonSense" as a username but apparently you agree with the above quote.

I'll reserve judgment as to whether you're a liberal posing as a conservative until I read a few more of your posts. This one screams "pretending to be conservative to have anti gun rhetoric taken seriously".
That's a ridiculous argument. There is no need for anyone to own a semi-automatic weapon... If you want to hunt use a lever or bolt action rifle... If you need home defense, most gun shops will tell, you that a shotgun is the way to go?

What do we need rapid-fire weapons for? It's tell you what for.... Killing as many people, as quickly as possible.

Most people need to drive, and there is no need for a semi-automatic weapon... So you're argument falls flat on the face.

If a gun shop tells you a shotgun is the best home defense weapon, don't shop there.
There is only one gun store in all of Mexico, and they only sell single shot rifles. How on earth does Mexico have 63% of the gun deaths America has per capita? It's very simple... they arn't getting the guns from Mexico... They are getting smuggled across the border. The United Nations has a role to protect all nations from serious gun crime... If the United States can't stop their guns from being smuggled to other countries, prehaps the UN can start consficating the illegal firearms in America.

The United States is complicity in the destabilization of Mexico... This is an act of war.

All nations have the right to keep their citizens safe... and the countries that won't abide by common sense gun laws.... Should be forced to change their policies, through the United Nations security counsel.
