Are Libertarians Happy they voted for Joe Biden?

Factually incorrect

3rd party, or Democratic or Republican. Those are the only way Federal Elections are run!

Choose one- and choose wisely!

You may call yourself what ever you want, but you have to run as Republican, Democratic, or 3rd party- which is an INDEPENDENT- in other words- INDEPENDENT of Republicans or Democrats!

It's not as if Congress has the same rules- When Sinema left the Democratic Party- SHe had only two remaining choices- Republican or Independent- So she chose to become an Independent member of Congress, and when she runs again for her post, she will run as an INDEPENDENT!
Dude- You can call yourselves whatever you want. But in order to run in a Federal Election, you have to list yourself as either Republican, Democrat, or 3rd party or INDEPENDENT.

Congress has the same rule- That's why when Congress women Sinema left the Democratic Party, she had to become an INDEPENDENT.

As there were no other choices but Republican, Democratic- OR INDEPENDENT!
or third party as you said above.

did you forget what you just wrote?
So you're saying that all those statistics from the OP that showed Libertarians overwhelmingly voting for Biden in those key swing states was a lie?

People like me (Republicans & Conservatives) want to turn the Federal government into an authoritarian state? LMFAO!
I'm saying they weren't Libertarians if they voted Democrat or Republican.

Yes. You claim to be a Christian yet you hate Americans with whom you disagree. IMO, you're a liar and not to be trusted.
you say the same retarded stuff constantly.

you get what you deserve

you should be able to formulate a real rebuttal in that case, having been given ample innoculatory material.

you can't though.

you're still just a globalist fascist traitor to humanity.
you should be able to formulate a real rebuttal in that case, having been given ample innoculatory material.

you can't though.

you're still just a globalist fascist traitor to humanity.

I don't need to rebut a retard saying I am a traitor to humanity

you are just dumb. a waste of time and space. try rebutting that you miserable little shit stain

of course you do.

you must answer for your evil and fascism.

you are two things

1) an authoritarian that demands people do what you want

2) a pussy that can't make #1 happen

so what you are doing is throwing a temper tantrum. I would love to be in the same room with you sometime. pussies like you are somewhat entertaining online, but in the real world, it is comedy gold
you are two things

1) an authoritarian that demands people do what you want

2) a pussy that can't make #1 happoen

so what you are doing is throwing a temper tantrum. I would love to be in the same room with you sometime. pussies like you are somewhat entertaining online, but in the real world, it is comedy gold

I dont demand anything.

i continue to win hearts and minds with good arguments.

you fascists cover yourself in a blanket of "free market" slogans and then villainize anyone who talks sense to your dumb asses.
Prior to the last presidential election, Trump was against foreign entanglements--Libertarian Platform plank 3.3. Trump also supported and signed a criminal justice reform act (plank 1.7), reduced government regulation (plank 2.8), made major steps toward peaceful relationships in the Middle East (plank 3.3), and encouraged private domestic energy production (plank 2.3). So, Trump had quite a bit of Libertarian idealism in his makeup.

But what the Libertarian Party accomplished in 2020 was giving us government vaccine mandates, growing foreign entanglements in a regional European war, huge government deficits, and growing inflation. How did the Libertarian Party accomplish this? In three states--Arizona, Georgia, and Wisconsin--the total Libertarian vote for Biden was 4.9, 5.3, and 1.9, respectively, times the Democrat vote margin for Biden inn those states.

Had Trump won those 3 states with the Libertarian vote he would still be our greatest modern day president.

So, Libertarians--particularly in Arizona, Georgia, and Wisconsin--two plus years into the Biden administration, are you happy?

Is the unrestricted immigration (Libertarian Party Platform plank 3.4) worth giving up personal liberty (plank 1.1) and voting in vaccine mandates? Is immigration worth more government interference in the market? Is immigration worth more racial division? Is immigration worth a larger, more oppressive government? Is immigration worth a government seeking to and pressuring private businesses to shut down free speech? Is there anything you are getting as a Libertarian from the Biden administration other than unrestricted immigration? I could not find a Libertarian Party Platform that said "no mean tweets." :thinking:
James L. Swofford

While I am a libertarian, I left the Libertarian Party because of much of this idiocy.

The Rothbardian Anarcho-Capitalists have been purged from the LPUSA and replaced by Chomskyite Marxists.

Jo Jorganson has a LOT in common with Bernie Sanders, literally nothing in common with Harry Browne.