Are Some Democrats *gasp* ...RACIST?

Poor Dungheap, the only debate tactic he knows is finger pointing. I don't think I have ever seen him/it respond in any other way. Whatever terrible and awful thing you can legitimately say about his party, he is going to dig up something he thinks is equally terrible about your party to throw back. Trouble is, it's like throwing water balloons at someone with an AK-47.

Take this latest volley for example. I point out that 10% of the Democrat party is admittedly racist, and he responds by pointing out how few black candidates the R's have running this cycle. As if one is remotely similar to the other. Let's just forget that Bush has appointed more minorities to cabinet level positions than any president in history. Let's forget that R's have had the first two black Sec. of States, one being a woman. These things have to be ignored for Dunheap's point to be made. ...Wait, what was his point again?
Dude, it's the waterdork. He's glued to a message board at age 18. How sad. At an age when the rest of boys are getting laid, waterdork is the king of trolls at a lightly traveled website. He's really pathetic. I feel sorry for him. And I feel sorry for his mom too. It must just turn her insides to see what a little prick she raised.

OH well that's really mean of you.
1 out of 5... that's 20% of Hillary's vote, and she is basically splitting the Dem vote with Obama, so that means roughly 10% of the voting Democrats are voting based on race, according to their very own admissions.

So now that we've established 10% of the Democrat party in Kentucky is racist, I have to ask... What are the Dems going to do? Can you "convert" these racists before November, or are they all going to flock to McCain to avoid voting for the black man?

In the most recent exit polls from Kentucky, 78% of the voters who felt race was an issue in the campaign, voted for Hillary. 1 in 5 Hillary voters also said they based their vote on race. This is alarming for several reasons. First, because the actual numbers are probably much higher, as people don't usually give an honest answer about their own personal prejudices. And two, because we have been led to believe the Democrat party is not racist at all. Supposedly, all of the racists moved to the Republican party years ago, following Civil Rights. So, why are so many Democrats now suddenly expressing their racist views?

Now, perhaps the Republican side would have had the same sort of poll results on a Condi Rice candidacy, but I sincerely doubt it, and I don't think 1 of 5 John McCain supporters would vote based on race. But given this were the case, doesn't it prove that racist views are not isolated to one party? Doesn't it destroy the myth that Democrats are pure as the wind-driven snow when it comes to racial prejudice?

Welcome back Dixie.

Let me begin by saying that I have only read your initial post and am responding to this only, and of course from only my perspective and experience on all of this...

Let's first get out of the way that I am certain there may be some White Democrats that are racist and some Chinese Americans that are racist and some Native born Americans that are racist and some Black Americans that are racist and so on and so forth. Racism is a disease that is bred and can be anywhere and everywhere if it is not stopped in its roots.

First and foremost, let me say that you and your cohorts have done a fine job with bating the Democrats with the race issue. I believe with all of my heart and mind that this "race issue" was an issue put out there by the Republicans, via the Drudge Report and their releases of the Wright tapes and the Farrakan articles and the Obama pics in the African garb on his visit there.....

no one picked up on these articles in the main stream media when they were released early on in January....the republicans on other sites that i was posting on at the time were salivating at the mouth to get this stuff in to the main stream media and not just on Drudge and in their blogs.

None of them could understand why the maine stream media was not hitting on it or making a big deal about it....this was LONG BEFORE before....especially in political time, it hit the mSM....

Then the tapes of J Wright FINALLY HIT THE MSM, and those on the other sites went in to a frenzy, posting one thread after another on this whole thing, and making it about race. It was republicans or conservaqtives that did such....NOT OTHER DEMOCRATS.

HOWEVER, the repubs KNEW what they had, and Mccain was the only dog in their race now so they had nothing to lose, they began the wave and were determined to make it a tidal wave, and determined to make it appear as though it was the Hillary side behind all the racism.... A very good plan of CHAOS....then they starting medeling in our Democratic votes, in oregon, where the press reported that Obama got 20% of previous Republican votes and probably in Kentucky or West Virginia where Clinton got some of the Republican votes...some might be honest supporters of either candidate but many were not imo, at least not initially...i actually think that some of the repubs actually began liking Obama and some of the repub Hillary voters actually began liking Hillary but there were still enough left that were true blue republicans that were stirring the pot of racism...and calling racism at every turn.

Then every single word that came out of the Clinton camp was considered "racist" even if it were not....the Obama camp was on a roll calling racism at every turn, MOST OF THIS REALLY STARTED BY THE Republicans but then bought in to, hook line and sinker, by the younger, inexperienced mostly, Obama supporters.... though I know many adults support him too, but in general, older folks are not as vocal as the younger groups or as easily moved to rip out the hearts of fellow Democrats all for the sake of winning, which honestly is how I have seen many people on this site, who I love as people and this is why I have found it difficult to post here as much, the last few months, for fear of losing their friendships.... :(

Personally, I don't believe for one nano second that the Democratic party members, the true blue ones, are as racists as the media tried to play was making a story instead of telling the story...

I say this because, it turns out that these 30% that said if Obama wins, they will not vote for him and go with mccain if he wins....they are the same people that voted in the democratic primaries in 2000 and in 2004 that said if gore won their primary they would vote for Bush and if Kerry won their Primary then they would hop and vote for 37% on the first group and 34% on the 2004 election.

I believe they felt this way because they do not know Obama and from the comment he made in San Franscisco regarding Bitter and guns, and the tapes of Wright in which they interpreted as hating America, and the fact that he is just another harvard grad that they could not relate to, they believe he is an elitist.... (And please don't ask me why they would not think that Hillary is an elitist other than her spending a great deal of time campaigning there and getting that local coverage whereas Obama did not?)

So, to sum* up....Democrats are not as racist as YOU want people to think.

It was a set up by the republicans on race to blame IT ALL on Hillary, though some gafs were on her teams side like Geraldine's etc, of which she was let go, though she still keeps mouthing off...., but a "set up" that i believe some on the Obama side bought in to hook, line and sinker, with a little help from our Republican friends.

Call me naive, but if you all had been a part of the other conservative leaning sites, hearing about all of this Wright stuff long before the MSM, you would probably agree with was a dirty, political ploy, that worked to divide us perfectly....unless we are smart enough to NOT let the Republicans do that to us.... :(

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Poor Dungheap, the only debate tactic he knows is finger pointing. I don't think I have ever seen him/it respond in any other way. Whatever terrible and awful thing you can legitimately say about his party, he is going to dig up something he thinks is equally terrible about your party to throw back. Trouble is, it's like throwing water balloons at someone with an AK-47.

Take this latest volley for example. I point out that 10% of the Democrat party is admittedly racist, and he responds by pointing out how few black candidates the R's have running this cycle. As if one is remotely similar to the other. Let's just forget that Bush has appointed more minorities to cabinet level positions than any president in history. Let's forget that R's have had the first two black Sec. of States, one being a woman. These things have to be ignored for Dunheap's point to be made. ...Wait, what was his point again?

Actually, I wasn't responding to you. There were a number of post between your initial claptrap and mine.

The world world doesn't revolve around you, pinhead.
LMAO! Only Care could come up with such a convoluted explanation! Care, dear... they did an exit poll of democratic voters in kentucky, and 20% of Hillary voters said race was an issue. Now, I know it is a bitter pill for you to swallow, that your beloved party is so full of racists, but you simply can't blame their racist views on Republicans. I kind of like Waterhead's approach... only KENTUCKY democrats are racist! Everywhere else, Democrats are sophisticated and open minded, it's only in the hills of Kentucky where the redneck country folk live.
Actually, I wasn't responding to you. There were a number of post between your initial claptrap and mine.

The world world doesn't revolve around you, pinhead.

Well you responded in my thread, so I assumed you meant to respond to my thread post. You should try this... when you want to respond to someone else's thread, click the "reply" button and type your post there. It's very confusing to us non-retarded people, trying to determine who's post you are responding to. I guess we should all be grateful you are responding, as I am sure it took a lot of intelligent effort on your part to actually post a response.
Dixie we have been talking about the rascist faction of democrats for months on here.

Well in case you didn't notice, I have been away for a while. But it is good to know you Democrats are proactive in dealing with the racist views of your supporters. I guess that's why Maineman doesn't post much anymore, he must have been devastated by the news that his party is so full of racists.

So, have you guys figured out a solution? Because it's not exactly the best strategy for a racist-filled party to nominate a black man. Of course, the other option is a woman, and maybe there are more sexists than racists in the Democrat party? Perhaps that is why the Democrat race is so close? The sexists and racists are deciding which way to go! I've not thought of that before, but it makes perfect sense, it explains a lot! Thanks for making me think!
There is no total soloution for rascism. Many will always be rascist. That as Care says covers all races, religions, etc.
There is no total soloution for rascism. Many will always be rascist. That as Care says covers all races, religions, etc.

Well I am proud of you for realizing that. Many on your side believe the only racists are Republican. I also agree, some people will always be racist, in fact, most people who are racist will never change, it is ingrained in who they are. They may claim to have had a change of heart, but deep inside, they can't escape the bonds of that racist mentality.

It's also true that racism covers a wide range of people and culture. It's not just uneducated Kentucky hicks, it's not just Republicans, it's not just White People. In fact, some of the biggest racists I know of, are black.

The reason there is no solution for racism is because there is no solution for ignorance. There will always be ignorant people, so there will always be racists. As a civilized society, America has dealt with racism considerably well. We have passed laws against discrimination, and insured civil rights for all. Desegregation of the schools, while some may argue it has lowered the bar in overall educational standards, it allowed the past three generations to have social contact between races, and this has had a dramatic effect on the ignorance factor.

The thing is, as we have made progress in dealing with racism, some people have turned it into a profitable business, and need to continue fostering and fomenting racism, in order to justify their operations. Racist people are completely stigmatized and ostracized, which is why the Hillary poll is so alarming. If 20% of her voters openly admitted they voted based on race, imagine how many actually did, and just didn't admit it?
Dixie - didn't you argue once that racism stopped when civil rights legislation passed?

Let me know if you'd like me to dig that up; I love digging up your prose...
Dixie - didn't you argue once that racism stopped when civil rights legislation passed?

Let me know if you'd like me to dig that up; I love digging up your prose...

You are good at diggin... your nose... your ass... whatever.

No, I never argued that racism stopped when civil rights legislation passed. Maineman claimed that I said that, but what I said was accurate. When the 1964 Civil Rights Act was passed, companies could no longer discriminate based on race. This is in a thread discussing Affirmative Action, if that makes it easier to find.

Racism will not ever stop, because ignorance will never stop.
You are good at diggin... your nose... your ass... whatever.

No, I never argued that racism stopped when civil rights legislation passed. Maineman claimed that I said that, but what I said was accurate. When the 1964 Civil Rights Act was passed, companies could no longer discriminate based on race. This is in a thread discussing Affirmative Action, if that makes it easier to find.

Racism will not ever stop, because ignorance will never stop.

my guess is, your old pal lorax will shove that right back up your ass, Dixie. As I can recall, you claimed that affirmative action was not needed because the civil rights act made it illegal to discriminate and that, upon the passage of that law, employers magically stopped discriminating.
my guess is, your old pal lorax will shove that right back up your ass, Dixie. As I can recall, you claimed that affirmative action was not needed because the civil rights act made it illegal to discriminate and that, upon the passage of that law, employers magically stopped discriminating.

Upon passage of the law it became illegal, and people could sue for infringment of their civil rights if companies violated them.... not "that employers magically stopped." There were numerous law suits and a lot of people were discriminated against, even though it was against the law, but I think most employers who are still in business, eventually got the message. It's been 44 years, and I don't know of many companies that could withstand relentless lawsuits and ACLU actions for that long, and still be in business, do you?

You people try to get my statements correct, okay?
They don't want to get them correct Dixie, they want to get them as heavily misconstrued as possible and pretend that all of us are perfect the first time we ever post anything and will never need to be able to hold a conversation to explain a position or a misstated portion of a post.
LMAO! Only Care could come up with such a convoluted explanation! Care, dear... they did an exit poll of democratic voters in kentucky, and 20% of Hillary voters said race was an issue. Now, I know it is a bitter pill for you to swallow, that your beloved party is so full of racists, but you simply can't blame their racist views on Republicans. I kind of like Waterhead's approach... only KENTUCKY democrats are racist! Everywhere else, Democrats are sophisticated and open minded, it's only in the hills of Kentucky where the redneck country folk live.

Dixie, no denying there are Racists of all kinds out there and they each have the opportunity to choose a political candidate.

What you purposely ignore is that there also was something called "Operation Chaos" lead by your pal don't know what portion of those 20% that said Race was part reason for their decision in their Primary choice, were not just part of Operation Chaos, thus not necessarily Democratic voters, on the norm.

Sure, you can try to STIR THE POT even more by starting threads like this, as they have on these other political sites that i have gone to, and you can try to divide the Democratic Party on this issue, as I pointed out, was BEING DONE by our REAL political opponents, the Republicans.....

And then there is YOU, right in there with the best of those Republicans, coming on to this site, (And i am glad you are back so don't take this wrong ;) ) trying to bring out the polling from the election in Kentucky, and the only poll that CONCERNS YOU, a Republican, is the poll on the 2 in 10 that said race was a part of their reason....?

So, I would have to logically conclude, that YOU my dear Dixie, are just trying to stir the pot.... an Operation Chaos person.....

(I don't think this is convoluted thinking at all, I think this is knowing YOU and your undenying loyalty to the GOP/RNC and your interpretations of all of life itself, derived around such!!!! :pke:)
