Of that group that answered yes 80%, 8 in 10, more than the supermajority, voted for clinton. Saying that some of them were black.. Fine. But the reality is that the hugest percentage of these people were democrats, have always been democrats and voted for the white girl over the black man because race was an issue for them.
I don't believe your racist conclusion for one nanosecond....Damo....I believe for the most part, those that are true racists, will also be sexists....
you seem to rule out that race also could be "unfamiliarty' of the other candidate not of the same race as them....YOU and your other repubs or conservatives or right leaning folks WANT to make it as though that is what this polling question means because you WANT to take the obvious and blatent racism off of your side's own backs, but i don't buy it...
And under any other NORMAL polling circumstance, the Damo I have come to know, WOULD NOT BUY IN TO IT EITHER, and would be saying that the polling question was obscure and not defined enough to come to any kind of "group think" mentality on the group....
ALSO, in this same polling, done in each presidential race for decades....it was shown that 37% of the Democratic Primary voters in the 2000 Primary said they would never vote for Gore if he got the nomination and WOULD vote for Bush....
AND in 2004, in their Democratic Primary, these same voters by 34% said that they would not vote for Kerry IF he won the Democratic Nomination and that they would vote for President Bush.
IN this race in Kentucky, 30% of the people voting for Hillary said that they would vote for McCain if Hillary did not win.
NOW, YOU and Dixie and others here, can blow the race question out of proportion and put all of it on to Democrats if you like, but I can ASSURE YOU, that voters that voted for Geworge w Bush TWICE, ove the Democratic candidates of Gore and Kerry, ARE NOT Loyal Democrats or even Democrats at all...at least usually NOT on the Federal level....
So this can twisted to show that the word "race" means the same thing as Racist, from those on the right and the Obama supporters if they wish....
But it appears to me, that these voters did not vote for kerry or gore or obama, because they believe that Obama is an elitist to them.....elitist in the sense that he does not know them in Kentucky and he also DID NOT SPEND one nano second campaigning THERE to get to know them...Obama snubbed THEM, so they snubbed him and wrote him off as they did Gore and Kerry....
And I don't mean all of them as "they", just the 20% that we are talking about saying race was a part of their decision to vote for who they voted for....