Are Some Democrats *gasp* ...RACIST?

1 out of 5... that's 20% of Hillary's vote, and she is basically splitting the Dem vote with Obama, so that means roughly 10% of the voting Democrats are voting based on race, according to their very own admissions.

So now that we've established 10% of the Democrat party is racist, I have to ask... What are the Dems going to do? Can you "convert" these racists before November, or are they all going to flock to McCain to avoid voting for the black man?


Anyone who doesn't believe that members of both parties vote based on race has never been to the southern baptist convention or a northern union hall.
She's not going third party, she is too invested in the DNC. I still think the Democrats can have some hope for change here, after all, they have this magical thing called "redemption" you know. Although Republicans haven't yet mastered it, Democrats can suddenly find redemption from their racist views, and continue on with their political careers or whatever, never being questioned about it again. (See Senator Byrd.)

This mystical ability to "find redemption" was bestowed on them by a jackass from Texas who signed Civil Rights legislation 45 years ago, at which time, Democrats were given a lifetime pass on racism. This is why Hillary can get away with making racist remarks about Ghandi the Gas Station owner, and Joe Biden can say things like... "You cannot go to a 7/11 or a Dunkin' Donuts unless you have a slight Indian accent. I am serious!" It's because they obviously received 'magical redemption' from their racist views.

So, I figure, whatever 'magical redemption' enabled Lester Maddox and George Wallace to be re-elected time after time, can be called on here to "redeem" the 10% of racist democrat voters before November. I mean, if a former Klansman can find redemption and enjoy a life-long Senatorial career, surely the racist Hillary voters can do the same, right?


Yea well that Jackass from Texas had overwhelming support from the Republican party with that legislation.
My dad who since 1980 has voted for Reagan, Reagan, Bush, Bush, Dole, Bush, and Bush, is registered as a Democrat because that's the ticket where most local races are happening. There is not much party loyalty in the south and most of those racists that voted for Hilllary will be voting for racist/terrorist McCain in the general.

This was the original quote.

This was my answer.

This is a typical example of Left-wing hatred that is so inherent with the Left. What exactly has McCain done that would label him as a racist/terrorist? It is funny how you admit that Democrats that vote for Hillary are racists and then you accuse McCain of being a racist. it is always the same story, anyone that does not agree with the Liberal agenda is called a racist or bigot by Liberals that always claim to be tolerant of others.

You just proved #54.

This just a perfect example of how far gone you wingnuts are. You are so far to the right of a person who is clearly independant/libertarian that in your eyes he's a leftwinger.

He is calling McCain a racist/terrorist. He is the one that has no ideas left to defend the actions and views of Democrats.

Are you saying that Watermark has any credibility?

Look at one of his quotes.

I really wish a huge tidal storm would just emerge out of nowhere and completely wipe America off the map.

Is this what you consider to be something other than hate filled rhetoric?
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This was the original quote.

This was my answer.

This is a typical example of Left-wing hatred that is so inherent with the Left. What exactly has McCain done that would label him as a racist/terrorist? It is funny how you admit that Democrats that vote for Hillary are racists and then you accuse McCain of being a racist. it is always the same story, anyone that does not agree with the Liberal agenda is called a racist or bigot by Liberals that always claim to be tolerant of others.

You just proved #54.

He is calling McCain a racist/terrorist. He is the one that has no ideas left to defend the actions and views of Democrats.

Are you saying that Watermark has any credibility?

Look at one of his quotes.

Is this what you consider to be something other than hate filled rhetoric?

PorterM, I'd just like you to know that for the past week I've been trolling constantly and laughing at you fools for falling for it every time, because it's just not worth it to debate you rationally. It's truly amusing that you've taken me seriously at all and bring it back up later in debate. TY.
This just a perfect example of how far gone you wingnuts are. You are so far to the right of a person who is clearly independant/libertarian that in your eyes he's a leftwinger.

These guys seriously drive out the radical left in me, mainly because they are crazy, and doing so gets the swarm buzzing in an amusing way.
PorterM, I'd just like you to know that for the past week I've been trolling constantly and laughing at you fools for falling for it every time, because it's just not worth it to debate you rationally. It's truly amusing that you've taken me seriously at all and bring it back up later in debate. TY.

What you mean is that you cannot debate your ideas rationally. But everyone knows this.
It isn't my "conclusion" it was what they said. You can deny what they said, but it doesn't change what they said.

When asked if race was a factor in how they voted 1 in 5 said yes, of that group 80% went to Clinton. Pretending that my "conclusion" is other than just restating this data is silly.

Race is not equivalent to racism, sex is not equivalent to sexism.....

It is equal in some peoples's heads, but not ALL.... ;)

Race is not equivalent to racism, sex is not equivalent to sexism.....

It is equal in some peoples's heads, but not ALL.... ;)

I surmise that it is equal in these people. Remember these are the few who would directly admit that race is what drove their vote. Most who have that as a driving factor would not admit this.

This, unfortunately, proves to me that racism is most definitely far more alive than I ever thought in today's America. Living in a place like CO we tend to be protected from it far more than in other places. You get to believing it is like this everywhere.
I surmise that it is equal in these people. Remember these are the few who would directly admit that race is what drove their vote. Most who have that as a driving factor would not admit this.

This, unfortunately, proves to me that racism is most definitely far more alive than I ever thought in today's America. Living in a place like CO we tend to be protected from it far more than in other places. You get to believing it is like this everywhere.

Or if you grew up watching race fights in middle school and highschool, like I did, you tend to assume the whole country is like THAT.
Or if you grew up watching race fights in middle school and highschool, like I did, you tend to assume the whole country is like THAT.

I met a guy from the south and stopped to help him change a tire and I had a hard time with all the thanks and amazement that a white guy would help change a tire.

I told him that he should move here, things like this happen all the time.

It was embarrassing.
I remember one morning in middle school I was talking with some friends in the gym before class. Suddenly I heard a crash behind me and turned around. What do I see?

A group of white and black students throwing chairs at each other screaming racial expletives. This happened at least once every week or two.

I was just thinking to myself... "Get me the fuck outta here."
A few posts worthy of my commentary...

From Care: i don't see 1 in 5 saying race was part of their decision as necessarily being ALL BAD....we do not know what these people that voted yes meant by saying yes....

No, it's not ALL BAD, that would be if 5 of 5 Hillary voters said they based their vote on race. As it stands, you only have 20% racist voters. It could have been much worse, but we know people don't usually admit openly they are racists.

Yes dear, we know exactly what they meant by saying "yes", they meant they based their vote on race, because that is exactly what they said. This makes them racist, and it doesn't really matter if they are black or white, racism is racism either way.

I like the way you tried to pin this on Rush Limbaugh and "Operation Chaos" and blame me for my "loyalty to the GOP". Me and Rush have no way to mind control people, or make them answer a certain way on a poll. And my first post upon my return was essentially bashing the GOP for giving us John McCain, so there is no loyalty there, they probably won't even get my vote this time. Of course, I also can't support the Dems, because I don't support racist people.

From Mottleydude: Boy are you guys dense. We're not calling Republican racist. Were calling white southern conservatives racist.

You can call anybody racist, it doesn't make them one. When 1 of 5 voters say they voted based on race, that says it all, you don't have to call them racist, they are racist. The poll in question was not asked of white southern conservatives, it was asked of Democrat Hillary voters, which are just about the polar opposite of a white conservative southerner.

Also from Mott: Yea well that Jackass from Texas had overwhelming support from the Republican party with that legislation

Yes, he certainly did, and it's a good thing, since the Democrat party has so many racists in their midst. I doubt it would have ever passed, if 20% admitted they voted based on race and there weren't any republicans voting. What's amazing to me, is how little credit the Republicans get for passage of the CRA. While Democrats get this 'lifetime pass' on their racism, republicans continually get called racist and can't get blacks to vote for them because of this false stigma attached by the true racists, the democrats. Blacks supporting Democrats....It's like Jews supporting Hitler!
In Kentucky, I do not believe that 1 in 5 saying that race was a factor in their vote was that bad, BECAUSE this is an area in which i would have expect it to be much higher....New England, where I live, race does not seem to be an issue, look at New Hampshire's huge Obama support with no reservations.

And 78% of that vote went to Clinton and 22% of that vote went to Obama, who said that race was a part of their decisions... I would imagine that at least 78% of the people are caucasian, and about 22% are African American in Kentucky, but this is just a guess? And I am presuming that those that said race played an issue and voted for Obama are African Americans that voted for Obama....

I believe that college educated voters are less likely to be predjudiced because they have had the opportunity to work and play with their African American friends, schoolmates, and coworkers to a small degree....and also, SADLY, for the most part, once in the working arena of college grads, African Americans are not great competitors of the connected or established white male college grad....thus the possibility that because blacks are less of a threat to the average, college grad white guy, they tend to be less concerned with race, and maybe even more appreciative towards a Successful Black, Harvard University, College grad man such as Obama?

I think that depending on the State in the south, and how poor the State is..., makes competition for blue collar jobs... a competition that may still be in their work arena, between "blacks and whites".....prolonging racism or just plain race with no malice, as an issue?

You have to remember that people in poor states do not like elitists, these Dems broke with the party and did not support Gore, nor Kerry and now, nor Obama....and yes, they do consider Obama and elitist because he is a Harvard Grad.

AND MOST IMPORTANTLY, because they BELIEVE that Obama SNUBBED THEM and DID NOT campaign there because THEY were WHITE and Obama PUT RACE IN TO HIS CALCULATIONS and just FIGURED these people would NOT vote for him because they were the white working class, SOOOOOOOOOOOO Obama IGNORED THEM FIRST and put race in to this kentucky primary FIRST, from THEIR point of view...and of course imho... :)

ps. I am not shouting there with the caps, just trying to put emphasis on those words! :) )

These people, do not know Obama other than what has been defined of him in the media, which for the most part, was on reverend Wright....and Obama's 2 speeches on that....and what they saw of Obama in national debates of which Hillary did better than him for the most part, so then Obama stopped having them before getting to Kentucky and other states. He has not been able to define himself to these people and he has made some political calculations that have come to bite him in the butt imo, and will need these Democratic voters to vote for him in the General, in order to win the race....

BESIDES THE FACT, that Obama supporters SAY, and he also SAYS that he will be the President of ALL THE PEOPLE......if this is the case, then he's got SOME MAKING UP to do and some ass kissing to the people he has basically IGNORED....because of their race...white blue collar workers, or because of their gender...female voters, or because of their age...older seniors who always vote, or because of their religion-the Jewish Community.

Anyway, if that question were asked in my state, i doubt it would have registered on any scale, but in the South or southern states, I would have expected it to be higher...i have witnessed some of those food fights per say, that Epic mentioned... :(

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In Kentucky, I do not believe that 1 in 5 saying that race was a factor in their vote was that bad, BECAUSE this is an area in which i would have expect it to be much higher....New England, where I live, race does not seem to be an issue, look at New Hampshire's huge Obama support with no reservations.

And 78% of that vote went to Clinton and 22% of that vote went to Obama, who said that race was a part of their decisions... I would imagine that at least 78% of the people are caucasian, and about 22% are African American in Kentucky, but this is just a guess? And I am presuming that those that said race played an issue and voted for Obama are African Americans that voted for Obama....

I believe that college educated voters are less likely to be predjudiced because they have had the opportunity to work and play with their African American friends, schoolmates, and coworkers to a small degree....and also, SADLY, for the most part, once in the working arena of college grads, African Americans are not great competitors of the connected or established white male college grad....thus the possibility that because blacks are less of a threat to the average, college grad white guy, they tend to be less concerned with race, and maybe even more appreciative towards a Successful Black, Harvard University, College grad man such as Obama?

I think that depending on the State in the south, and how poor the State is..., makes competition for blue collar jobs... a competition that may still be in their work arena, between "blacks and whites".....prolonging racism or just plain race with no malice, as an issue?

You have to remember that people in poor states do not like elitists, these Dems broke with the party and did not support Gore, nor Kerry and now, nor Obama....and yes, they do consider Obama and elitist because he is a Harvard Grad.

AND MOST IMPORTANTLY, because they BELIEVE that Obama SNUBBED THEM and DID NOT campaign there because THEY were WHITE and Obama PUT RACE IN TO HIS CALCULATIONS and just FIGURED these people would NOT vote for him because they were the white working class, SOOOOOOOOOOOO Obama IGNORED THEM FIRST and put race in to this kentucky primary FIRST, from THEIR point of view...and of course imho... :)

ps. I am not shouting there with the caps, just trying to put emphasis on those words! :) )

These people, do not know Obama other than what has been defined of him in the media, which for the most part, was on reverend Wright....and Obama's 2 speeches on that....and what they saw of Obama in national debates of which Hillary did better than him for the most part, so then Obama stopped having them before getting to Kentucky and other states. He has not been able to define himself to these people and he has made some political calculations that have come to bite him in the butt imo, and will need these Democratic voters to vote for him in the General, in order to win the race....

BESIDES THE FACT, that Obama supporters SAY, and he also SAYS that he will be the President of ALL THE PEOPLE......if this is the case, then he's got SOME MAKING UP to do and some ass kissing to the people he has basically IGNORED....because of their race...white blue collar workers, or because of their gender...female voters, or because of their age...older seniors who always vote, or because of their religion-the Jewish Community.

Anyway, if that question were asked in my state, i doubt it would have registered on any scale, but in the South or southern states, I would have expected it to be higher...i have witnessed some of those food fights per say, that Epic mentioned... :(

Again, Care, that one in five are only of the group that are willing to admit it. Most people in the US would be totally unwilling to admit such criteria in voting even when it was an issue for them.

The reality is, this number is high, even for this area. It is discomfiting at the very least to know that 20% of a state are willing to admit that race drove their vote even in this day and age where almost nobody would be willing to admit it.