Are there any adults on JPP?


Verified User
Since joining in January, I am disappointed by the majority of the posters here who appear to be juvenile partisan sheep who are unable to discuss issues without ignorant insults and juvenile rants.

Where are the adults?
Since joining in January, I am disappointed by the majority of the posters here who appear to be juvenile partisan sheep who are unable to discuss issues without ignorant insults and juvenile rants.

Where are the adults?

We killed them and ate them. Remember Pizzagate? It's not just for babies any more. :laugh:
All forums have gone through this, most of them become partisan echo chambers. this one seems to have a good mix, but there are a lot of jerks and scumbags as well.
Since joining in January, I am disappointed by the majority of the posters here who appear to be juvenile partisan sheep who are unable to discuss issues without ignorant insults and juvenile rants.

Where are the adults?

show me any post from a trump voter/fox viewer which is sane enough to reply to in a normal way.
Since joining in January, I am disappointed by the majority of the posters here who appear to be juvenile partisan sheep who are unable to discuss issues without ignorant insults and juvenile rants.

Where are the adults?

Did you not vote for and enthusiastically support an overweight president who, while not known for his intellect, is noteworthy for petulant rants, juvenile insults, and generally acting like an angry spoiled teenager?

If so, I would think jpp would be right up your alley.
Since joining in January, I am disappointed by the majority of the posters here who appear to be juvenile partisan sheep who are unable to discuss issues without ignorant insults and juvenile rants.

Where are the adults?

You are apparently new to political forums.

This site actually is the most adult political site I've seen and I wish I had found it sooner because it doesn't treat you like a Child by forbidding you from using a grown up word or calling someone an idiot if they are an idiot.

There are plenty of places you can go if you just want to see members talking about rainbows.

Go visit democratic underground where you get banned permanently if you even slightly disagree with one of their "protected" members.
Did you not vote for and enthusiastically support an overweight president who, while not known for his intellect, is noteworthy for petulant rants, juvenile insults, and generally acting like an angry spoiled teenager?

If so, I would think jpp would be right up your alley.

you proved my point from the OP
Since joining in January, I am disappointed by the majority of the posters here who appear to be juvenile partisan sheep who are unable to discuss issues without ignorant insults and juvenile rants.

Where are the adults?

That is exactly my impression of you. And this thread is an example.
Since joining in January, I am disappointed by the majority of the posters here who appear to be juvenile partisan sheep who are unable to discuss issues without ignorant insults and juvenile rants.

Where are the adults?

  • 01-21-2021, 10:54 AM
    [h=2]Thread: Why I doubt the election results[/h]by redfish


    you are a sick excuse for a human being. full...[/h]
    you are a sick excuse for a human being. full of hate and rage, but absolutely zero intelligence. not worth my time to address your stupidity.​

This was your 5th post after joining the board, physician, heal thy self.
This was your 5th post after joining the board, physician, heal thy self.

To be fair, he was responding to this guy who constantly posts like this, but you never seem to call him out.

fuck you. asshole liars like you need to get your face rubbed in your stupid shit lies, boy. get used to it, punk.

I agree with redfish.