Are there any adults on JPP?

Are there any adults on JPP?


Since joining in January, I am disappointed by the majority of the posters here who appear to be juvenile partisan sheep who are unable to discuss issues without ignorant insults and juvenile rants.

Where are the adults?

Post this in Off Topic. This isn't General Politics, nor is it a Current Event.
Primavera. Why don't you just stick to defending Piers Morgan and telling everyone how great Brexit turned out!?!


I see that I've touched a raw nerve there!

As for Piers Morgan he's well able to defend himself. He called MM a liar, which is nothing but the truth, and walked out of the Good Morning show rather than apologise to her. Too many suck-ups in the world, that's why cancel culture is so prevalent.
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Ask your friends, the Russians.

There will be something new born after the EU crumbles. Many countries like Sweden, Denmark, Finland and Holland relied on the plucky Brits to stand up to the big bullies France and Germany. They miss us enormously and can see a new organisation rising like a phoenix from the ashes.

The UK now has trade deals with over 60 countries including Japan, South Korea, Australia, New Zealand, Brazil, Canada, South Africa, India, Kenya, Singapore, Mexico, Vietnam, Norway, Iceland and is expected to sign up for the CPTPP this year and maybe even the US as well.
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Is this like your 'prediction' Trump would win a second term?


They should erect a Covid statue outside the Democratic HQ in Washington, as that undoubtedly won the election for them.

In other news, Trump is trying to persuade Herschel Walker to run as the senator for Georgia. If that happens you can kiss goodbye to the Senate.
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