Are there any adults on JPP?

show me any post from a trump voter/fox viewer which is sane enough to reply to in a normal way.

Bingo. I feel exactly the same way.

If they want to have a rational discussion on a topic, the best way to do that is not start the topic on a lie or bullshit. But they can’t seem to get over that hurdle.
you proved my point from the OP

So, to be clear (and judging by your butthurt replies and groans), you did vote for Trump?'re complaining about childish behavior?

Since joining in January, I am disappointed by the majority of the posters here who appear to be juvenile partisan sheep who are unable to discuss issues without ignorant insults and juvenile rants.

Where are the adults?

I am here!
Well, if Truth Detector can't I can. You posted this one:

I posted this response demolishing your multiple lies in that:

Did I make your day? :awesome:
okay, look at the second chart you used - it shows the largest total goes to individuals, unemployment, etc, which are all directly connected to the virus, right? but let us forget that, and move on to what that chart says is second- at 425 billion, for corporations, also AFFECTED BY COVID....right? but let us forget that and move to what is third, new loans for small corporations ALSO AFFECTED BY COVIS, RIGHT? but let us forger that and move on to direct payments for covid vaccine, distribution- a total of 274 billion for that directly, but then move on down to public services, 179.5 billion, and almost all those funds are USED TO TREAT AND RESPOND TO THE VIRUS, so it can be added directly to the 274 billion shown as covid direct, for a total of 453.5 billion, making it the second largest total.

you have not proven I lied at all. actually, looking at all 3 of your charts, you could make the same dubious claim you lied, at least twice, because all 3 vary in what they say the bill funds and in what amount. and all 3 can't be right, correct?
okay, look at the second chart you used - it shows the largest total goes to individuals, unemployment, etc, which are all directly connected to the virus, right? but let us forget that, and move on to what that chart says is second- at 425 billion, for corporations, also AFFECTED BY COVID....right? but let us forget that and move to what is third, new loans for small corporations ALSO AFFECTED BY COVIS, RIGHT? but let us forger that and move on to direct payments for covid vaccine, distribution- a total of 274 billion for that directly, but then move on down to public services, 179.5 billion, and almost all those funds are USED TO TREAT AND RESPOND TO THE VIRUS, so it can be added directly to the 274 billion shown as covid direct, for a total of 453.5 billion, making it the second largest total.

you have not proven I lied at all. actually, looking at all 3 of your charts, you could make the same dubious claim you lied, at least twice, because all 3 vary in what they say the bill funds and in what amount. and all 3 can't be right, correct?

You failed 6th grade math didn't you? Do you have a calculator? Do you know what the buttons are for?

Math quiz:

What's 260 + 43.7?

Which is bigger 260 + 43.7 or 425?

Let's start with that...
Well, if Truth Detector can't I can. You posted this one:

I posted this response demolishing your multiple lies in that:

Did I make your day? :awesome:

okay, look at the second chart you used - it shows the largest total goes to individuals, unemployment, etc, which are all directly connected to the virus, right? but let us forget that, and move on to what that chart says is second- at 425 billion, for corporations, also AFFECTED BY COVID....right? but let us forget that and move to what is third, new loans for small corporations ALSO AFFECTED BY COVIS, RIGHT? but let us forger that and move on to direct payments for covid vaccine, distribution- a total of 274 billion for that directly, but then move on down to public services, 179.5 billion, and almost all those funds are USED TO TREAT AND RESPOND TO THE VIRUS, so it can be added directly to the 274 billion shown as covid direct, for a total of 453.5 billion, making it the second largest total.

you have not proven I lied at all. actually, looking at all 3 of your charts, you could make the same dubious claim you lied, at least twice, because all 3 vary in what they say the bill funds and in what amount. and all 3 can't be right, correct?