Some examples, por favor?
How does saying what you believe turn into imposing? It is being correct that brings responsibility on listeners to accept the statements. But that act of stating facts and backed opinions is not imposing,.
Some examples, por favor?
Concart is pushing authoritarianism....he's not the first Democrat to do so.
Civil Rights are not evil
Feeding the poor, taking care of the sick, and widowed is not evil
Protecting the Environment is not evil
Diplomacy is not evil
DACA is not evil
Equality for All is not evil.
How does saying what you believe turn into imposing? It is being correct that brings responsibility on listeners to accept the statements. But that act of stating facts and backed opinions is not imposing,.
Your OP is pushing authoritarianism.Do you want a warm bottle and a safe space? Lol. I never knew you could whine with the best of them. Thanks for spreading my position around liberally. I’m not a Democrat. Nor am I pushing authoritarianism. But hide under your bed and lock up the guns.
Your OP is pushing authoritarianism.
Bullshit. Stop whining.
You always make me smile.Protections for workers is not evil.
Equal pay for equal work is not evil.
Desiring good, affordable education for all citizens is not evil.
Health care for all our citizens is not evil.
Managing and then ending the pandemic is not evil.
Addressing social and wealth inequality is not evil.
And if it is, then I'm proud to be thought of as evil too.
As for Gardner, I have to laugh at anyone who declares himself a "moderate," then in the next breath claims that an entire political party and those who support their policies are "evil." Gardner is a moderate the same way I'm a submarine captain.
Division, hatred, bigotry, narcissism, nepotism, being a selfish, petty, self-serving asshole.
I started a thread on Trump's EPIC Flounce from the White House and he exceeded my expectations with his attack on the Capitol.
Agreed DACA isn't evil. The reason the Democrats haven't solved the illegal immigration problem is the same reason the Republicans haven't solved it: too much money being made by a system which amounts to indentured servitude. A modern form of slavery.
Right, African Americans are just as far behind today as pre civil rights, despite a massive decrease in racism & increase in rights.
Zuckerberg is censorship scumbag I don't think he deserves his salary.
I don't remember Trump attacking the capital.
Are you sure you were awake when you witnessed this?
Got a link?
I don't remember Trump attacking the capital.
Are you sure you were awake when you witnessed this?
Got a link?
Trump gave a speech telling the rioters to attack the capitol. Did you hear that? Trump repeatedly talked about the stolen election. There was no stolen election. He told his peeps that the election was stolen from them. How does that make sense? Trump tweeted to his followers over and over sturring them up with lies. He had several speakers enforce the lies. He said they should go to the capitol and he would go with them. This mess was a plot by Trumpy to overthrow the government.
Sure. Sorry to hear you are so old'n'clueless. I'm 65 and retired but can see why others aren't as fortunate as myself. Let me help you.
Once again, you are posting lies that you either create or parrot.
The problem with a poll like this is there are Deplorables on this forum who claim to not be Trump fans, but nonetheless will eagerly vote for him and spend countless hours running cover for him on obscure message boards.I have to ask, are there any Conservatives/Republicans that do not consider themselves tied to Trump but believe the GOP needs to remain free to be who they were and should not be controlled by Donald Trump?
There is a poll and I would ask that only Conservatives/Republicans vote in it, the rest can voice their opinion but let the right have their voice in the poll, Thanks.
Not a Republican and relatively moderate. By your standards I'm a Conservative, but that's not really true. I know dyed in the wool Conservatives and Tea Party types and they are cringe worthy in many cases. I can tolerate them, but just.
On the other hand, I absolutely despise the Left and everything it stands for. The Left in my view is evil. Not that those on the Left are some sort of devils incarnate, most are reasonably nice people. But the ideas they have on politics and social issues end up producing evil. That's a provable historical fact.
I see Trump as a manifestation of the hard turn to the Left the Democrat party has made. There is a big chunk of the middle and independents like me that wouldn't vote for a Democrat simply on the basis of their party now being run by Leftists. Trump became a symbol of the more Conservative wing of the Republican party but he got support well into the center of the political spectrum because the alternative was to put it in simple terms, pure shit.
Now, if you're a Leftist you won't have a clue how that worked. For the rest-of-us, it was we wanted no part of your massive expansion of government, Socialism, hand outs, coddling of the stupid and lazy, and any number of other idiocies the Left was pushing. Given no alternative, Trump was it. The Republicans having run McCain and Romney previously only added to that as both are really just Democrat-lite.
If the GOP wants Trump to go away, they need to find somebody that has a pair that will stand up to the Left and tell them to go to hell like Trump has. Sure, Trump is a coarse, bloviating, troll but he speaks to a big chunk of America in a way they can filter the nonsense out and recognize he's in their corner. What the GOP needs is Trump's policies and message without the vitriol and grating arrogance of Trump delivering it.
Helping people is good. Banning things from people for their own good is dictatorial. It's one thing to ban smoking in public places, it's another thing to ban smoking, drugs or suicide because "the Federal State" disagrees with it.
The Republicans have become RW Democrats with their attempts to impose religious morality on the nation. It's one of the reasons why I'm no longer a Republican.
This doesn't absolve the Democrats from their efforts to impose their own views on all Americans.