No doubt you truly believe the picture was faked and that nothing happened at the Capitol on January 6th. That's okay. I know many of our septuagenarians on this forum have mental issues.
Your insults reflect much about you and nothing about me.
On 1/6, there were about 30,000 in attendance. Damages to the Capitol were about three broken windows and one scratched door. Not a really extensive list, is it.
I was very interested by the wildly different depictions of the police and their actions on 1/6 compared to the depictions of the police and their actions in the riots of the summer of 2020.
The police were doing exactly the same things during the summer of 2020 and on 1/6, but the propagandists described them completely differently.
Propagandists spend much time and effort to deceive the weak minded. Don't be deceived.
One of the people charged on 1/6 was acquitted because he showed that the police INVITED him to enter the Capitol. Makes a thinking person wonder how many others were invited.
His defense was pretty simple. If nobody restricted his access, how was he to know that the area he entered was restricted.
Locally here in Indianapolis, one of the first convictions rendered against the 1/6 folks was against a grandma who was convicted of "parading".
How many mad dog, 1/6 "paraders" were tried and convicted? How many of them were tried and convicted for purely political reasons? Most of them.