Are there any more Conservatives who can discuss reality?

I am finally getting bored with debating people who have made up their own facts, or parrot right wing lies and no discussion based on reality.

Are there any left?
They discuss reality as they think that they're seeing it.
Here, we must refer to science, however.

The high-efficiency trumpanzees, the cream of their genetic pool, have brains the size of a walnut.
The more typical trumpanzee has a brain measuring .177" in diameter, roughly the size of a BB.

If we were to get past that acrylic nest on his head and open Trump's brain,
I'm pretty sure that we'd discover that the pigfucking orangutan has the BB brain common
to most of his supporters.

Any normal human trying to engage these mutants in serious discourse of any kind
will understand the true meaning of futility in very short order.
It's a fool's errand to make the attempt.
So what is the point of being here?
I have been on many different political websites.

What I realized is that no matter how many people are on a forum, people tend to say the same things. So, you might have 20 people say the same thing versus one or two saying it here. I do not find volume to be valuable.

Second, liberals (my politics) tend to be the biggest assholes when you do not agree 100% with what they write. I find that boring.
I have been on many different political websites.

What I realized is that no matter how many people are on a forum, people tend to say the same things. So, you might have 20 people say the same thing versus one or two saying it here. I do not find volume to be valuable.

Second, liberals (my politics) tend to be the biggest assholes when you do not agree 100% with what they write. I find that boring.
But political discussion is dead if one party simply plays with a huge game of lies.
So what is the point of being here?
The ONLY reason to be here is boredom and the lack of a better way to use the time.

I won't lie. I suspect that it's pretty obvious that I'm here for that reason.
I'm quite old and very limited in terms of what productive things I can do.

I know that it's hard to admit that we've reached this state, but reality is a bitch,
whether we choose to face it or not.
What folks see when they click on this thread:

A self-congratulatory circle jerk thread for leftists, they all get to gather here and tell each other how smart they are because they don't agree with those "extreme" people (half the nation about) who vote differently than they do.

It's like watching a group of parrots just repeating what the latest leftist email says, (received earlier today) "Those extreme righties want to force you to die in childbirth and vote for orange-painted felons!" (Orange IS the new black...)
What folks see when they click on this thread:

A self-congratulatory circle jerk thread for leftists, they all get to gather here and tell each other how smart they are because they don't agree with those "extreme" people (half the nation about) who vote differently than they do.
There are many extremely obnoxious right wingers who do nothing but write insults (or post pictures). Not your fault, just fact.
There are many extremely obnoxious right wingers who do nothing but write insults (or post pictures). Not your fault, just fact.
There are many extremely obnoxious left-wingers who do nothing but write insults (or post pictures). Not your fault, just fact.

Seriously. You don't notice them because you agree with the memes.... You scroll right past, don't say a word.... But you notice those that you are told are "false", though what they are is simply different opinions of things built on a foundation of the same facts you have but they are seen from a different angle.