Are there any more Conservatives who can discuss reality?

Not true for me. I have some liberals on ignore because they always write insults. So, I put people on ignore because they always write insults.
When we moved to the new digs I took everyone off ignore and tried things that way. It was like a week before I had most of them on ignore again. Mostly it's the overuse of memes and childish insults but it's also because some are literally batshit and make my poor brain weep when reading their dreck.
When we moved to the new digs I took everyone off ignore and tried things that way. It was like a week before I had most of them on ignore again. Mostly it's the overuse of memes and childish insults but it's also because some are literally batshit and make my poor brain weep when reading their dreck.
Well said!
I have been on many different political websites.

What I realized is that no matter how many people are on a forum, people tend to say the same things. So, you might have 20 people say the same thing versus one or two saying it here. I do not find volume to be valuable.

Second, liberals (my politics) tend to be the biggest assholes when you do not agree 100% with what they write. I find that boring.
Careful there, Ms. Hume. I recall a couple of times where I, a member of your liberal tribe, contradicted you, you got mad, and put me on ignore.

We're none of us perfect. :)
What folks see when they click on this thread:

A self-congratulatory circle jerk thread for leftists, they all get to gather here and tell each other how smart they are because they don't agree with those "extreme" people (half the nation about) who vote differently than they do.

It's like watching a group of parrots just repeating what the latest leftist email says, (received earlier today) "Those extreme righties want to force you to die in childbirth and vote for orange-painted felons!" (Orange IS the new black...)
You know, my dear, that you can change the word "leftist" to "right wing" and be just as accurate. lol
You know, my dear, that you can change the word "leftist" to "right wing" and be just as accurate. lol
Um.... did you see what I was quoting there? It's possible that I understood that and was making that very point... Can you feel the side-eye glances you are getting at this moment through your computer?
It's funny how even in France, it is the people that vote and not the land.
When you overlay a population map of France, the majority of people live where it isn't brown in your map.
Then why didn't you present that map?

When we moved to the new digs I took everyone off ignore and tried things that way. It was like a week before I had most of them on ignore again. Mostly it's the overuse of memes and childish insults but it's also because some are literally batshit and make my poor brain weep when reading their dreck.
Same here. There are just some members too stupid, too crude, too vile to bother with. I really like how this forum software doesn't show ignored people's posts when quoted by someone. It's also canceled those childish twits who deliberately quoted an ignored person's post just to try to get you to see it.
Same here. There are just some members too stupid, too crude, too vile to bother with. I really like how this forum software doesn't show ignored people's posts when quoted by someone. It's also canceled those childish twits who deliberately quoted an ignored person's post just to try to get you to see it.
It even hides discussions the ignored start. It's almost like being back on Amazon.