You might change your tune,when a black youth punches you in the face playing the slam game.
what ever happened to you as an individual that was completely wrong does not determine the entire world
how can you blame all black people for what one guy did to you?
a girl once tried to fight me when I was in middle school
I did not walk away hating all brunettes
because that would not be logical huh
it would be Phobic to then fear all brunette girls my age huh.
especially when I went to brush my teeth in the morning and looked at the mirror and saw a brunette girl my age.
the way you saw that group of knott heads who harmed you was what ?
black guys harming me because I'm a white guy.
not a group of guys who talked each other into a stupid act.
if they had been a group of white kids who did it you would have seen it differently huh
A group of guys who harmed you because they outnumbered you and picked you at random for their game huh.
but in fact you don't know all the aspects of why these guys picked on a person who was vulnerable at that moment
look beyond your phobia
stop spreading the blame with that incident
it was ONLY those five or so guys to blame for their stupid
not all black people
MLK is who the VAST majority black Americans feel best represents their desires for this countrys direction
they are not lying when they buy his books and books about him
they are not lying when they honor him in many public ways
throw your fear in the fire
that was the effect of hundreds of years of fading hate on your brain
trust the black community to be who they have been telling you they are all your life
they march with Martin Luther King
they will march beside you and nit in front of you
the dream is real
who can truly do this
we can be the DREAM.
throw your fears in the fire