Are there any non-racist blacks in these forums?

You might change your tune,when a black youth punches you in the face playing the slam game.


what ever happened to you as an individual that was completely wrong does not determine the entire world

how can you blame all black people for what one guy did to you?

a girl once tried to fight me when I was in middle school

I did not walk away hating all brunettes

because that would not be logical huh

it would be Phobic to then fear all brunette girls my age huh.

especially when I went to brush my teeth in the morning and looked at the mirror and saw a brunette girl my age.

the way you saw that group of knott heads who harmed you was what ?

black guys harming me because I'm a white guy.

not a group of guys who talked each other into a stupid act.

if they had been a group of white kids who did it you would have seen it differently huh

A group of guys who harmed you because they outnumbered you and picked you at random for their game huh.

but in fact you don't know all the aspects of why these guys picked on a person who was vulnerable at that moment

look beyond your phobia

stop spreading the blame with that incident

it was ONLY those five or so guys to blame for their stupid

not all black people

MLK is who the VAST majority black Americans feel best represents their desires for this countrys direction

they are not lying when they buy his books and books about him

they are not lying when they honor him in many public ways

throw your fear in the fire

that was the effect of hundreds of years of fading hate on your brain

trust the black community to be who they have been telling you they are all your life

they march with Martin Luther King

they will march beside you and nit in front of you

the dream is real

who can truly do this


we can be the DREAM.

throw your fears in the fire

Definition of racism
: a belief that race is the primary determinant of human traits and capacities and that racial differences produce an inherent superiority of a particular race
a : a doctrine or political program based on the assumption of racism and designed to execute its principles
b : a political or social system founded on racism

hating racists and racism is not racism folks
now tell us WHO the right wing of this issue hold high with honor

should I go get some who the OTHER SIDE love.

Trump sure seems to be one

should we compare the two speakers and their wishes for the future of race relations
did you even listen to Martin Luther King on the link provided ?

in that clip who are the people hes talking about who gathered together that day with him?

can you figure it out?

listen to the Man who all black Americans LOVE along with many of all other colors like me who hear his words and KNOW his ideas are the path that will save us all.

how can you NOT be affected

how can you NOT know what black Americans want for this nation and YOU.


yet you slander every one of their leader who still walk the earth

yet you slander every one of his believers of the dream

Including me

just join in full on mason

throw your fears into the fire

that was the effect of hundreds of years of fading hate on your brain

trust the black community to be who they have been telling you they are all your life

they march with Martin Luther King

they will march beside you and nit in front of you

the dream is real

who can truly do this


we can be the DREAM.

throw your fears in the fire

watch the video
together is the only way we can all walk forward

we don't want to leave you behind

unless you force us to leave you behind so we can walk forward
hating racists and racism is not racism folks

"Hate" is always a problem and accomplishes nothing. Another problem is when some use the "racism" claim for anything they oppose; for example, claiming blacks can't be racist, labeling most whites as racist, applying the term "race" to nationality or ethnic group which are not races, embracing terms such as "white privilege," and other ideological leanings.

We cannot bring people together and reduce prejudice and discrimination by attacking and blaming an entire race for the problem. It comes from a place of anger and aggression rather than true concern for fellow humans. Working in a constructive manner to actually improve the situation would not satisfy the need of some to express hatred toward those we blame for those problems. It is simplistic and prejudiced to demonize any group.
"Hate" is always a problem and accomplishes nothing. Another problem is when some use the "racism" claim for anything they oppose; for example, claiming blacks can't be racist, labeling most whites as racist, applying the term "race" to nationality or ethnic group which are not races, embracing terms such as "white privilege," and other ideological leanings.

We cannot bring people together and reduce prejudice and discrimination by attacking and blaming an entire race for the problem. It comes from a place of anger and aggression rather than true concern for fellow humans. Working in a constructive manner to actually improve the situation would not satisfy the need of some to express hatred toward those we blame for those problems. It is simplistic and prejudiced to demonize any group.

that is because you identify with the phrase white racist

I'm white and I know its not me they are talking about

can you say consciousness of guilt
that is because you identify with the phrase white racist

I'm white and I know its not me they are talking about

can you say consciousness of guilt

I identify with the concept that all hate is wrong. Since you seem to think hatred is acceptable that does mean it is you they are talking about. If you think you are not racist you are the one who is not conscious of guilt. To think you are one of the "few" whites who is not racist shows a naive lack of awareness.

We can oppose prejudice and discrimination which I have fought for since the early 1960s but hate accomplishes nothing and only makes people defensive. You fail to recognize that your hatred is as evil as the hatred of others. Blacks can do fine without paternalistic whites who yell about white privilege to show blacks they are "brothers."

You need to live by your own words: "together is the only way we can all walk forward"
I'm an American

so I worry about my home first

the white on black racism is way to large for being this long after slavery ended.

its harming EVERY AMERICAN

how do the VAST majority of black ancestry Americans feel bout it

well there is a good way to tell

whos ideas do the black Americans in our history honor the most

without a doubt it is Martin Luther King

Have you READ his WORKS

watched him speak by the miracle of technology?

now it is February maybe we should do a little tutorial of MLKs bass ass works.

Ill go get some so you can stop worrying about what black Americans want to subject you once whites are not the dominant race.

remember how I say some people are like saints

MLK was one of those

But you're a drug addicted psychotic racist; so anything you say, needs to be ignored.

listen to the Man who all black Americans LOVE along with many of all other colors like me who hear his words and KNOW his ideas are the path that will save us all.

how can you NOT be affected

how can you NOT know what black Americans want for this nation and YOU.


yet you slander every one of their leader who still walk the earth

yet you slander every one of his believers of the dream

Including me

just join in full on mason

throw your fears into the fire

that was the effect of hundreds of years of fading hate on your brain

trust the black community to be who they have been telling you they are all your life

they march with Martin Luther King

they will march beside you and nit in front of you

the dream is real

who can truly do this


we can be the DREAM.

throw your fears in the fire

But you're such a racist, that you would spit in his face and then try to accuse him of being a drug dealer.
