Are there any non-racist blacks in these forums?

You might change your tune,when a black youth punches you in the face playing the slam game.

That's a violent crime, not necessarily related to racism. If the accused later states that he did it because the victim was white, *then* it's also a hate crime.
I identify with the concept that all hate is wrong. Since you seem to think hatred is acceptable that does mean it is you they are talking about. If you think you are not racist you are the one who is not conscious of guilt. To think you are one of the "few" whites who is not racist shows a naive lack of awareness.

We can oppose prejudice and discrimination which I have fought for since the early 1960s but hate accomplishes nothing and only makes people defensive. You fail to recognize that your hatred is as evil as the hatred of others. Blacks can do fine without paternalistic whites who yell about white privilege to show blacks they are "brothers."

You need to live by your own words: "together is the only way we can all walk forward"

bite a dead mules cock asshole

I stwand with my black American siblings because they are mire my siv=blings than fucking racist are


you make apologies for them

Black Americans have and will tell me what they need not you racist apologist

you are trying to admonish me for LISTENING to black Americans and what they need and want

For agreeing with them on the "spot on" points they make about our society

I agree with them


you apologise for racism

I hate racists

fuck you if you think that is wrong

No amount of your slithering around to defend them will make me fell all sorry for the dumb fucks



you apologize for evil

fuck you very much
Do you always drop your panties for strangers, on Friday.

You really should seek a prescription for that rash you have on your ass. :good4u:

none stranger than you for sure

heres a social note for you

it was not a sexual invitation

it was an insult well deserved

there is a jail cell in your future if you don't know that
But you're such a racist, that you would spit in his face and then try to accuse him of being a drug dealer.


I treated him just like the white drug dealer in my hood before this incident

I'm an equal opportunity drug dealer harasser

deal on my street and I'm screaming at you in the street so all the neighbors know you deal drugs and will be moving soon

its never failed me yet

try to spit n my face and I will hock up a good one for you and return it even if you are twice my size and male

your color would not matter

that is equal opportunity
you make apologies for them

Black Americans have and will tell me what they need not you racist apologist

you are trying to admonish me for LISTENING to black Americans and what they need and want

For agreeing with them on the "spot on" points they make about our society

you apologise for racism

You are not reading carefully. I made no apology for racism but you apologize for haters.

You must not be listening to your "black siblings" very carefully because they say all whites are racist while you pretend they are making an exception for you.

I do not admonish you for listening to blacks but for thinking they need you to do so--like you are making it better by agreeing. Blacks don't need white liberal guilt to be successful.

Once posters began insults and obscene language we know they have nothing substantive left to say. Also, you have preconceived notions of everyone as having a set of opinions that if one opinion disagrees with you they must think everything opposite from you.

Being against hatred is NOT the same thing as defending racism (for which you cannot quote a single thing I said to support your claim).

I'm sorry you are so full of anger and hatred.
You are not reading carefully. I made no apology for racism but you apologize for haters.

You must not be listening to your "black siblings" very carefully because they say all whites are racist while you pretend they are making an exception for you.

I do not admonish you for listening to blacks but for thinking they need you to do so--like you are making it better by agreeing.

Once posters began insults and obscene language we know they have nothing substantive left to say. Also, you

that is a lie


eat shit

I will say whatever words I want to say to shame the likes of you

fucking racist liar
bite a dead mules cock asshole

I stwand with my black American siblings because they are mire my siv=blings than fucking racist are


you make apologies for them

Black Americans have and will tell me what they need not you racist apologist

you are trying to admonish me for LISTENING to black Americans and what they need and want

For agreeing with them on the "spot on" points they make about our society

I agree with them


you apologise for racism

I hate racists

fuck you if you think that is wrong

No amount of your slithering around to defend them will make me fell all sorry for the dumb fucks



you apologize for evil

fuck you very much

That must mean you hate yourself; because you're a racist.
none stranger than you for sure

heres a social note for you

it was not a sexual invitation

it was an insult well deserved

there is a jail cell in your future if you don't know that

You're so full of shit, that you should use TP to wipe your mouth. :D
I treated him just like the white drug dealer in my hood before this incident

I'm an equal opportunity drug dealer harasser

deal on my street and I'm screaming at you in the street so all the neighbors know you deal drugs and will be moving soon

its never failed me yet

try to spit n my face and I will hock up a good one for you and return it even if you are twice my size and male

your color would not matter

that is equal opportunity

You're just a racist, through and through.

So sad.
I identify with the concept that all hate is wrong. Since you seem to think hatred is acceptable that does mean it is you they are talking about. If you think you are not racist you are the one who is not conscious of guilt. To think you are one of the "few" whites who is not racist shows a naive lack of awareness.

We can oppose prejudice and discrimination which I have fought for since the early 1960s but hate accomplishes nothing and only makes people defensive. You fail to recognize that your hatred is as evil as the hatred of others. Blacks can do fine without paternalistic whites who yell about white privilege to show blacks they are "brothers."

You need to live by your own words: "together is the only way we can all walk forward"

by doing what

telling people that anyone whos black and speaks out against racism hates all white people for being racists

and that any white people that see their VERY believable points about racism are actually hated by black Americans too

you are a stormfront asshole who is trying to play rational to smear black Americans as all haters

just shove your phoney act up your fat stupid ass

your shit got spotted right away dickbreath
by doing what

telling people that anyone whos black and speaks out against racism hates all white people for being racists

and that any white people that see their VERY believable points about racism are actually hated by black Americans too

you are a stormfront asshole who is trying to play rational to smear black Americans as all haters

just shove your phoney act up your fat stupid ass

your shit got spotted right away dickbreath

I was working on Barbara Jordan's campaign for the state senate, serving as president of a local Young Democrats to work for LBJ's election, and supporting the 1964 Civil Rights Act.

I wasn't spewing hatred toward others with insults and racist language. Again, your reading comprehension is poor or your imagination is huge. Show me one smear against blacks. I only call people racist who make ignorant, bigoted generalizations about anyone based on race--white, black, or Asian.

Some people do not experience the typical teen rebellion and that anger shows itself later through political expression; especially in college social science courses.
Another thread that makes a false premise because it says all or none. Why do you people insist on doing that:? Were you sleeping during writing classes? Didn't you take any? How about logic anjhs math? Do they elude you too?
bite a dead mules cock asshole

I stwand with my black American siblings because they are mire my siv=blings than fucking racist are


you make apologies for them

Black Americans have and will tell me what they need not you racist apologist

you are trying to admonish me for LISTENING to black Americans and what they need and want

For agreeing with them on the "spot on" points they make about our society

I agree with them


you apologise for racism

I hate racists

fuck you if you think that is wrong

No amount of your slithering around to defend them will make me fell all sorry for the dumb fucks



you apologize for evil

fuck you very much

Wait, you're WHITE??? Then you're a racist fuck!!! Fuck you, you racist fuck!!! :321: