Are we actually "vaccinated?

Once again, the dictionary is our friend.

"the ability of an organism to resist a particular infection or toxin by the action of specific antibodies or sensitized white blood cells."

That is what immunity is. That is EXACTLY what the vaccines provide. Truth Detector is a neanderthal caveman who communicates through a series of clicks and grunts. Just ignore him.

Dictionaries do not define any word. False authority fallacy.
Vaccines don't "reduce the chance. They ILLIMINATE the chance of contracting the disease. What part of ERADICATE are you struggling with?
No vaccine prevents infection. I will call this argument 1.
Try to be less of an uneducated dumbass. [/size]
Good luck telling him that!
10 Diseases Eradicated Through Vaccination
...deleted Holy Link...
You have already used this false authority and made this circular argument fallacy. Spamming.
I R O N Y!!
Projection is the process of displacing one’s feelings onto a different person, animal, or object. The term is most commonly used to describe defensive projection—attributing one’s own unacceptable urges to another. For example, if someone continuously bullies and ridicules a peer about his insecurities, the bully might be projecting his own struggle with self-esteem onto the other person.
Fallacy fallacy. There is no inversion fallacy going on here at the moment with Lefty.
It doesn't fight anything you illiterate moron. You still get infected. You still can pass the infection along. You've been gaslighted for two years and desperately want to remain a low IQ, dumb ignoramus on steroids.

I will call this argument 2. You are now locked in paradox. Arguing both sides of a paradox is irrational. You're going to have to choose one or the other argument and utterly reject the other. That's the only way to clear a paradox.
They started this narrative by saying the "vaccine" would prevent illness.
No. They started this narrative by saying the 'vaccine' would prevent infection. The created paradox V by mandating the 'vaccine'.
It has now MORPHED to "won't severe illness." Be less of a moron if that is even remotely possible.

This is actually what a vaccine does. If infection occurs again, symptoms are reduced or even eliminated. The body can eradicate the virus more effectively without severe symptoms.
This is not what the Covid vaccine is doing. Apparently, it's just a placebo or has such mild effects that it can't be determined. People who get infected with Covid19 after vaccination still suffer all the symptoms of an unvaccinated person getting infected.
All of their arguments fail completely based on already established standards.
Void argument fallacy. Void reference. There are no 'established standards' involved here.
We have drunk driving laws even though 99% of drunks make it home alive.
False equivalence fallacy.
Don't Tread On Me pal. I'll drink what I want and drive when I want.
Don't Tread On Me, pal. I fully support DUI laws. You main and kill people doing that.
So angry and unhinged that you cannot even spell. :rofl2:
Psychoquackery. Semantics fallacy. Trolling.
Anyway, none of the vaccines are 100% effective. Anyone with a basic biology course would know that. Apparently you didn't graduate 5th grade.
Semantics fallacy. Compositional error fallacy. Belittlement fallacy. Denial of microbiology. Trolling.
Of course people still have the chance to be infected and transmit the virus. Nobody denies that.
You did. You are now locked in paradox. Which is it, dude?
Again, explain to me why they are trying to gaslight us.
The narrative was started by Fox News, dumbass.
No. It was started by the Democrats. Denial of history.
The flu shot is a vaccine by definition.
Circular definition. Fundamentalism.
It has always been called a vaccine.
What it's called is not a proof. Circular argument fallacy (fundamentalism).
It acts as a vaccine.
Compositional error fallacy.
It is similar to the Covid vaccine in that it loses it's efficacy over time.
Denial of microbiology. Denial of human anatomy. Immunity is for life, dude.

"a substance used to stimulate the production of antibodies
Not what a vaccine does.
The definition clearly defines the Covid vaccine and the influenza vaccine.
False equivalence fallacy. Compositional error fallacy. There is no 'influenza' vaccine. There are thousands of variants in the influenza series. Influenza is a virus series, not a virus. Covid 'vaccines' seem ineffective. They are not a vaccine, but a placebo. The only way to gain immunity to covid19 is to be infected by it.
The definition says nothing about the immunity has to last forever.
Denial of microbiology. Denial of human anatomy. Immunity lasts for life.
The immunity could be short lived and still meet the definition.
Immunity lasts for life.
Under your definition the tetanus vaccine is not a vaccine since it loses its efficacy over time and requires a booster.
No, it does not. Once vaccinated, or if you contracted tetanus and recovered, you are immune for life.
...deleted Holy Link...
False authority fallacy. A government agency is not a proof.
Under your definition the chicken pox vaccine is not a vaccine since it allows people to get the disease but it is milder.
His definition is currently locked in paradox.
The chicken pox vaccine is a vaccine.
Semantics fallacy. Trolling. No argument presented.

I am curious as to what argument you think your post presents since you claim my post has no argument. It seems you didn't think that one through before you posted. But then that seems to be the problem with most of your posts. They have not thought or reasoning behind them.
I am curious as to what argument you think your post presents since you claim my post has no argument. It seems you didn't think that one through before you posted. But then that seems to be the problem with most of your posts. They have not thought or reasoning behind them.

Semantics fallacy. Trolling. Spamming. No argument presented.
The point >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>YOU. :rolleyes:

Your point is pretty clear. Your claim is that those "covid shots" do not do anything to prevent the virus. And your another claim that they have been gaslighting us, which you have not explained the reason why they would do that to us as of yet.
None of these viruses have been eradicated. They all still exist. So do the viruses causing them.
A Holy Link is not a proof.

The point >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>YOU.

These vaccines have eliminated those diseases where the vaccines are used. No one said it eradicated it from the planet. Just in those nations that put them to use.
Your point is pretty clear. Your claim is that those "covid shots" do not do anything to prevent the virus.

That is correct. Do you have any data or evidence to contradict that?

And your another claim that they have been gaslighting us, which you have not explained the reason why they would do that to us as of yet.

It is clear in the beginning premise. First they claimed that if we SHUT down businesses and stayed home for a month, we could flatten the curve and get back to normal. When that didn't work, they told us that if we all got vaccinated, it would prevent the SPREAD of the virus. When that didn't work they declared we needed to get boosted. When that didn't work they said that the shots would "REDUCE" the chance of severe illness. When that didn't stop it, it became a campaign to impugn the unvaccinated and shame them into doing something they didn't want to do.

That is the definition of gaslighting dumb fuck.
That is correct. Do you have any data or evidence to contradict that?

Again, we know that it does not prevent the transmission. So there is nothing to contradict that.

It is clear in the beginning premise. First they claimed that if we SHUT down businesses and stayed home for a month, we could flatten the curve and get back to normal. When that didn't work, they told us that if we all got vaccinated, it would prevent the SPREAD of the virus. When that didn't work they declared we needed to get boosted. When that didn't work they said that the shots would "REDUCE" the chance of severe illness. When that didn't stop it, it became a campaign to impugn the unvaccinated and shame them into doing something they didn't want to do.

That is the definition of gaslighting dumb fuck.

One more time, what is the reason for them gaslighting us? If they know that the covid shots don't work, what is the purpose of lying to us about that?
The point >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>YOU.

These vaccines have eliminated those diseases where the vaccines are used.

Special pleading fallacy. Goalpost fallacy.
There we 30 cases tetanus in the SOA just this last year. Five peopled in the SOA died of rabies. There were 28 polio infections around the world, none in the SOA. I personally know of one fellow (a good friend of mine) that contracted polio from the polio vaccination. He lost the use of both legs and uses crutches everywhere now. He doesn't bother with wheelchairs. There were 142 cases of mumps in the SOA. There were 2 cases of monkeypox (a variant of the orthovirus series, which includes smallpox) in the SOA. There were no cases of the smallpox variant anywhere in the world. That variant only exists in labs now. (All figures 2021 figures of known infections. Sources: CDC, WHO). There are an unknown number of covid19 infections in the SOA, and it seems to affect relatively few people. This exceptionally mild virus is nothing like the real devastating ones experienced in history. Like all other variants of the Covid/SARS series, none of them kill. It is theoretically possible to develop a vaccine for a variant though. At this time the available Covid 'vaccines' seem to be little more than placebos.

No one said it eradicated it from the planet.
You did. Do you wish to retract that?
Just in those nations that put them to use.
Goalpost fallacy. You can clear this by specifying your boundaries of consideration and keeping them consistent.