Are we actually "vaccinated?

How could you take the vaccine since you have argued that it doesn't exist? Are you delusional, poopiehead?

Where did I argue it doesn't exist you brain dead hack? I stated that the Covid shot is NOT a vaccine as it doesn't PREVENT anything. Try to be less of a low IQ dumbass, assuming that's remotely possible. :palm:
Definition of vaccine:

"a substance used to stimulate the production of antibodies and provide immunity against one or several diseases, prepared from the causative agent of a disease, its products, or a synthetic substitute, treated to act as an antigen without inducing the disease."

Is it a substance? Yes.
Does it stimulate the production of antibodies. Yes
does it provide immunity against one or several diseases? Yes. The definition of immunity is "the ability of an organism to resist a particular infection or toxin by the action of specific antibodies or sensitized white blood cells." That is exactly what the vaccine does. It provides the immune system with the ability to resist Covid.
Is it prepared from the causative agent of a disease, it's products OR a synthetic substitute, treated to act as an antigen without inducing the disease? Yes. It uses a synthetic susbstitute.

Therefore it is a vaccine. Next?

KEY WORDS: and provide immunity against one or several diseases. Thanks for PROVING my argument. :palm:
Oops you slipped up.


The flu shot is called a shot because it is given with a needle and a syringe. But the fact that it is called a shot doesn't prove it isn't a vaccine. In fact the term vaccine has always been used to classify the flu shot.

NOT a vaccine by it's definition dumbass. :palm:

Definition of vaccine:

"a substance used to stimulate the production of antibodies and provide immunity against one or several diseases, prepared from the causative agent of a disease, its products, or a synthetic substitute, treated to act as an antigen without inducing the disease."
Mockery. Denial of logic. Trolling. Spamming. No argument presented.

I am curious as to what argument you think your post presents since you claim my post has no argument. It seems you didn't think that one through before you posted. But then that seems to be the problem with most of your posts. They have not thought or reasoning behind them.
Where did I argue it doesn't exist you brain dead hack? I stated that the Covid shot is NOT a vaccine as it doesn't PREVENT anything. Try to be less of a low IQ dumbass, assuming that's remotely possible. :palm:
So, you are only arguing that something that is NOT a vaccine is actually a vaccine? Is that your current position, Poopiehead?

How can something be a vaccine and NOT be a vaccine at the same time? It's like if you are a poopiehead and not a poopiehead at the exact same time but we all know that you never not a poopiehead.
Link? Are you a liar or just really, really, stupid? They are not treatments. They are vaccines. You've already demonstrated that you don't understand any of these concepts, so why don't you spend some time getting educated so you don't come here and look like a complete fucking moron, a lunatic, and drunk sexual deviant. Why not try that?


Yes it does provide immunity.

How is that possible when people WITH the shots and BOOSTERS still get the disease you low IQ dumbass? It prevents NOTHING.

I would ask you to try to not be a low IQ moron. But that is like asking you to be intelligent and stop trolling.