Into the Night
Verified User
Puh-leeze! You deny your years of being a die hard Oather, Threeper, deny your former MinuteMan Icon, deny your history of veiled threats, deny your staunch right wing wonk support of any and all things Bush & Trump (save the Shrub's stance on the border situation). You deny taking a powder right after Jan. 6th, deny throwing your former ideological compadres under the bus, deny changing your icon and description (what the hell does that T-shirt say anyway?). You're just a liar, as anyone who's been on this site for more than 2 years will testify to.
You're no "rebel", just an armchair MAGA troll. Within just a few months upon your return, you're right back to your bluff and bluster self. Only this time, you're having a hissy fit over the FACT that your heroes are going to jail. No one here did that, my friend. The FBI and local cops Intelligence are doing their jobs (for once)...protecting the country from enemies foreign & domestic. Question is, why are you so upset about insurrectionist going to jail? YOU weren't at DC on Jan. 6th, and beyond lip service, you don't even show up on the radar of the FBI or DHS. So spare us all your intellectually impotent and dishonest clap trap. Didn't fly when you were an Oather, won't fly now.
MAGA isn't a person. False dichotomy fallacy.