are we all enemy combatants now?

This is the topic I am asking you to debate.

Stop side tracking, if you can.

nice try, you're the one sidetracking with lies about my stance and comments on the OP. you can't even be honest admit you lied and were wrong.

first off, the slippery slope argument is difficult to argue as it is speculative. secondly, this is a troubling matter. are you suggesting the matter is not troubling?
it is true i expressed no concern? LMAO. my first post expressed concern. then you claimed i did not address the OP, that is also false. is i haven't addressed it in two months. wtf? my stance is unchanged.

your MO has been to lie and insult. you haven't debated a single thing since came back to the thread. why even bother if all you're going to do is lie and whine? either come up with something you want to debate or stfu troll.

no surprise dune runs away from my question.
nice try, you're the one sidetracking with lies about my stance and comments on the OP. you can't even be honest admit you lied and were wrong.

first off, the slippery slope argument is difficult to argue as it is speculative. secondly, this is a troubling matter. are you suggesting the matter is not troubling?

No. I am deeply troubled, hence my desire for your opinion. While I don't approve of your tactics, I do repesct your knowledge.

Can we put aside the personal B.S. and discuss the legal aspects of this situation?
No. I am deeply troubled, hence my desire for your opinion. While I don't approve of your tactics, I do repesct your knowledge.

Can we put aside the personal B.S. and discuss the legal aspects of this situation?

despite the weak changes to the law, i believe, was the udall amendment, obama still signed the law. i don't know when the law becomes active, but unfortunately, with his signature, obama ensured the law will become active.

as to the legality of the law... at this point only an amendment by congress or decision by scotus ruling on its constitutionality can change its legal status. imo, this case is ripe for judicial review without having an actual injury yet. i disagree with the ACLU on many issues, however, i would hope they or someone like them, would petition directly to scotus for 1. an injunction; 2. a ruling the constitutionality of the law.

the law is vague as to the exact powers, but it strongly appears that we all could potentially be enemy combatants. i'm sure the executive branch would use different terminology, however, in essence that is what one would be if arrested and detained under the provisions of this law.
Is it not clear to everyone that this is unconstitutional?
Is there a chance the Supremes would approve of this?
What is the likelyhood of a reveiw without injury? It seems unlikely to me.

This seems to be a signpost on the road to totalitarianism.

Thankyou for responding.
i believe it is unconstitutional, then again, our president constitutional law professor signed the bill and only said he has concerns about it and that his admin would not pursue citizens under the bill. i would hope scotus would rule the provisions of the bill unconstitutional, assuming severability.

imo, the issue is ripe because there is a true threat of harm to american citizens and the harm to the government is far outweighed by the harm to the citizens should they be subjected to indefinite detention. the only wiggle room i see is obama's statement that his admin would not pursue citizens under this law, thus his admin's lawyers would argue the harm is not concrete enough to warrant judicial review. however, i believe or hope, the court would consider the harm to citizens as outweighing obama's statements that his admin won't pursue citizens under that law, as such a statement is specious and does not bind future admins.
If it is never going to be used then there is no point in having it.

the fact it is on the books, so to speak, is deeply troubling. i don't trust an admin to simply say they won't use it, because the reality is, they can. if obama does not, then some future admin can. the reality is now the only way to ensure it will never be used is to have scotus rule on it or repeal/amend the law or portions thereof.
Washington Republicans want to repeal NDAA

By The Stranger February 3, 2012

Reps. Jason Overstreet, Matt Shea, Vincent Buys, Cary Condotta and David Taylor, all Republicans, have introduced HB 2759, or the Washington State Preservation of Liberty Act. With the bill, the lawmakers aim to tackle the NDAA provisions that make American citizens on par with al-Qaeda terrorists in terms of making anyone in the US eligible for stay at the Guantanamo Bay military prison.
NDAA Nullification Passes Virginia Senate by a Veto-Proof 39-1 Vote

Posted by Michael Boldin

Today, the Virginia Senate took a firm stand in support of liberty, the Constitution for the United States, and the Constitution of Virginia by voting in favor of House Bill 1160 (HB1160), the “NDAA Nullification Act.”

The final vote was 39-1.

After a motion to recommit (delay until next year) went down to the wire before being rejected yesterday (report here), groups across the political spectrum activated in support of the legislation, which codifies in law that no agency of the Commonwealth of Virginia – including defense forces and national guard troops, will comply with or assist the federal government in any way under it’s newly claimed powers to arrest and detain without due process.
This roused a question for me. Why the Federal government lawmakers passed the NDAA in large proportion? The Act is obvious violation to the Constitution that the media even dare not to discuss it.

Several days after 911, there was an anthrax attack targetted on Senators that forced the passing through of Patriot Act. In October 2002, there was a Washington DC sniper spree which intimidate the lawmakers to pass the bill of Armed force Authorization in Iraq. (for war on Iraq). It's ten years since then. Our congress and Senato now has been trained to tamed sheeples under the whips of Pentagon and FBI?
funny, that you still can't frickin remember i'm LIBERTARIAN YOU STUPID IGNORANT MORON!!!!!!!!!!

and that I also opposed the patriot act, it's extension that obama signed, AND the new NDAA that allows indefinite detention of American Citizens at Obamas specific request.

Are you still a libertarian who supports the tea party that voted all republican?
The Constitution really is just toilet paper to them

New information about the FBI’s work with other federal agencies and state and local officials is included in the 906-page rule book authored during the Trump administration and revised under President Biden. The bureau published the updated Domestic Investigations and Operations Guide online after rejecting requests to make it public.

The FBI revealed how the bureau uses the CIA and National Security Agency to probe the private lives of Americans without a warrant in its updated rulebook, which is the first version made public since the Obama administration.*

The handbook, rewritten in 2021, confirms a decade-old leak showcasing the bureau’s collaboration with the CIA and NSA for FBI probes that may involve surveillance without court orders against people not accused of any crimes. Such probes are known as “assessments” at the FBI.

for all those who are seriously impaired with a lack of intelligence, notice i've included TRUMP in this shit as well........

any of you still supporting elected officials aligned with democrats or republicans, you are supporting those violating the Constitution and YOUR rights.

The war on terror was invented by the Feds. The purpose is to demand more money and power from people. So when the intelligence and Pentagon are there, the terror will be there too. If there is none, they create one.

Human have hound in their house to protect their family against the wolf. As the hound getting more power, they don't want to be guards any more. They want to be master. So the hound trained some wolf they captured. Let these agent wolf to attack and kill human. Human is frightened. They give hound whatever they demanded -money, power ..... Now hound become master. When they need something, they let the agent wolf have an attack on human, then said, this is a long war, to protect your lives, I need warrantless surveillance, more budget fund, torture prison.... . The hound repeated its demand, "This enemy has struck us, and they will strike again, and we'll give our folks the tools necessary to protect the country," if you don't then the hound "can not protect ourselves".

That's why we saw after 10 years, occasionally a wolf or two were captured. But hundreds of thousands of innocent people died. There is an endless war to control people. A constant blackmail for more power.

S. 1867, the National Defense Authorization Act bill, which will be on the Senate floor on Monday

The bill was drafted in secret by Sens. Carl Levin (D-Mich.) and John McCain (R-Ariz.) and passed in a closed-door committee meeting, without even a single hearing.

The Senate will be voting on a bill that will direct American military resources not at an enemy shooting at our military in a war zone, but at American citizens and other civilians far from any battlefield — even people in the United States itself.

In support of this harmful bill, Sen. Lindsey Graham (R-S.C.) explained that the bill will “basically say in law for the first time that the homeland is part of the battlefield” and people can be imprisoned without charge or trial “American citizen or not.” Another supporter, Sen. Kelly Ayotte (R-N.H.) also declared that the bill is needed because “America is part of the battlefield.”

"If you've ever actually read the US Constitution and still believe that only the government can tell you what it means, you are a failed American."

Noticed this line in your signature. What mythical "you've(s)" do you imagine these are? I've never heard or read anyone contend this.
"If you've ever actually read the US Constitution and still believe that only the government can tell you what it means, you are a failed American."

Noticed this line in your signature. What mythical "you've(s)" do you imagine these are? I've never heard or read anyone contend this.

you've never seen anyone on here talk about they will take the advice of the 'experts' (read as judges) over a civilians opinion on what the Constitution means?