1960s Chick Magnet
If we are an accurate and valid sampling of the citizenry of The United States of America,
then kindly explain why keeping the republic intact is a good idea.
We're not in a good place. That couldn't be more obvious.
With one extremely disturbing exception, what modest amount of foreign travel that I've done has all been recreational.
I was never seriously scouting a potential relocation site.
In fact, I very rarely rent a car when I'm on holiday because I don't expect to spend a lot of time not under the influence of delicious adult beverages.
So it's down to this.
Maybe there are better places to be, OR
maybe there is no good place to be.
But what we know for sure, if we're mentally functional,
is that we're not in a good place now.
Not if we're indeed a microcosm of America here on this forum.
We really fucking hate each other here.
Many are reluctant to admit that.
I have no such reluctance.
I wouldn't be able to hide my contempt for trumpanzees if I took acting lessons from Lee Strasberg.
We can't just go anywhere that we want.
There are immigration laws.
The places that the more intelligent among would want to go the most
are the least likely to accept us.
Their good citizens have paid serious taxes to pay for all those good benefits for which we'd be inclined to want to go there.
They can't be expected to welcome America freeloaders.
So if we're stuck here, shouldn't we make "here" as good as we can make it?
We clearly don't all want the same things.
Our little microcosm over here makes that pretty fucking obvious every single day.
Why not split and build new nations where people have the opportunity to live among like minded people
who want to strive for similar things?
These are my thoughts for a Sunday night before making myself a midnight snack to go with the wine that
i have to drink to wash down my meds. Did I mention that I'm 74?
then kindly explain why keeping the republic intact is a good idea.
We're not in a good place. That couldn't be more obvious.
With one extremely disturbing exception, what modest amount of foreign travel that I've done has all been recreational.
I was never seriously scouting a potential relocation site.
In fact, I very rarely rent a car when I'm on holiday because I don't expect to spend a lot of time not under the influence of delicious adult beverages.
So it's down to this.
Maybe there are better places to be, OR
maybe there is no good place to be.
But what we know for sure, if we're mentally functional,
is that we're not in a good place now.
Not if we're indeed a microcosm of America here on this forum.
We really fucking hate each other here.
Many are reluctant to admit that.
I have no such reluctance.
I wouldn't be able to hide my contempt for trumpanzees if I took acting lessons from Lee Strasberg.
We can't just go anywhere that we want.
There are immigration laws.
The places that the more intelligent among would want to go the most
are the least likely to accept us.
Their good citizens have paid serious taxes to pay for all those good benefits for which we'd be inclined to want to go there.
They can't be expected to welcome America freeloaders.
So if we're stuck here, shouldn't we make "here" as good as we can make it?
We clearly don't all want the same things.
Our little microcosm over here makes that pretty fucking obvious every single day.
Why not split and build new nations where people have the opportunity to live among like minded people
who want to strive for similar things?
These are my thoughts for a Sunday night before making myself a midnight snack to go with the wine that
i have to drink to wash down my meds. Did I mention that I'm 74?