Are we JPP contributors a microcosm of America?

All politicians are criminals, they all need to go.

This is a dumb statement. While politicians can be dishonest liars, you cannot govern without them. :palm:

NiftyNiblick is right, we need to split up into 3 or 4 different countries.

Nifty has NEVER been right about anything. He doesn't have the IQ, the education or the brains to be right. Splitting up this country is one of the dumbest statements I have ever seen.

I'm staying on the left coast with all the drought and wildfires.

Awesome! I chose to leave the left coast for the Free Republic of Florida. No state taxes. Housing is cheaper, gas is cheaper and we have a Governor who believes in liberty and the Constitution. Unlike the Fascistic leftist nutbags running California. :palm:
It occurs to me that if we partition the nation and divide the national treasury according to our contributions to it,
Red State America would be desperately looking for a paddle.

Those Texas oil moguls would then wish that they had payed their fair share of taxes.

My guess is that you will always sound like a clueless know-nothing with a severe case of stupid. ;)
I'm fairly sure that drooling, babbling cretins like Yakuda are not representative of RWers as a whole. In fact, most of us here are not representative of citizens as a whole. The majority of Americans don't care about politics except in election years. They certainly don't see sinister implications in every single thing said or done by whoever happens to be POTUS at the time.

I am sure owl fuck face here is the exact same cunt as all the leftist cunts on this site. You're all subhuman pieces of shit
Red states are number one in obesity, illiteracy, and welfare.

The result of Liberal Democratic policies:



Thank God there are not many guys like me out there.

We need fewer dumbasses like you for sure. :thumbsup:

So tell me dumbass, what am I like? Let's have that debate. My guess is that after proving what a fucking mental case you are, you'll start drooling, flailing and crying as usual.

Yes, I think this forum is a good sample of America.

I think the forum right wingers openly express ugly racists views the GOP in public would not do.
It occurs to me that if we partition the nation and divide the national treasury according to our contributions to it,
Red State America would be desperately looking for a paddle.

Those Texas oil moguls would then wish that they had payed their fair share of taxes.

Not much to divide--the national treasury is $28.3 trillion in the hole.

You would be paying those oil moguls big bucks for gasoline and natural gas.
If we are an accurate and valid sampling of the citizenry of The United States of America,
then kindly explain why keeping the republic intact is a good idea.

I think we are generally much older than the median age and more politically extreme.

And many of us seem to be really angry and hostile--I think we enjoy it.
Here is what should happen, an EO should be written that if a person thinks a man has a vagina or if they think getting a vaccine that doesn't actually stop you from getting the virus which it was made to prevent then you from getting is a good idea or if they think LeBron James is a victim of "systemic" racism then they should be out in a mental institution. Until we get these retards off the streets and stop the infection we can't get anywhere.

Just what we need--totalitarianism.