Are we JPP contributors a microcosm of America?

My kid is going to college right now (locally) and has no end of fun being the rock in the middle of the stream in his more Leftist professor's classes. I've already told him I'll happily front the money to sue the shit out of them for not being fair in grading. So far (two years in) that's been sufficient to keep them in line. But there's still hope one of the more radical ones will jack his grade and I'll get to legally ass rape them in court...

I feel sorry for your kid. You're a fucking jerkoff.
I feel sorry for your kid. You're a fucking jerkoff.

I feel sorry for you being a narrow minded bigot... Or, not.

He's taking a world history course from the Renaissance to about 1900 right now. I have given him devastating counterpoints to the prof's views. It's getting interesting. This might be the one.
I feel sorry for you being a narrow minded bigot... Or, not.

He's taking a world history course from the Renaissance to about 1900 right now. I have given him devastating counterpoints to the prof's views. It's getting interesting. This might be the one.

You are a stupid person and know no history. You're an ignorant ideologue.
You are a stupid person and know no history. You're an ignorant ideologue.

They send your SS checks. There are about a million Expats in Mexico getting paid. Others all over the world.

expats didn't secede from the US......if there had been medicare and SS in the 1860s there would never have been a civil form another country you have to create your own social security, you don't get ours......
expats didn't secede from the US......if there had been medicare and SS in the 1860s there would never have been a civil form another country you have to create your own social security, you don't get ours......

A person seceding? How is that possible?
The Civil war was about money which was predicated on very cheap labor ,slaves. Wars are about money.
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