Are we realy held ransom?

Sure we have, hard to believe that this one was a sole effort, surely everyday numerous similarly attempts are made, but it has to be like stopping water from running down hill, always seems to find a way

For years we've had private companies produce prevention software, but that's just a temporary fix. You never hear about the lengendary Cray computers used by the NSA being hacked or held for ransom. Hell, they along with the CIA worked YEARS to screw up Iran's nuke program via computer. All I'm saying is they should put that knowledge in the hands of all crucial national infrastructure. Hell, they should have been doing that since 9-11!
if its a foreign bank hiding the deposits of criminals I not only suggest it, I demand it.....

I'm curious, then, would you feel the same way if a foreign country demanded the names of people who hacked in to their countries national assets, then absconded money out of US banks with the same reasoning and excuses?
For years we've had private companies produce prevention software, but that's just a temporary fix. You never hear about the lengendary Cray computers used by the NSA being hacked or held for ransom. Hell, they along with the CIA worked YEARS to screw up Iran's nuke program via computer. All I'm saying is they should put that knowledge in the hands of all crucial national infrastructure. Hell, they should have been doing that since 9-11!

are you naive enough to believe that the government would admit publically that this happened
I'm curious, then, would you feel the same way if a foreign country demanded the names of people who hacked in to their countries national assets, then absconded money out of US banks with the same reasoning and excuses?
no.....I would feel that the banks should be shut down and all members of the board should be jailed for participating in a criminal activity.......then we should take the bank's assets and repay the ransom money and keep the rest ourselves.......why do you not want criminals apprehended?......
no.....I would feel that the banks should be shut down and all members of the board should be jailed for participating in a criminal activity.......then we should take the bank's assets and repay the ransom money and keep the rest ourselves.......why do you not want criminals apprehended?......

so, in your world, foreign countries and their banks are not victims of criminal activity????? or that the US would never say no to foreign countries demands of criminals names?
Quote Originally Posted by Taichiliberal View Post
But I'm not dealing in your foreign scenario. I'm dealing with domestic issues. With regards to the recent gasoline pipeline incident, I think the OP has merit.

???? think the $5m paid to the Russian hackers was deposited in a domestic bank?......

Again, an AMERICAN company was hit with ransom software. My premise is that if they had similar defense software like the Pentagon or the NSA, it wouldn't have happened. Your scenario cannot be possible, as banks all over the world are used by foreign markets...remember when the old HFC mortgage bankers were nailed for laundering drug cartel money? Or back in the day when Chase and others were dealing in blood diamonds? And it was an American company that helped cook the books for Greece to enter the EU, with disastrous results. My point is that you can't throw stones if you live in a glass house. Then there's all that "sovereign nation" stuff....which is why the famous (infamous?) Swiss bank account still exists today. Just saying.
so, in your world, foreign countries and their banks are not victims of criminal activity????? or that the US would never say no to foreign countries demands of criminals names?

please get your head out of your ass........hackers demand a ransom be wired could easily be traced to its recipient unless it is paid through a bank which refuses to cooperate with those who would bring the blackmailers to justice........the person who hides the identity of that blackmailer are also criminals and should be punished.......and yes, I would say the US would never refuse to help track down criminals.....if they would do so I would insist they be treated the same.....
Again, an AMERICAN company was hit with ransom software. My premise is that if they had similar defense software like the Pentagon or the NSA, it wouldn't have happened. Your scenario cannot be possible, as banks all over the world are used by foreign markets...remember when the old HFC mortgage bankers were nailed for laundering drug cartel money? Or back in the day when Chase and others were dealing in blood diamonds? And it was an American company that helped cook the books for Greece to enter the EU, with disastrous results. My point is that you can't throw stones if you live in a glass house. Then there's all that "sovereign nation" stuff....which is why the famous (infamous?) Swiss bank account still exists today. Just saying.

my scenario is certainly possible......any bank that knowingly engages in criminal activity by shielding the identity of blackmailers should be isolated by the financial authorities in EVERY intelligent nation and forced into closure.... perhaps you don't think things through when you write them.......does anything obvious come to mind when you type "HFC mortgage bankers were nailed"........
please get your head out of your ass........hackers demand a ransom be wired could easily be traced to its recipient unless it is paid through a bank which refuses to cooperate with those who would bring the blackmailers to justice........the person who hides the identity of that blackmailer are also criminals and should be punished.......and yes, I would say the US would never refuse to help track down criminals.....if they would do so I would insist they be treated the same.....

we'll see..........I believe you'll be too much of a nationalist to actually agree when it happens...... must have me confused with lib'ruls.......they are the ones who don't want to see real criminals brought to justice........

can you give me an example of US banks shielding blackmailer's identities?........

nationalism runs too rampant among the US system of government to allow that sort of information to become public, so if it has happened, nobody outside that system would know about it