Are we realy held ransom?

Quote Originally Posted by Taichiliberal View Post
Again, an AMERICAN company was hit with ransom software. My premise is that if they had similar defense software like the Pentagon or the NSA, it wouldn't have happened. Your scenario cannot be possible, as banks all over the world are used by foreign markets...remember when the old HFC mortgage bankers were nailed for laundering drug cartel money? Or back in the day when Chase and others were dealing in blood diamonds? And it was an American company that helped cook the books for Greece to enter the EU, with disastrous results. My point is that you can't throw stones if you live in a glass house. Then there's all that "sovereign nation" stuff....which is why the famous (infamous?) Swiss bank account still exists today. Just saying.

my scenario is certainly possible......any bank that knowingly engages in criminal activity by shielding the identity of blackmailers should be isolated by the financial authorities in EVERY intelligent nation and forced into closure.... perhaps you don't think things through when you write them.......does anything obvious come to mind when you type "HFC mortgage bankers were nailed"........

Ahh, but obviously you don't remember that NO ONE in HFC management went to jail...and HFC merely changed it name, shuffled some management and is functioniong under another name.

While a slew of lower level managment went to jail during the Savings & Loan scandal under the Shrub....none of upper management or CEO's did hard time.

My point is that your previous scenario isn't possible without literally shutting down the American banking system as it stands due to internal corruption...."too big to fail" and all that. The best we can hope for at this stage is gov't sanctions until all guilty are purged.

So next time just knock off the attempts to're just not that clever or educated on the subjects you bray about.
My point is that your previous scenario isn't possible without literally shutting down the American banking system as it stands due to internal corruption.

you are flailing.......forcing the closure of some bank in Tanginkastan because it won't tell us where they transferred the $5M ransom paid to hackers isn't going to have any impact on the American banking system.......why should a bank that protects criminals be allowed to do business with our country?......
As I recall the sanctions against Iran included a ban on financial transfers to that country......that's why Obama had to sneak an airplane full of $100 bills on pallets in the middle of the night when he wanted to finance their terrorist activities.........
As I recall the sanctions against Iran included a ban on financial transfers to that country......that's why Obama had to sneak an airplane full of $100 bills on pallets in the middle of the night when he wanted to finance their terrorist activities.........

Documentation please.
you are flailing.......forcing the closure of some bank in Tanginkastan because it won't tell us where they transferred the $5M ransom paid to hackers isn't going to have any impact on the American banking system.......why should a bank that protects criminals be allowed to do business with our country?......

you're creating a scenario with no roots in reality...typical.