Are you a Christian 'White" Nationalist?

Aussie dingo-fuckers always type in all caps when they are lying. :rofl2:

Okay, Weiner dog boy, please provide evidence you are correct.

Dear Doc Crotch,

It is quite late here in the "Land of Oz", and I am very tired, so I am about to tuck up in my cozy bed with my widdle Sausage dog and drift off into the "arms of Morpheus" :)

This being the case, I cannot, unfortunately provide the objective evidence you request until Wednesday (because I am entertaining a female friend on Tuesday night).:yay::yay:

But fear not my good Doctor, I will supply comprehensive evidence for you shortly, to prove my case.

Good Night!


Dachshund - the WONDER HOUND
Of course you are. Why else would you stay up late at night to play American?

DINGO FUCKER (!)...OUTBACK TRASH (!)," such vile, hateful barbs !! And I thought you understood that...

"...hatred was just a failure of imagination." (Graham Greene, "The Power and the Glory," 1939)

Obviously you haven't read that novel, Doctor Crotch. Because It very difficult (impossible) to properly appreciate that famous quotation (above) you stumbled upon (somewhere) without having carefully read the entire text.

Dachshund - the WONDER HOUND

DLM....Dachshund Lives Matter !!
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Is it your belief that the White European's who founded America created a 'Christian' nation.

They founded a European version of Christianity? Or the Middle Eastern foundation that was Christianity?

America wasn't found as an atheistic nation but id love to see your work if you think it was.

"Our Constitution was made for a moral and religious people. It is wholly inadequate to the government if any other". John Adams.
America wasn't found as an atheistic nation but id love to see your work if you think it was.

"Our Constitution was made for a moral and religious people. It is wholly inadequate to the government if any other". John Adams.

1) It was not founded as a religious or atheistic nation. It was founded partly on the belief that the Government should not take a position on that issue.

2) One can be moral and atheist.

3) One can be religious and immoral.
No, do not subscribe to any particular religion and Im very far from being a nationalist.

Christians did found this nation, but with the ideology that Americans would be free to make their own choices about religion and personal freedom. I do believe I am much closer aligned with the original Middle Eastern Christianity than the European Catholic Christianity.

What about you?

I am not of the majority religion, and you already knew that.
Is it your belief that the White European's who founded America created a 'Christian' nation.

They founded a European version of Christianity? Or the Middle Eastern foundation that was Christianity?

Should it be illegal to be white?

Yo skin be yo sin...
White Nationalism, Christian Nationalism, Christian Identity, White Supremacy are all pretty much the same.

Trumpism includes them all.

Even the ones who aren't professed Xtians throw in with those who believe God ordained the US to be a Christian nation and if they had their way, all other religious faiths would be either banned outright or given lower status.

That's one of the shiny objects Trump is dangling before them to increase voter turnout amongst the rubes....

If you had a button that you could push that will kill all the white devils you hate so bitterly, every man, woman, and child with white skin - would you have a beer before pushing it, to savor the moment?
Nothing has changed... good old-fashioned Christianity is still good old-fashioned Christianity... the only thing that has changed or that they are more dropouts than ever...
What do you believe in when you reject a belief in God that you had growing up?

Well, personally I took on eastern philosophies, however I do not necessarily believe in "a creator"... back in the day when I was wrestling with the reality that, though I was young, I simply didn't believe in the religion that my mother insisted was true and that I had to attend 3 times a week I came up with a pantheistic view... "All things that think are part of what makes up what folks call 'God'." (This was before I found and read Heinlein, don't blame him, it was what my 9 year old brain came up with). Later I wondered if it even mattered at all. Once I held the belief that we were all reborn until we lived life from every perspective (we have infinite time, we live every lifetime, not just one over and over)...

Now I am what I call an apatheist. I don't believe it matters, the question of "god or not" will not change what happens to you whatsoever. If your God can "harden Pharaoh's heart" so that he could not decide other than the way this God wanted him to so that God could torture Egyptians for no other reason than to cause them pain, then this same God has already either chosen to "soften" or "harden" my heart and chose for me... apparently he chose to "harden" my heart when I was quite young.
Not! White Europeans invaded America destroyed the Native American culture and installed the present
Corporate Capitalist system.

And all the Indians lived in peace and prosperity - with everyone sharing the abundance of the land.... And butterfly's shit out flowers and frogs burped up lobster.

1) It was not founded as a religious or atheistic nation. It was founded partly on the belief that the Government should not take a position on that issue.

2) One can be moral and atheist.

3) One can be religious and immoral.

1. The govt is not to establish a religion which is not the same as taking a position on religion. You people can't think

2. Maybe but it's not for atheistic reasons if they are.

3. That's true but has nothing to do with this is a nation built on Judeo christian principles
1. The govt is not to establish a religion which is not the same as taking a position on religion. You people can't think

2. Maybe but it's not for atheistic reasons if they are.

3. That's true but has nothing to do with this is a nation built on Judeo christian principles

Taking a position on religion is respecting the establishment on it.
If you had a button that you could push that will kill all the white devils you hate so bitterly, every man, woman, and child with white skin - would you have a beer before pushing it, to savor the moment?

Not sure.

I might wait until afterward.

But the button wouldn't just be for white ultra right-wing assholes.

It would take care of gangstas, thugs and ignorant, small-minded assholes of all races, creeds and colors.

Spared would be all the reasonable people of those same categories.

But honestly, if I had my druthers, rather than killing anyone, it would instead make all those idiots see and understand how wrong they've been and change their attitudes and behaviors.

Then I'd celebrate with the beer. :thup:
Taking a position on religion is respecting the establishment on it.

No it's not. That's leftist bullshit that you retards have peddled for so long that people thinks it's true. Your whole argument is based on something not even found in the fucking constitution....separation of church and state. You mongrels were smart to getting into education so you could make generations of Americans as ignorant as you.