I am not talking about descriptions- I am taking about the pictures of Jesus in most bibles!
I would have thought that if you touched - much less opened - a Bible you would burst into flames?
I am not talking about descriptions- I am taking about the pictures of Jesus in most bibles!
They don't appear to be familiar with the New Testament.
They have spent decades hollering about posting the ten commandments in schools, post offices, congress.
But not once have I heard them say post the Sermon on the Mount from Matthew or the Sermon on the Plain from Luke.
Do you think everyone is stupid?
Those are your direct quotes.
1) It was not founded as a religious or atheistic nation. It was founded partly on the belief that the Government should not take a position on that issue.
2) One can be moral and atheist.
3) One can be religious and immoral.
Well, personally I took on eastern philosophies, however I do not necessarily believe in "a creator"... back in the day when I was wrestling with the reality that, though I was young, I simply didn't believe in the religion that my mother insisted was true and that I had to attend 3 times a week I came up with a pantheistic view... "All things that think are part of what makes up what folks call 'God'." (This was before I found and read Heinlein, don't blame him, it was what my 9 year old brain came up with). Later I wondered if it even mattered at all. Once I held the belief that we were all reborn until we lived life from every perspective (we have infinite time, we live every lifetime, not just one over and over)...
Now I am what I call an apatheist. I don't believe it matters, the question of "god or not" will not change what happens to you whatsoever. If your God can "harden Pharaoh's heart" so that he could not decide other than the way this God wanted him to so that God could torture Egyptians for no other reason than to cause them pain, then this same God has already either chosen to "soften" or "harden" my heart and chose for me... apparently he chose to "harden" my heart when I was quite young.
1. The govt is not to establish a religion which is not the same as taking a position on religion. You people can't think
2. Maybe but it's not for atheistic reasons if they are.
3. That's true but has nothing to do with this is a nation built on Judeo christian principles
1. Yes, it is. The minute a government puts one religious faith above others, they have in effect, established that religious faith as the official state religion and it will eventually begin to affect and direct future decisions more and more until the government becomes an arm of the church. You people don't understand English as well as you think you do..
2. There is no reason for morality to have anything to do with atheism or belief in God. It's about individual conscience. Nothing more, nothing less.
3. It wasn't. The people who began this nation may have held Judeo-Christian values themselves, but they were also wise enough to understand that religious principles have no place in government. Furthermore, you need to ask yourself where those Judeo-Christian values and principles they held, came from to begin with. The human race did not suddenly appear complete with a creationist story, a Bible and the ten commandments. Those religious principles came from ideas about morality, formed over centuries in the secular world that existed prior to the establishment of a belief in a God.
Many people on this forum believe that a racist is one who doesn't like other ethnicities.
They are entitled to that view, of course, but I've never, ever agreed.
To me, a racist is a person who behaves badly toward ethnicities he/she doesn't like.
I'm skeptical about the existence of free will,
but if it does exist,
it surely applies only to what we do,
and not to how we feel.
yes. morality is rational.
Not sure.
I might wait until afterward.
But the button wouldn't just be for white ultra right-wing assholes.
It would take care of gangstas, thugs and ignorant, small-minded assholes of all races, creeds and colors.
Spared would be all the reasonable people of those same categories.
But honestly, if I had my druthers, rather than killing anyone, it would instead make all those idiots see and understand how wrong they've been and change their attitudes and behaviors.
Then I'd celebrate with the beer.
you sound fucking retarded.
1. Yes, it is. The minute a government puts one religious faith above others, they have in effect, established that religious faith as the official state religion and it will eventually begin to affect and direct future decisions more and more until the government becomes an arm of the church. You people don't understand English as well as you think you do..
2. There is no reason for morality to have anything to do with atheism or belief in God. It's about individual conscience. Nothing more, nothing less.
3. It wasn't. The people who began this nation may have held Judeo-Christian values themselves, but they were also wise enough to understand that religious principles have no place in government. Furthermore, you need to ask yourself where those Judeo-Christian values and principles they held, came from to begin with. The human race did not suddenly appear complete with a creationist story, a Bible and the ten commandments. Those religious principles came from ideas about morality, formed over centuries in the secular world that existed prior to the establishment of a belief in a God.
Yet, smart enough to figure out the caps key for letters other than "I."
it's not a big achievement.
I don't even bother and im well-beloved by all.
And all the Indians lived in peace and prosperity - with everyone sharing the abundance of the land.... And butterfly's shit out flowers and frogs burped up lobster.
Jarod is in full troll mode again today
Aren't you the pussy that thread bans people?
Aren't you the pussy that loves cock?
For you of the left - it would be anyone with white skin.
democrats have been genocidal racists since they were founded - the first act of democrats was the "Trail of Tears."
The only thing that's changed now is the skin tone of the intended victims - used to be black, but now y'all hate whites. The KKK became the BLM - but it's the same shit.