Are you gay or straight...

Are you Gay or Straight or whatever?

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The clue being.............

Yeah i thought maybe product of environment too so i did some investigating. Turns out kid's parents were married and he had 2 older brothers. Mom was a pediatrician and dad a HS coach....hmm on 2nd thought...

A conflict in interest in the parents career field..and by the way how can one assume a child is gay at the age of 5...they can barely use the toilet much less no what their pee pee is for...;)
A conflict in interest in the parents career field..and by the way how can one assume a child is gay at the age of 5...they can barely use the toilet much less no what their pee pee is for...;)

this is true but there are other interests and activities that point to it. kid is a 5th grader i stand by original assumption ;)
Yeah i thought maybe product of environment too so i did some investigating. Turns out kid's parents were married and he had 2 older brothers. Mom was a pediatrician and dad a HS coach....hmm on 2nd thought...
The Dad sounds like a loser, probably pissed that his wife makes big bucks. A lot of coaches are gay. Maybe he was molesting the kid.
So explain.............

this is true but there are other interests and activities that point to it. kid is a 5th grader i stand by original assumption ;)

What does this 5th grader do that makes you believe he is gay?..and why do you have so much interest in this one child being that you have watched him from Kindergarden thru the 5th grade?...You are starting to worry me tex!;)
What does this 5th grader do that makes you believe he is gay?..and why do you have so much interest in this one child being that you have watched him from Kindergarden thru the 5th grade?...You are starting to worry me tex!;)

haha funny guy. I am in a position where i get all students all the way through school. As for his behaviors...well lets just say his preferences make me think little girl, or at this point a prepubescent one. My point in all this is that with all that i see, and yes this child is not the only one, I no longer believe it's always a choice.

haha funny guy. I am in a position where i get all students all the way through school. As for his behaviors...well lets just say his preferences make me think little girl, or at this point a prepubescent one. My point in all this is that with all that i see, and yes this child is not the only one, I no longer believe it's always a choice.

:shock: you get all littleones to follow you?...Ya better rework this last comment...;)
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Looking at the poll results, either people are lying, or we have 38 times more gays that the average population. That would make this a Gay Board.
I used to think so too until i stood in a kindergarten classroom and saw the gayest person i have ever seen (he was 5). C'mon get past all the "it's a choice" mentality. Sure there are some that choose it but likely because they couldnt get any from the opposite sex, or they are conforming to the nonconformists :pke:

Yeah. I know what you mean. we had a family friend when I was growing up and you could totally tell when he was 4 ot 5 that he was gay.
They should send the kid to the Ted Haggard counselilng center.

I wonder if southern dude actually thinks Ted was cured of his gayness ?